
No. 1 in the ratings in 12 days, as soon as Wang Zhiwen appeared, another classic role in the spy war drama was born

author:Make a pact with history

Over the years, there have been many newcomers in the entertainment industry, and various new faces have emerged one after another. However, those who can really gain a foothold in this circle are those old drama bones.

They used their years of acting experience and professionalism to overcome obstacles in this red dust and find their own world. Wang Zhiwen is such a model of an old drama bone.

No. 1 in the ratings in 12 days, as soon as Wang Zhiwen appeared, another classic role in the spy war drama was born

When it comes to Wang Zhiwen, viewers who are familiar with him will remember that he was a brother in the TV circle 20 years ago. At that time, Wang Zhiwen could be said to be "one main and nine matches", and he was the leading actor in each drama.

However, just when his career was in full swing, Wang Zhiwen encountered a family accident, and in order to take care of his seriously ill mother, he took the initiative to fade out of sight. Many people don't understand why Wang Zhiwen chose to retire at his peak, but he said indifferently: "The work can't be done."

Since then, Wang Zhiwen has almost retired. He doesn't accept advertisements, doesn't participate in variety shows, and rejects those unspoken rules and bad movies. When the young actor asked him why he didn't strive for fame and fortune, he smiled and said, "I don't care about fame, I just want to take every role seriously."

Over the years, Wang Zhiwen has not been seen in the rivers and lakes, and instead of him, he has been known as the "God of Lines". Everyone knows that Wang Zhiwen is an acting actor who can listen with his ears, and every line and expression of his is full of rich connotations.

No. 1 in the ratings in 12 days, as soon as Wang Zhiwen appeared, another classic role in the spy war drama was born

Today, Wang Zhiwen has become a recognized veteran actor in the industry. He used his 40 years of professionalism to find his own in the entertainment industry.

the pursuit of fame and fortune, just for the dedication to acting; took the initiative to retire, just for the love of drama. This is Wang Zhiwen, a down-to-earth old actor.

Recently, Wang Zhiwen joined the hit spy war drama "Infernal" in the form of "guest starring". This drama brings together many popular and powerful actors, and the scenes are particularly precious.

However, in the first 10 episodes, Wang Zhiwen only appeared in 3 scenes, and the scenes added up to less than 10 minutes, and he perfectly played an unfathomable villain.

No. 1 in the ratings in 12 days, as soon as Wang Zhiwen appeared, another classic role in the spy war drama was born

In the first scene, Wang Zhiwen entered with his back to the camera, and his low voice and sharp eyes directly showed a character who was not angry and self-threatening. In the second scene, Wang Zhiwen was smiling and talking to people, but the expression on the side already implied conspiracy.

In the third scene, when he was wearing sunglasses and talking, the eyes behind the lenses were strategic, and Wang Zhiwen showed his inner calculations to the fullest. The first 10 episodes are limited, but Wang Zhiwen uses superb acting skills to give this character a plump connotation.

In contrast to the other noisy characters in the play, Wang Zhiwen's arrival made "Infernal" settle down. He used his steady acting skills to stabilize the loose rhythm in the play. He used plump character portrayals to hold the complex character relationship line in the play.

Under Wang Zhiwen's interpretation, this drama has found a home, and the reversal plot is no longer confusing, but full of watchability. As long as Wang Zhiwen appears, the texture of this drama will be different, and the glory will return.

No. 1 in the ratings in 12 days, as soon as Wang Zhiwen appeared, another classic role in the spy war drama was born

For a drama, the acting skills of the actors are directly related to the quality of the work. In the complex spy war drama "Infernal", Wang Zhiwen supported the lower limit of the performance of the whole drama with his superb acting skills, which made the audience look at this work with admiration.

"Infernal" sets up four forces, and the relationship between the characters is very complicated. In order to make the plot ups and downs, the director adopted the technique of "three dangerous moves": setting up the relationship between opposing and complex characters, increasing the action scenes, and frequently reversing the plot.

This gives the audience the initial impression that it is lively and noisy, which is difficult to grasp.

Just when the audience was confused, Wang Zhiwen's arrival perfectly resolved this embarrassment. His restrained and steady acting skills fixed the loose sense of rhythm in the play. His plump character portrayal holds the complex character relationship line in the play.

No. 1 in the ratings in 12 days, as soon as Wang Zhiwen appeared, another classic role in the spy war drama was born

Under his shaping, frequent reversals are no longer confusing, but attractive.

With Wang Zhiwen's "Dinghai Shen Needle", the director and other actors were also able to give full play. The director can continue his novel attempts, and other actors can devote themselves to the role.

In the end, "Infernal" achieved the first rating in 12 days. This not only proves the innovative techniques in the play, but also highlights Wang Zhiwen's important role in supporting the lower limit of performance.

This veteran actor used his 40 years of professionalism to make this cutting-edge drama recognized.

No. 1 in the ratings in 12 days, as soon as Wang Zhiwen appeared, another classic role in the spy war drama was born

Over the years, there have been groups of newcomers in the entertainment industry, but those who can really leave a mark in front of the camera are still those old actors. Wang Zhiwen is one of the outstanding representatives.

20 years ago, Wang Zhiwen was a popular student, but he chose to fade out at his peak, just for his insistence on acting. Wang Zhiwen has almost retired in recent years, but his reputation as the "God of Lines" has become a consensus in the industry.

In the new drama "Infernal", Wang Zhiwen appeared as a special guest star. He only has a few scenes, but he perfectly interprets an unfathomable villain, showing the acting skills of the old drama bones.

Different from the noisy and lively tone in the play, Wang Zhiwen's addition made "Infernal" settle down. He uses steady acting skills to hold the complex relationship between the characters, so that the plot with frequent reversals is no longer charming.

No. 1 in the ratings in 12 days, as soon as Wang Zhiwen appeared, another classic role in the spy war drama was born

It is precisely with Wang Zhiwen such a "Dinghai Shen Needle" that "Infernal" has achieved the first ratings for 12 days, which makes the audience impressed by this work.

"God of Lines" Wang Zhiwen, with his 40 years of professionalism, has supported the lower limit of the performance of "Infernal". This proves the importance of excellent veteran actors to the work.

Remember, every time Wang Zhiwen comes, it is the time for the glory of this drama to return.