
Instead of getting caught up in anxiety, it's better to do it again: a trip that says go

author:Pavilion of Ideas

Life is like a play, and drama is like life. Everyone plays their own role on this stage and is busy every day for life. However, life is not always smooth sailing, and we always encounter all sorts of problems and difficulties. In the face of these problems, some people will choose to be deeply anxious and unable to extricate themselves, while others will choose to face them bravely and do it again. And I, on the other hand, am the latter.

Instead of getting caught up in anxiety, it's better to do it again: a trip that says go

I have always believed that the meaning of life is about the experience, not the result. When we are faced with difficulties, instead of being deeply anxious, we should be brave enough to face them, try them, and do them again. Because only by doing it, can we truly feel the ups and downs of life, and can we grow and progress in the process.

I remember it was an ordinary weekend, I was watching TV at home when I suddenly received a call from a friend. He told me that he had just quit his job and was going to travel around China. I was surprised and asked how he came to make this decision, and he laughed and said, "Instead of being deeply anxious, it's better to do it." This sentence was like a torch, instantly igniting the passion in my heart.

I immediately decided that I was going to travel around China with him. So, the two of us simply packed our bags and started our journey. In the process, we encountered many difficulties and challenges, but we did not back down, but chose to face them bravely. We climbed mountains, crossed deserts, visited places of interest, and saw all kinds of customs. Every difficulty makes us more mature and stronger.

Instead of getting caught up in anxiety, it's better to do it again: a trip that says go

In the process, I deeply realized the importance of doing something and talking about it instead of being deeply anxious. If we choose to give up because we are worried about this, worried about that, then we will lose this precious experience and this opportunity for us to grow. And it is precisely because we choose to do it again that we can harvest more happiness and growth in the process.

Back in real life, I found that this attitude of "it's better to do it and say it later" applies equally to our work and life. When we are faced with a difficult problem, if we choose to be deeply anxious, then we lose the opportunity to solve the problem, whereas if we choose to face it bravely, then it is possible for us to find a solution to the problem and thus achieve success.

Therefore, I want to tell everyone that when you face difficulties and challenges, don't be afraid, don't be anxious, but be brave enough to face them, try them, and do them. Because only in this way can you truly feel the beauty of life, and you can grow and progress in the process.

Instead of getting caught up in anxiety, it's better to do it again: a trip that says go

Life is like a journey, we can't predict what we will encounter in the future, but we can choose how to face it. Instead of being deeply anxious, let's be brave enough to pursue our dreams and create our lives. Because only in this way can we truly live our own lives and truly have a wonderful life of our own.

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