
"The police really have us ordinary people in their hearts!"

author:China Police Network

After the aftershock, the Haidong police made every effort to rescue and help the affected people

"The public security really has us ordinary people in their hearts!"

"The police really have us ordinary people in their hearts!"

"Were you injured in the aftershocks just now? Were the tents damaged? Are there any physical problems?" At about 4 o'clock on December 21, after a 4.1-magnitude aftershock occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, the citizens of Haidong in Qinghai Province and the police force of Jintian Village, Zhongchuan Township, Hui Tu Autonomous County, immediately went to all the tents at the scene to investigate potential safety hazards one by one, calm the emotions of the masses, and tell the masses to pay attention to the safety of fire and electricity. "There was an aftershock in my sleep, and then I heard the police outside the tent shouting for the masses to pay attention to avoid danger, I hurriedly ran out and saw that there were already police officers lighting firewood for everyone to keep warm. Villager Zhang Laohan said.

After the earthquake, the Qinghai public security organs went all out to carry out emergency rescue, traffic support, and order maintenance to ensure the safety of people's lives and property to the greatest extent.

"The police really have us ordinary people in their hearts!"
"The police really have us ordinary people in their hearts!"

"When I heard that the wall of my house was cracked, the police immediately came to the door to set up a tent. The public security really pretends to be our people. "At 14 o'clock on December 19, at Ma Cailimu's home in Minmin Village, Baizhuang Township, Xunhua Salar Autonomous County, Li Jiliang, director of the Baizhuang Police Station of the Xunhua County Public Security Bureau, led the vigilante team to set up tents for the masses. In the streets and alleys, you can see the figures of the people's police, auxiliary police and vigilantes everywhere.

At 16 o'clock on December 20, at the bayonet of Sinopec gas station in Dahejia Qiaotou, Minhe County, the police of the Traffic Police Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Ping'an District, Haidong City were diverting vehicles. "There are rolling stones, get out of the way!" In an instant, several rocks rolled down, and policeman Li Siyu avoided the danger in time under the reminder of his colleagues. At present, tens of thousands of tons of relief materials have been sent to the disaster area through this intersection, and Li Siyu and his comrades-in-arms have been sticking to their posts and guarding the passage of life with their hearts.

"The police really have us ordinary people in their hearts!"

"Fellow, you have these materials to use, and if you have any difficulties, report them to us in time. "At 12 o'clock on December 21, at the mass resettlement site in Jintian Village, Zhongchuan Township, Minhe County, the police of the Police Security Department of the Haidong Municipal Public Security Bureau were distributing daily necessities to the affected people. "These days, the police have been busy setting up tents, delivering food, and calming our feelings, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Uncle Sun, a villager, said movingly.

(Reporter Huang Junjun, correspondent Fei Zhaolin)