
'Luhan' became an adjective? Zhou Yiran really 'bumped' into the hot search this time!

author:Colorful little saffron seSCOM


The similarity between Zhou Yiran and Lu Han has sparked heated discussions

Recently, a video of Zhou Yiran's life has sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and some netizens pointed out that Zhou Yiran is quite similar to Lu Han in some angles.

'Luhan' became an adjective? Zhou Yiran really 'bumped' into the hot search this time!

The topic quickly spread on social media, with many netizens starting to compare photos and videos of the two to discuss their similarities. Some netizens commented: "Zhou Yiran and Lu Han are indeed somewhat similar, especially the side face at certain angles,

'Luhan' became an adjective? Zhou Yiran really 'bumped' into the hot search this time!

It's like brothers! However, some netizens believe that although the two are somewhat similar in some moments, on the whole, their styles and temperaments are still very different.

Arguments and reconciliations between fans


As the topic heats up, the controversy between the two fans gradually escalates. Some fans believe that the similarity between Zhou Yiran and Lu Han is over-exaggerated, which is not only unfair to Zhou Yiran, but also has an impact on Lu Han's image.

'Luhan' became an adjective? Zhou Yiran really 'bumped' into the hot search this time!

Some netizens said: "Zhou Yiran just dyed his hair, and he was said to be like Lu Han, which is too far-fetched!" While other fans believe that there are many similar-looking people in the world, and this is not worth making a fuss.

'Luhan' became an adjective? Zhou Yiran really 'bumped' into the hot search this time!

Some netizens humorously commented: "If looking like Lu Han is a crime, then aren't there many people in the world who are going to be arrested?" "After some argument,

'Luhan' became an adjective? Zhou Yiran really 'bumped' into the hot search this time!

The two fans gradually realized that this pointless argument was not beneficial to either side, and began to call for everyone to look at the topic rationally and pay more attention to the artist's work and talent.

Controversial summary


This discussion about the similarity between Zhou Yiran and Lu Han undoubtedly once again shows the amplifying effect of social media on the image of public figures. Whether for or against,

'Luhan' became an adjective? Zhou Yiran really 'bumped' into the hot search this time!

This discussion reflects the current society's attention to celebrity image and fan culture. Some netizens humorously concluded: "It seems that in the future, stars will not only have good acting skills, but also learn how to be 'invisible' on social media, which is really full of skills!" ”

'Luhan' became an adjective? Zhou Yiran really 'bumped' into the hot search this time!

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