
Suddenly looking back, the person was there, and the lights were dim "Everyone can recite it, but a few people know what it means."


When we think of milk, we immediately think of a well-known brand, which is a successful milk brand. Similarly, if we mention a word, we will immediately think of a word, then this word is a masterpiece. What is success? That's the best explanation, the most impressive thing for people!

The ancients were very attentive to the creation of poetry, figuring out every word and every word carefully, emphasizing the rhyme and neatness, which was exchanged for a classic. However, under today's "exam-oriented education", it is difficult for us to truly appreciate the classics in the masterpieces, because it really doesn't mean much to us ordinary people.

Suddenly looking back, the person was there, and the lights were dim "Everyone can recite it, but a few people know what it means."

Image: Stills from the creation of poems

On campus, many teachers' requirements are to recite famous poems and sentences, and the most classic places in a poem must be memorized. In the long run, many people have formed a Xi that when reading a poem, they first find the "famous sentences" in the poem, rather than savoring the intention and emotion in the poem.

In fact, this is a great loss for us, these poems are the wealth left to us by the poet, but we refuse to accept it, only to accept a small gift.

For example, when mentioning "Poppy Beauty", most people's minds must be thinking of the classic phrase "When is the spring flower and autumn moon, and how much do you know about the past". Another example is the mention of "The Qingyu Case", the first thing we think of is the classic sentence "Suddenly looking back, the person is there, and the lights are dim."

Many people know these famous phrases by heart, but not many people know the meaning of these words. If you don't believe it, do you know what it means?

Suddenly looking back, the person was there, and the lights were dim "Everyone can recite it, but a few people know what it means."

The picture comes from the Internet: "Poppy Beauty"

I believe that many people can't answer it for a while, and this question has appeared on the cultural program "Poetry Conference". Where does "The Lights Go Down" say? There are three options given by the show. Where A is "a place with dim lights", B is a "place with bright lights", and C is a place without lights. Ladies and gentlemen, if you were faced with this question, which answer would you choose?

This question seems very simple, but in fact it has stumped many masters in the poetry conference, this question is really not difficult, as long as you understand the original text, you can easily give the answer. It's just that for many years we have only memorized these "famous sentences", but rarely understood their meaning, resulting in us not understanding half of them.

In ancient poetry, the word "Shan Shan" is not uncommon, and usually, authors use this word to describe the scene of spring. Generally speaking, the spring scene is full of life and spring. However, the word is not so bright, full of gloomy meaning, and it expresses a withered scene.

Therefore, under the extension of the poets, this word is used to describe the depression and unhappiness of people or things, which is regarded as a negative word.

Suddenly looking back, the person was there, and the lights were dim "Everyone can recite it, but a few people know what it means."

Image: Stills from the cultural program "Poetry Conference".

On the poetry stage, "The Qingyu Case" has been widely used, such as the famous poet Bai Juyi, and the famous lyricist Nalan Xingde has also used it. If so many poets have used it, why do people still don't know what it means today?

The reason has been made very clear above, in this fast-paced society, it is difficult for people to calm down and learn Xi traditional poetry culture with a non-utilitarian state of mind.

So, the correct answer to this question is option A, which means that the lights are dim. However, in the show, there are many people who choose option B, which means that the lights are bright. In fact, they can't be blamed for the wrong choice, after all, at the first sight of the word "Yan Shan", most people think it is very beautiful, giving people a sense of elegance, and it should naturally be described as bright and open.

In addition, the author of this poem, Xin Qiji, also set a small trap and walked in the direction of ordinary people's thinking, let's take a look at the original words first:

Suddenly looking back, the person was there, and the lights were dim "Everyone can recite it, but a few people know what it means."

The picture comes from the Internet: "Qingyu Case"

According to the lower rhyme of this word, we can see that the emotional tone of this poem is sad, looking for his sweetheart in the vast sea of people in the world, however, suddenly looking back, he is standing behind him. This paragraph looks quite interesting, just like a certain love scene in the movie, I searched for most of the day, and suddenly turned around, but found that he was behind him.

According to the plot of the movie, his face will be brightly lit, and then he will smile warmly and melt the heroine's heart. In other words, according to the normal understanding, this "Langshan" should refer to the place where the lights are bright.

However, Xin Qiji's lyrics are everyone's lyrics, how can he take the ordinary path? If it is really like the plot of the movie, then this poem is not so successful, and it cannot be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and resonate. If Yan Shan refers to the bright place of the lights, from the perspective of artistic conception, it is a big difference from the dim lights. Why?

Suddenly looking back, the person was there, and the lights were dim "Everyone can recite it, but a few people know what it means."

Image: Warm Smile stills

You must know that Song Ci has a very prominent feature, that is, it pays attention to "opening and closing", and this "closing" can also be understood as the meaning of closing. Generally speaking, "open" should be fanfare and straight to the point, while "close" should be tactful and subtle, so that the sharp contrast between the front and back can bring a stronger sense of impact to people and make people feel more profound.

Reading through this word, it is not difficult for us to find that the scene depicted in the upper part of this poem is a lively and brightly lit image of the Yuan Xi Festival. In addition, in the first sentence of Xia Yin, this is also the description. This is the openness of the pen, and when it comes to the end, if it ends with "bright lights", isn't it mediocre?

Therefore, this is deliberately written by Xin Qiji, showing his superb creative ability. Therefore, this poem has always been highly praised and appreciated by later generations.

Suddenly looking back, the person was there, and the lights were dim "Everyone can recite it, but a few people know what it means."

The picture comes from the Internet: Xin Qiji

A slight twist completely changed the meaning, giving the poem an infinite sense of haze. Although the words are a masterpiece, their content is still full of controversy. Some people think that this is a poem about love, but some people object, Xin Qiji is a man, why does "he" still appear in the word? Although "she" was not created at that time, there was already "Yi" as a replacement.

In addition, some people think that this is Xin Qiji's lamenting his life, and that "he in the light" is actually the author himself, the Xin Qiji who once wanted to serve the country and make contributions.

Suddenly looking back, the person was there, and the lights were dim "Everyone can recite it, but a few people know what it means."

The picture comes from the Internet: The lights are shining

The academic community has been arguing endlessly, arguing for so long, and there is still no unified statement. Although I can't figure out what this song is trying to express, it doesn't prevent it from becoming a classic. Xin Qiji only used these few words to fully display the "graceful beauty" of Song Ci.

People call Xin Qiji "the dragon in the word", which is not for no reason, without strength, and naturally will not be remembered by future generations for hundreds of years!

Ladies and gentlemen, do you like Xin Qiji, do you like his graceful lyrics, or his bold lyrics?