
Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things

Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things

Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things

In the past two years, due to the sudden rise of new energy, mixed with oil prices, the general environment and other reasons, the new car market has begun a tide of stampede price reductions.

The strong price defense of joint venture vehicles has been broken, and even small cars with relatively low prices have not been spared.

Of course, if you do need a fuel truck to travel, now is also a good time to start, today we will take stock of the recent popular fuel trucks and their current temptation conditions for consumers!

Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things

Model name: Guangzhou Honda Fit

Guide price: 81,800-108,800

Maximum preferential margin: 13,000

The Fit is a classic masterpiece of Japanese entry-level cars, with a good reputation, high sales and history.

Especially in the minds of generations of young people, the Fit is a popular lover of both control and playfulness and practical space.

The new generation of Fit continues the previous advantages, but the product power of the fuel vehicle era is particularly pale under the impact of new energy.

Coupled with the very low configuration, it is increasingly unable to keep up with consumers' pursuit of intelligence and refinement, and the new car is currently discounted by 13,000.

Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things

Model name: Hyundai Yuena

Guide price: 72,800-96,800

Maximum discount: 15,000

Hyundai Yuena is an unfamiliar name for many consumers, in fact, the predecessor of Yuena is Rena.

Family cars, which were also very mainstream many years ago, were all the rage with their good reliability and stylish design.

However, with the strong rise of self-owned brand fuel vehicles and new energy within 100,000, the living space of many joint venture vehicles has been squeezed.

In particular, Hyundai Motor is not a very mainstream brand in China, which leads to the congenital deficiency of Yuena's brand power, and the current new car has a maximum discount of 15,000.

Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things

Model name: FAW Toyota Vios

Guide price: 73,800-94,800

Maximum preferential margin: 16,000

If the Fit represents the direction of sporty cars, then Toyota Vios is the representative of the more family-oriented cars in the Japanese series.

Toyota's mediocre, reliable, and harmless characteristics are vividly expressed on the Vios.

But at the same time, the characteristics of general materials and low configuration continue to exist, and there is not much difference between the current Vios and ten years ago in terms of car manufacturing ideas.

Even though Toyota has a world-class influence, it is gradually unable to adapt to the rapid changes in the domestic market, and Vios is no longer one of the first choices for small families, and now the new car is discounted by 16,000.

Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things

Model name: Volkswagen Polo

Guide price: 90,900-124,900

Maximum preferential margin: 22,000

Volkswagen in the era of fuel vehicles has a very high brand reputation in China, and the pricing of its models is basically a little higher than that of its joint venture competitors at the same level.

This is the case with the POLO, with solid materials and brand blessing, the POLO has always been the benchmark for European hatchbacks.

The starting price of the current POLO even exceeds 90,000, which is very confident.

It's just that the new energy trend is irreversible, even if POLO is still a very competitive fuel vehicle, it can't compete with more intelligent and affordable independent new energy vehicles, and the new car discount is 22,000.

Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things

Model name: GAC Toyota YARiS L Zhixiang

Guide price: 85,800-103,800

Maximum preferential margin: 20,000

All joint venture brands with two partners in China have implemented a two-car strategy, and there will be two similar products at the same level and price.

YARiS L Zhixiang and Vios are sister models, and the difference in technology and configuration is almost negligible, GAC Toyota and FAW Toyota are both Toyota.

This strategy is essentially casting a wide net and does not bring anything new to the consumer and the market.

With the gradual decline of Japanese cars, Toyota's halo does not help, and YARiS L is currently enjoying a discount of 20,000 yuan.

Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things

Model name: Dongfeng Honda LIFE

Guide price: 97,800-112,800

Maximum preferential margin: 23,000

The Fit has always belonged to Guangben, and Dongfeng Honda has derived LIFE on the basis of the latest Fit in order to expand sales, but in essence, there are only some insignificant plastic parts different from the Fit.

But the pricing actually exceeds the Fit, and even exceeds the POLO, which seems very out of place at the moment.

Fit has not been able to maintain its original market share, and LIFE, which lacks a mass base, is unlikely to exceed expectations, so it can only reduce the price with the trend, and now the new car is discounted by 23,000.

Individuals can choose the scenery of 380:40,000 to start with more than 40,000 yuan, with large space and strong power, and spend a small amount of money to do big things


In the past, the car consumer market was different from now, and small cars had a good room to survive, but with the withdrawal of car specialist Suzuki from the Chinese market, it also marks a huge shift for consumers. In addition, the outbreak of micro electric vehicles in recent years has taken away a part of the share of small fuel vehicles, resulting in the small cars of traditional joint venture brands becoming more and more unsellable.

After the price reduction, the price of these star models is getting closer and closer to the real market value, if you are not interested in intelligence, and you don't care about the experience of using it and only need a reliable scooter, then these cars are still worth considering, but, I think, there will be fewer and fewer such consumers, what do you think?

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