
I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

author:Yuting's emotional story 2kv1

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I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

My name is Li Li, I am 28 years old and I am a programmer. My girlfriend Lin Xiao and I have been engaged for a year and are going to have a wedding at the end of the year.

For our wedding, I plan to buy Lin Xiao a special gift. After much consideration, I decided to give her a set of gold bracelets with a budget of about 100,000 yuan. I believe that fine jewelry will make her happy.

One day, I asked Lin Xiao to pick up a gold bracelet at a well-known jewelry store in the city center. This shop is very large and very high-end, and it looks like an old store that has been in business for many years. The staff enthusiastically introduced us to a variety of gold bracelets, from simple ones to gem-encrusted ones.

Lin Xiao first tried on a small and simple gold bracelet, she looked at it, frowned and said, "This is too simple, not special enough." I looked at her embarrassed face, and said with a smile: "If you don't like it, change it, today's protagonist is you, choose the one you are most satisfied with." ”

Lin Xiao then tried on a few bracelets inlaid with gemstones, her eyes gradually lit up, but she still shook her head and said, "These are not perfect enough, I want to be more dazzling." I was a little anxious and urged her to choose a few more.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

In the end, Lin Xiao chose three gold bracelets inlaid with various colored gemstones, according to the clerk, these three are worth nearly 80,000 yuan. When I heard this astronomical number, I felt a little caught off guard. This is far beyond my original budget.

But seeing Lin Xiao's expectant and happy appearance, I still decided to buy these three expensive bracelets. Lin Xiao happily said that it would be her favorite wedding gift. Although I feel a little sorry for the money, I am still very relieved to see her smiling face.

After returning home, I began to reflect on Lin Xiao's performance today. Is it normal for her to choose such an expensive gift? I worry that she is a materialistic girl who does not care about finance. If she is so materialistic after getting married, our lives will be greatly affected.

I decided to have a good talk with Lin Xiao about this. I want to know why she had to choose such an expensive bracelet, and how we should plan our married life, and not let material things dominate everything. I had to communicate with her calmly and express my sincere concerns. Maybe it's just a momentary willfulness on her part, but I don't want it to become a hidden danger in our married life.

When he came to the café, Lin Xiao was already sitting by the window. I took a deep breath and sat down across from her.

Lin Xiao looked at me with some surprise: "Is there anything wrong with this? ”

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

"300,000 is still a lot of money for us. This is already out of my budget. You should consider the actual situation. I said with a frown.

Lin Xiao's expression became a little ugly: "Can't I have some extravagant thoughts, what's wrong with buying something I like?"

"I'm not saying you can't buy what you like, but you should plan it properly and not go over your budget that much on a whim. "I tried to get her to understand my thoughts.

"I think you're too careful! It's normal to buy something nice when you get married!" Lin Xiao raised his voice, a little excited.

"But we have more important things to spend money on, such as a house, a car, and future children. If you continue to be so willful, our economic pressure will be very great. "I'm also a little anxious.

Lin Xiao's eyes turned red, and his voice was also crying: "You look down on me, do you think I'm a material woman, can't I want to live a pretty life?"

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

Seeing her like this, my heart softened: "I didn't look down on you. But we have to be rational, and matter cannot determine everything. Feelings are the most important thing. ”

"Are you going to cancel the engagement, then?" Lin Xiao choked up and asked.

I was silent for a moment, then said firmly, "I think it's better to cancel, we have different philosophies, and it may not be appropriate." ”

"No, please give me a chance!" Lin Xiao pleaded heartbrokenly.

I felt pain in my heart, but I still shook my head: "I've decided." I'm sorry. ”

At this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly took out a small box from his bag, in which lay the three gold bracelets he had bought before. "They're all fake! I was testing you!" Lin Xiao said with red eyes.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

I looked at the bracelets in shock and immediately understood everything. It turned out that this was just a temptation by Lin Xiao, and she didn't buy those expensive bracelets at all.

I felt like I had misunderstood her. Maybe she bought the expensive gift for something else, and I should have understood it first, rather than blaming her directly.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. "I sincerely apologized to her and begged her not to cancel the engagement and give me a chance to start over.

Lin Xiao looked at me, tears welling up in his eyes again. I know that our relationship still has a long way to go, and it needs to be based on understanding and trust in order to go long. This experience made me realize that you can't judge a person by material things, let alone make hasty decisions.

I will keep in mind the lessons of this time. Lin Xiao forgave me and explained her intentions for this test.

"The reason why I made this decision was to see if you would look at things rationally when faced with a big consumer decision, rather than just going with my wishes. Lin Xiao said with red eyes.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

I nodded, understanding what she meant. Indeed, instead of blindly paying such an expensive gift, I should have consulted with her and made a responsible choice.

"Getting married and starting a family is a matter for two people, and any big decision needs to be discussed and coordinated, not just one person. This test made me realize that I still need to grow in this area. I said to Lin Xiao sincerely.

"Yes, we all need to learn to understand and trust each other in a relationship. You can't just end the relationship because of a momentary misunderstanding. Lin Xiao also said with red eyes.

Lin Xiao finally smiled, she nodded and said, "I will also strive to be a sensible and virtuous good daughter-in-law, and I will not only think about myself." Let's spend the years ahead together. ”

"Yes, we will face all difficulties and challenges together, support each other and make progress together. "I also say from the bottom of my heart.

This experience made me realize that I can't judge the success of a person or a relationship by the material gains. The spiritual world and inner connection are the most important things. I shouldn't deny Lin Xiao's relationship with us just because of a small test, I need to learn to be more tolerant and understanding.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

We all make mistakes, but as long as the intention is good, we should give the other person a chance to explain or make amends. You can't choose to break up hastily because of a momentary misunderstanding. I'm glad that Lin Xiao gave me a chance to start over.

Marriage requires both parties to constantly run in, understand each other, and make progress together. We will face all kinds of big and small differences, but as long as we have love and resolve them through communication, we will definitely be able to overcome them and move towards beauty.

I believe that after this misunderstanding and the process of rebuilding trust, Lin Xiao and I will become stronger and we will have a deeper understanding of each other. This will be a valuable asset for us through the rest of our lives.

After this misunderstanding, the relationship between me and Lin Xiao seems to have sublimated to a new height. We began to appreciate each other more and communicate honestly about every decision, big and small.

One day, we went shopping together at the supermarket. Lin Xiao took a fancy to a chic high-end oven and looked at me with bright eyes.

"This oven is really great, powerful and good-looking. Shall we buy this?" Lin Xiao asked me expectantly.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

I looked at the price tag and smiled and said, "This oven is really good, but we already have an oven, is it a bit of a luxury to buy a new one?"

A trace of disappointment flashed on Lin Xiao's face, but she quickly regained her smile: "Yes, we already have an oven, so we won't buy this." ”

I saw her give in and took the initiative to say, "Why don't we use the old oven until it breaks down and then buy a new one?" I'm sure you can use the old oven to bake super delicious snacks too!"

"You're right, I can be creative and cook in any oven!" Lin Xiao said happily.

We decided to wait until the old oven was scrapped before considering buying a new one. This time, Lin Xiao did not insist on his own ideas, but took care of the overall situation, which made me very pleased.

Back home, Lin Xiao ran to the kitchen with great interest and began to try baking cakes in the old oven.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

After a while, she beckoned me over to taste her masterpiece. I took a bite and immediately my eyes lit up: "You're such a baking genius!"

Lin Xiao smiled happily: "Thank you for your encouragement! This proves that intentions are more important than using equipment." ”

I nodded and said, "Yes, your craft is the most valuable." It also made me understand that the most important thing in life is feelings, not material conditions. ”

"Well, love can work miracles!" Lin Xiao said sweetly.

After this episode, I am even more convinced that Lin Xiao is a strong and positive and optimistic girl. She will not be bound by material things, but will use her creativity. I'm glad I was able to spend my life with such a girl.

The days with Lin Xiao are so fulfilling and happy. Together, we discuss every decision, big and small, to understand each other and find the best of both worlds.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

Now that I think about it, how ridiculous my previous misunderstanding was. Lin Xiao is obviously a kind-hearted and motivated girl, but I almost rejected her because of a little material difference.

Fortunately, after that misunderstanding, our relationship was sublimated to a new level. This makes me more convinced that as long as we uphold the heart of understanding and trust, in the face of any difficulties, our love boat can reach the other side of happiness smoothly.

In the days we spend with Lin Xiao, we will often talk about our future plans. Especially when it comes to having children, we always have a lively conversation.

One night, we snuggled up on the couch and watched TV. Lin Xiao suddenly asked me, "How many children are we going to have after we get married?"

I smiled and said, "It depends on our situation." How many do you want to have?"

"I want at least two, a girl and a boy. Lin Xiao said with a blushing face.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

"Two kids was a good choice. However, the cost of having a child is also very high, and we need to plan our financial situation in advance. "I'm being honest.

Lin Xiao nodded: "You're right, the child's cost is a very important consideration. We need to save enough money to make sure we can give our children the best possible life. ”

"That's right. We can start saving money on a regular basis, and by the time the baby is born, we will have some savings. I said.

"Good idea! I can save 2,000 yuan a month, what about you?" Lin Xiao asked.

"I can save 3,000 yuan. In this way, we can save 60,000 yuan a year. Combined with other income, it should cover most of the child's expenses. I calculated.

"Great! With the cooperation of our team, we will definitely be able to give the best material environment to the children. Lin Xiao said happily.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

I smiled and nodded, and then said seriously: "It is more important to give the child the best mental environment." We want to give them a loving home so that they can grow up healthy and happy. ”

"You're right, love is the most important thing. We will create a warm home for them and let them become sunny and cheerful people. Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with happiness.

We imagined that we would have two lovely children in our future lives, and our hearts were full of happiness and anticipation. I know that if we have love and understanding, we can give our children the best life.

Now we are in the palace of marriage. When I watched Lin Xiao put on a white wedding dress and slowly walked towards me, I was so excited that I burst into tears. The moment the pastor announced that we were officially husband and wife, I knew that we would spend our lives together.

We lived happily ever after we were married. Lin Xiao has not become vain because of materialism, she is still the kind and hardworking girl. And I also learned to understand and trust her every decision.

We will actively discuss every family decision, big and small, to understand each other and make choices that are acceptable to both parties. Now that I think about it, those previous misunderstandings were so unmentionable.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

Love is like a lamp that needs to be filled with understanding and trust, so that it can continue to shine light and warmth and illuminate our way forward. I know very well that Lin Xiao is the best partner in my life.

It was another weekend, and Lin Xiao and I decided to take our children to the playground to play.

"Daddy, I want to ride that super high and super fast roller coaster!" Son Li Ming pointed to a huge roller coaster and said with his eyes shining.

I said with some concern: "This roller coaster looks exciting, will it be too intense?"

"It's okay, he's 10 years old and can try more exciting projects. Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Alright then, let's go ride this roller coaster together!" I couldn't help but smile when I looked at my son's excited face.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

The roller coaster started running, and we screamed in a thrilling high-speed bump. Lin Xiao and I clasped hands tightly and exchanged glances from time to time.

"It's so exciting!" The roller coaster stopped, and his son Li Ming said loudly.

"yes, it's super exciting!" I also have some weak legs.

"Let's go sit again!" The son said immediately.

"Okay, one more thrill!" I looked at Lin Xiao, and she also smiled and nodded in agreement.

After the roller coaster, we experienced other thrills together. Lin Xiao and I always pay attention to our son's condition and ensure his safety.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

"Thanks, did you have fun today?" On the way home, I asked my son.

"It's super fun! It's the most exciting playground I've ever had!" The son said happily.

"That's fine, as long as you're happy. I said.

"Yes, your happiness is our happiness. Lin Xiao also said with a smile.

On this day, our whole family had a lot of fun. Lin Xiao and I give our son enough freedom, but we will also take care of his safety. Seeing our son's happy smiling face, we also felt extremely relieved and happy.

Our parenting policy has always been to give children full love, so that they can grow up happily in care. Materially, we will try our best to provide a good living environment; Spiritually, we give understanding and encouragement to make children healthy and uplifting.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

Looking at the child's innocent smiling face, I sighed: "Their happiness is the most innocent happiness." ”

"Yes, the joy of childhood is the most precious. We want our children to have a carefree childhood. Lin Xiao said softly.

I nodded, clasped Lin Xiao's hand, and thanked God for giving us such a happy home.

Over the years, we have experienced many things, big and small, but each time we have been able to understand, tolerate and trust each other to get through the difficulties. It all depends on our insistence on love. I know that as long as we have love in our hearts, there is no obstacle that we cannot overcome.

I took my prospective daughter-in-law to choose 3 gold, and she chose 3 gold bracelets for a total of 80,000 yuan, and I angrily proposed to withdraw from the marriage the next day

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