
The NBA has 5 stars with gangster backgrounds, and Anthony is alone in the slums, and the last Jordan is afraid

author:Old Deng Kanqiu

Many NBA stars came out of the slums, and they naturally have ties to the gang. If the family is stricter, you may keep your distance from the gangs, but most of them have been in the gangs since childhood. Some go one way to the dark, and some change themselves through basketball. There are a lot of gangster backgrounds in the NBA, but these 5 people are the strongest. They are easy for no one to mess with in the NBA, after all, if they are really provoked, their lives may be threatened.

The NBA has 5 stars with gangster backgrounds, and Anthony is alone in the slums, and the last Jordan is afraid

It's no secret that Anthony has gangster connections. From his words and deeds, it can be seen from the circle of friends that he is definitely not simple. He once led a march of thousands of people, and his smoking style was full of godfather. The most exaggerated is to go into the Brazilian slums alone, without an absolute background, he does not dare to do this. There are not many cruel words on the field, anyway, Garnett was so frightened by him that he didn't dare to get off the bus, which is enough to see Anthony's deterrence.

The NBA has 5 stars with gangster backgrounds, and Anthony is alone in the slums, and the last Jordan is afraid

At his peak, Caron Butler also averaged 20 points per game, and was also selected as an All-Star, making him a very good second-in-command in the team. Before he played in the NBA, he was a gangster, and according to his own account, he was in prison many times before he was 15. It was only after he saw his so-called buddy being beaten into a sieve by the American-style Juhe that he decided to change his ways. Without this twist, Butler would have been a bully who would have endangered one side.

The NBA has 5 stars with gangster backgrounds, and Anthony is alone in the slums, and the last Jordan is afraid

Rose is no one to question his play, and his attitude and love for basketball is really moving. But few fans know that Rose's own brother, who is a serious snake in Chicago, is very powerful in the local area. In the draft that year, Rose almost missed the NBA because of his family background. Fortunately, he has been protected by his brother since he was a child, and he has never been involved in gang affairs, otherwise a basketball genius may really be buried.

The NBA has 5 stars with gangster backgrounds, and Anthony is alone in the slums, and the last Jordan is afraid

Iverson has always been very righteous, especially when he was young, when he earned tens of millions a year, which can really be said to be a spending. is too rich and righteous, there are naturally a lot of fox friends and dog friends, and at his peak, he had to raise hundreds of people alone. In the gang, Iverson also has a lot of influence, when Marbury was in trouble, Iverson got it with a phone call, and many people in the gang still bought Iverson's account.

The NBA has 5 stars with gangster backgrounds, and Anthony is alone in the slums, and the last Jordan is afraid

The last one is even more exaggerated, Jordan has such a high status in the NBA, he doesn't dare to mess with it, this person is the "Big White Bear" Pekovic. Pekovich's family was in the arms business, and he inherited the family's arms business after he retired. In the face of arms pressure, everyone is afraid when they see it, such a ruthless character is unique in the NBA.

The NBA has 5 stars with gangster backgrounds, and Anthony is alone in the slums, and the last Jordan is afraid