
Weather forecast丨There will be weak precipitation on the 29th of this week

author:Nine Weather Passes

[Source: Suizhou City Suixian County People's Government_Meteorological Information]

Last week's weather recap

On the 18th of last week, there was light snow in the south of our county, and the rest of the days were sunny to cloudy weather, the temperature gradually rose, and the weekly snowfall was 0~3 mm. The weekly extreme maximum temperature was 11.0°C, and the extreme minimum temperature was -9.1°C.

This week's weather outlook

It is expected that there will be weak precipitation in our county on the 29th of this week, and the rest of the days will be mainly sunny to cloudy weather, of which there will be weak cold air activities on the weekend, but the overall temperature will continue to rise; the weekly extreme maximum temperature is 13~14 °C, and the extreme minimum temperature is -5~-3 °C, the specific forecast is as follows:

Weather forecast丨There will be weak precipitation on the 29th of this week

This week's forest fire danger meteorological level is high, and it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of forest fire danger, and pay attention to the impact of foggy weather on traffic that may occur in the morning.

Figure: Rainfall distribution and high and low temperature curves last week

Weather forecast丨There will be weak precipitation on the 29th of this week
Weather forecast丨There will be weak precipitation on the 29th of this week

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