
The best way to live for the rest of your life is not to party, not to dance, but these 3 ways

author:Kun-kun Fusions

In a management class, a professor over half a hundred years old asked us a question:

"You want to boil a pot of water to drink, and halfway through the boil you find that the remaining firewood is not enough to boil a pot of water, what should you do?"

The students' answers were varied, some said to go out to pick up branches, and some said to go to a neighbor's house to borrow a pot......

The old professor smiled and said:

"Why don't you just half of the water in the jug? You know, human resources and energy are limited, and we can't do everything. ”

It is only in middle age that people suddenly realize that the way of life is like boiling a pot of boiling water, and only when you know how to make trade-offs can you reap the rewards.

Bai Yansong said in a speech: "Before the age of 30, I tried my best to do addition, and after the age of 30, I must know how to do subtraction." ”

When you are young, you are in the accumulation stage of life, and you should learn from experience like a sponge.

In the past half of life, you need to subtract from life and learn to remove redundancy in order to live a transparent life.

Middle-aged people are like going against the tide, and the best way to live is nothing more than to shrink the circle, let go of the bottom, and stay away from rotten people.

The best way to live for the rest of your life is not to party, not to dance, but these 3 ways

Shrink the circle and don't consume

There is a good saying that the beautiful scenery of life is not the affirmation of outsiders, but the calmness and calmness of the heart.

The circle determines the day, and when people reach middle age, they must know what they want.

Actor Tony Leung's circle has always been simple.

Aside from work, Tony Leung rarely contacts insiders.

He doesn't like to socialize, he doesn't like the hustle and bustle, and always keeps a certain distance from the outside world.

Whenever everyone goes out to eat and sing together after filming, Tony Leung almost doesn't participate, he always says:

"You guys play, I'm going home. ”

Faye Wong, Na Ying and other friends played mahjong at his house and had a lot of fun.

He smiled and looked at it, and sat in the corner, silently drinking tea and reading.

Introverted and doesn't like to socialize, he lives a sound and colorful life in his own world.

When he was not busy, he would go to the supermarket to buy groceries and cook a good meal for his wife, and he would buy his own ticket to London to feed the pigeons and go to the park to watch the snow.

The best way to live for the rest of your life is not to party, not to dance, but these 3 ways

Source: Visual China

He likes to read books, the sea, and the clouds, and others laugh at him, saying:

"Life is too short, I'm not very aggressive, the clouds are so beautiful, the water is so beautiful. ”

Even though he is in the center of Vanity Fair, he chooses to narrow down the circle and live a comfortable life in his own way.

It has been said that in a bad environment, gregariousness has a synonym – a waste of time.

I think so.

In this world, only time is the fairest.

A person has only 24 hours a day, people's energy is limited, and the circle is too large, so it is inevitable to consume too much energy.

In order to cater to others and consume yourself, the most important thing is to lose more than you gain.

When you reach middle age, give up useless socialization and stay away from the people and things that consume you, so that you can live up to yourself.

The best way to live for the rest of your life is not to party, not to dance, but these 3 ways

Put down the sub and don't hold it hard

I've seen one such story on Zhihu.

Digo's company has been losing money because of poor management.

Brother Di has already put all his family into it, but business is still not improving.

His wife advised him to stop his losses in time, close the company, and find a new job.

Although Di Ge knew that the company was unsustainable and could not be revitalized, he would rather borrow money to survive.

Because he feels that as long as the company is still there, he is the boss and has face in front of others;

If he found a new job, it would be working for someone else, and he felt embarrassed.

The best way to live for the rest of your life is not to party, not to dance, but these 3 ways

Source: Visual China

After struggling like this for a year, Digo's wife finally couldn't bear it anymore and filed for divorce.

Di Ge did not reflect on himself, but complained that his wife could only share the joys and sorrows.

When his wife left, he said to Di Ge: "You find a job, even if the salary is not high, we will work together to look forward to it." But you always think that face is more important, then you can live with face!"

Swollen face and fat people are a common problem for many people.

There is a sentence in "The Grandmaster":

"People live in the world, some live to be faced, and some live to be inside. ”

People who value face often force themselves to do something they are not willing to do for the sake of face.

Such a person not only suffers himself, but also drags down the people around him.

Capable people pay more attention to Lizi, and they know that only when they are strong on the inside can a person truly live with confidence.

When people reach middle age, don't let face become a burden, only by enriching themselves and strengthening their inner self can they win a decent life.

The best way to live for the rest of your life is not to party, not to dance, but these 3 ways

Stay away from rotten people, don't argue

A friend told me about something.

There was a time when he worked a lot of overtime and always came home late.

One day, when he drove to his parking space, he found that the parking space was occupied. At that time, there was no parking space in the garage, and the car that occupied his parking space did not even have a phone on it, so he could only contact the property and inform the owner to move the car.

Who knew that after making the call, he stood in the cold wind and waited for nearly half an hour.

In the end, the owner of the car came over with a cold face, not only did not apologize at all, but also scolded and said:

"It's so late, what are you doing back?!"

My friend suppressed his anger and didn't reason with the owner.

Afterwards, a friend said: "When you meet such a person, don't entangle with him, if you don't have a conflict, you are protecting yourself." ”

There is a question on Zhihu:

"What skills can help you get out of danger at a critical moment?"

One of the praisers replied, "Bow your head and admit it." ”

Confession is not cowardice, but a kind of wisdom. When you encounter rotten people, you can't afford to provoke them, and you can afford to hide.

Entangled with bad people, it is easy to be infected with bad emotions, and even be pulled into the whirlpool of negative emotions, making you lose your reason and good mood.

Mature people will give themselves a space to take a detour.

You advance and I retreat, you force me to give way, pretend to be confused in small things, and there is no ambiguity in big things.

When people reach middle age, instead of wasting time on bad people and bad things, it is better to learn to let go and let go.

The best way to live for the rest of your life is not to party, not to dance, but these 3 ways

Source: Visual China

The best way to live for the rest of your life is not to party, not to dance, but these 3 ways

Lao Tzu said: "Less is gained, more is confused." ”

Some things are not the more the better, and the more some things, the easier it is to get lost in life.

When you reach middle age, everything around you becomes a multiple-choice question, and you will eventually be overwhelmed by everything.

After half a life, you should understand: release is the most wonderful choice in life.

Let go of useless socializing, let go of strong face, let go of useless disputes.

Source: "Reader"

Editor: Wang Na

Editor in charge: Niu Dong

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