
Interest rates have fallen, and live shrimp have risen

author:Sugar Sugar 6066
Interest rates have fallen, and live shrimp have risen
Interest rates have fallen, and live shrimp have risen

This is the rhythm of the holidays? The bank's regular interest rate has dropped again, but fortunately it has little to do with me, because I am still in debt, and my life is tight, and the reduction of regular interest has nothing to do with me

Thinking that tomorrow is the weekend and this afternoon I temporarily decided to go to the seafood market to buy some live shrimp, I rode a bicycle and hurried to the seafood wholesale market against the cold wind, it was already more than 17:00 in the afternoon

Seeing that some stall owners are preparing to close their stalls, I think they are in a hurry, and they finally didn't run in vain, maybe they can buy shrimp before the market closes, and the price can be discounted.

I didn't expect to ask the price, and the live shrimp was 33 yuan a catty

Interest rates have fallen, and live shrimp have risen
Interest rates have fallen, and live shrimp have risen

No, a few days ago, it was still 25 yuan a catty, how could it be a few days of hard work, a catty rose by 8 yuan, is the price increase faster?

So I asked a few more restaurants, and the bosses all looked like they had negotiated in advance, and the prices were basically 33 yuan (30 yuan for individual stalls)

The boss is still the boss, the live shrimp are still those live shrimp, why did the price increase in a few days?

When I asked the boss why the price had risen, the boss smiled and said, "It's time to raise the price, and the price has increased yesterday."

I thought about it and suddenly realized, oh, it's almost the holiday, and after New Year's Day, it's the Spring Festival, and it's time for the business bosses to do business to prosper

But is this a reason? Why do prices rise as soon as the holidays pass?

This is a silly question to ask, and it's not easy to answer.

The boss asked: Buy it? I said: don't buy it, let's see. Let's get out of the way

I, an ordinary person, must cover my wallet and save on these thousands of dollars a month.

It's ridiculous to think about yourself, I used to buy live shrimp in the supermarket, more than 40 pounds, and then I found this large seafood wholesale market, the price is much more affordable than the supermarket, and the seafood is directly sold from the origin, it is said that a lot of seafood around the province is wholesaled from here

Since I discovered this wholesale market, I no longer buy seafood at the supermarket, and I have saved a lot of money

Even if the price of seafood in the market has increased, it is cheaper than what is usually sold in supermarkets

But when the price goes up, I don't want to buy it. I didn't go home after eating two days late, mainly remembering that there were still frozen shrimp in the refrigerator at home

Interest rates have fallen, and live shrimp have risen
Interest rates have fallen, and live shrimp have risen

A few days ago, I spent 88 yuan in the "Oriental Selection" live broadcast room to buy more than 3 catties of South American white shrimp from Ecuador, which is frozen with salt, not only fresh, but also easy to eat, cost-effective, much more than the 33 yuan live shrimp

I didn't eat live shrimp, so it's not bad to eat frozen shrimp first

I was secretly glad that I was fortunate to have started a few days earlier, otherwise I would have to spend dozens more, alas, it is not easy to make money, and cherish it

It's not that the sisters don't spend money, but they don't want to spend money in vain

Interest rates have fallen, and live shrimp have risen

This weekend, taking advantage of the fact that the price has not risen, I quickly went to the mall tonight to buy some vegetables, milk, and fruits

I admire myself that we are so good at living, and if we don't accept it, we can't do it

#Seeing the world#