
It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy

It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy

On December 21, the marriage news of Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong was exposed, but Lu Han's studio urgently issued a denial. This emotional turmoil made the public full of curiosity and speculation about the marital status of the two. Is it misinformation or truth, and what is the truth behind the marriage?

It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy

In this marriage turmoil, the well-known entertainment reporter Liu Dazhui broke the news in the live broadcast that Guan Xiaotong and Lu Han had received their certificates on the woman's birthday, and the news once detonated the Internet. However, Luhan's studio's urgent refutation of rumors made things confusing. Whether this is a hype or a real emotional crisis has made netizens express their opinions.

It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy

Lu Han decisively clarified through legal means, which caused heated discussions on social platforms. His resolute attitude stabilized the fan camp in one fell swoop, and also won more public recognition. However, whether this turmoil has had an impact on the relationship between the two has become the focus of everyone's concern.

It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy

The complex interests in marriage have also become the focus of public opinion. Liu Dazhui broke the news that Guan Xiaotong and Lu Han had a dispute over the company's equity, which made the relationship between the two no longer simple, and there was an additional layer of complicated business relationship. This also sparked speculation among netizens about the authenticity of the relationship between the two.

It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy

The photo of Guan Xiaotong wearing a wedding ring has sparked heated discussions, and the trip to Japan that the two spent together makes people suspect that the two have already been secretly married. However, Luhan's clarification seems to have put a question mark on this rumor. What the truth of marriage is, perhaps only the parties know.

It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy

In any case, Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong's relationship has always attracted much attention. I look forward to the two being able to go through the ups and downs of their relationship together in the future, and at the same time bring more wonderful works to fans. Regardless of the rumors, may the two of them be happy and have a future full of sweet blessings. [Disclaimer: The pictures in the article are from the Internet, if there is a copyright owner, please contact to delete!]

It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy
It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy
It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy
It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy
It was revealed that he and Guan Xiaotong got married, Lu Han issued an article to refute the rumors, and the woman had worn a wedding ring, causing controversy

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