
Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

author:The sea is lonely


Imagine that you are watching a hit drama with villains in the play that make you hate it, but you can't help but look at it a few more times, and the feeling of charm and contradiction intertwined, as if you are caught in an emotional whirlpool. This love-hate villain boss is our protagonist - Hou Tianlai, who is known as the "king of acting". Today, let's walk into the world of this acting boss and uncover the untold stories behind him.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

The Road to Acting: A Metamorphosis from Ordinary to Extraordinary

Hou Tianlai, an actor from Chinese mainland and a national first-class actor, was born in 1958 and is 66 years old this year. He graduated from Jilin Academy of Arts and now works at the Bayi Film Studio of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Hou Tianlai has been widely recognized for his outstanding performance in dramas such as "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" and "Never Let You Go".

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

He excels at portraying a variety of characters, from villains to positive characters. Hou Tianlai has not only made remarkable achievements in his career, but also is loved by the audience as a good man and a loving father. He has been married to his wife for many years, has two daughters, and maintains a reserved and kind character in life. Hou Tianlai's acting skills are superb and artistically experienced, and he is a highly respected figure in the entertainment industry.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Character Exploration: Chen Qingquan's inner world

Speaking of Hou Tianlai's masterpieces, we have to mention the role of Chen Qingquan he played in "In the Name of the People". This role can be described as a milestone in Hou Tianlai's acting career.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Chen Qingquan, an upright and selfless official on the surface, is a morally degraded scum behind the scenes. When Hou Tianlai played this role, he showed his inner world very well.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Especially in the controversial "bed scene", Hou Tianlai showed the character's inner struggles and contradictions just right. Through his delicate performances, he let the audience see Chen Qingquan's struggle and pain between morality and desire. This scene not only impressed the audience with Hou Tianlai's acting skills, but also made the audience think deeply about the inner world of the character.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

In addition to the role of Chen Qingquan, Hou Tianlai has also played the opposite perverted and lascivious characters in many TV series, these characters often have complex inner worlds and distorted moral concepts, they are not only the dark side of society, but also the extreme embodiment of human nature.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

In "Women Are No Longer Silent", Wang Xiansheng played by Hou Tianlai is a typical obscene and perverted image. He used his power to insult women, had a strong sense of revenge, and vividly interpreted the characters in the play as despicable and shameless social scum.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

In other works, such as "Behind the Tenderness" and "The Gentle Lies", Hou Tianlai has played similar roles, showing his unique talent in shaping such characters.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Through his superb performances, Hou Tianlai vividly portrayed the perverted psychology and evil behavior of these characters, so that the audience could deeply feel their evil and terrible. Through subtle facial expressions, body language, and the processing of lines, he brings the character's inner world to life, making the audience feel strong empathy and antipathy for the character.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Although some people don't understand these roles and even ridicule Hou Tianlai, this is also an affirmation of his acting skills. As an actor, Hou Tianlai has the courage to challenge different types of roles, especially these controversial and sensitive roles, which shows his courage and responsibility.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

He used his performance to show the audience that even villains have their meaning and value, and they also need to be taken seriously and deeply understood.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

However, outside the play, Hou Tianlai has a completely different life outlook. He is an affectionate and good husband who has a deep affection for his wife and loves her only one person in his life.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

At the same time, he is also a loving and caring father, who has always accompanied his two daughters in their growth. Although his acting career was very successful, he never neglected to care for his family and take responsibility. He has challenged all kinds of quirky roles on the screen, but in real life he maintains a deep affection for his wife and daughter.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Social Impact: Messengers of positive energy

Hou Tianlai is not only an excellent actor, but also a person with a sense of social responsibility. Through the interpretation of his roles, he conveys his concern and warning about social issues. In "In the Name of the People", the role of Chen Qingquan played by him aroused everyone's attention and thinking about the issue of sexual harassment. He used his performance to let the audience see the seriousness and harm of sexual harassment, and guided everyone to pay attention to this problem and think about how to solve it.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Hou Tianlai uses his actions to practice the responsibility and responsibility of an actor. He uses his performances to influence the hearts of the audience, guiding the audience to pay attention to social issues and think about the value of life. This spread of positive energy not only benefited the audience a lot, but also filled the whole society with hope and strength.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Netizens hotly discussed: Hou Tianlai's acting skills are charming

On the Internet, the discussion about Hou Tianlai has been hot. Netizens have said that Hou Tianlai's acting skills are too powerful! The characters he created are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and are unforgettable.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Some netizens directly ridiculed Hou Tianlai's role in the play, such as: "I don't envy the mandarin ducks, I don't envy the immortals, I envy Mr. Hou every day." This sentence expresses in a humorous way that Hou Tianlai often plays against beautiful actresses in the play.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

In the ridicule, it often contains recognition of Hou Tianlai's acting skills. For example, his ability to play the villain role well and make the audience feel strong resonance and disgust with the character, which in itself is an affirmation of his acting skills.

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?

Some netizens said: "Hou Tianlai is the king of acting in my heart!" Every role he plays is impressive. Some netizens said: "After watching Hou Tianlai's performance, I have a deeper understanding of the word acting." He's really a really good actor! ”

Hou Tianlai: From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", he is obscene and perverted, but he is deeply liked by the audience?


Hou Tianlai has left a strong mark in the entertainment industry with his talent and hard work. Each of his roles is full of vitality and appeal, allowing the audience to feel his love and pursuit of art while enjoying the performance. He uses his performances to convey positive energy and social care, allowing the audience to think about life and value while appreciating art. Hou Tianlai, the king of acting, will continue to forge ahead on the road of acting and bring us more wonderful works and roles.

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