
At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

author:When the willow smoke is thick
At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

I stood in front of the house, looking at the already somewhat outdated building, full of helplessness and contradictions. At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me." This is a great irony. My brother and I grew up in this house, and after my parents passed away, this house became our only support. However, now because of a word, it has become a barrier between us.

"Brother, how could you say yes so quickly?" I asked.

My brother looked at me with a hesitant expression, "Sister, you know, it's not easy for me, I still have a nephew at home, I have to think about him." ”

"It's not easy for me, am I not qualified to live?" I said angrily.

The elder brother was silent for a while, "Sister, you know, I have never been able to have a child, and my nephew is my only hope." ”

Hearing this, my feelings are even more complicated. This house is a family heirloom, and it should be left to me. But on the other hand, I also understand my brother's feelings. After all, he has always treated his nephew as his own child. But why did I fall victim to this strife?

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

Back in our childhood, my brother treated me like a father, and now, we have staged this reversal of our relationship for the sake of the house. I leaned against the door, tears streaming down my face. This home, this once warm and happy home, is now full of contradictions and estrangements.

"Sister, don't be sad, although this house is over, I will find a way to arrange it for you. There was a hint of guilt in his brother's voice.

I didn't respond, just silently wiped away my tears. From this day forward, we will never be able to return to what it used to be.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

On this issue, there was a rift between me and my brother. The contradictions and grievances in my heart made me no longer able to face my brother as calmly as before. Over the years, I have always felt that my brother expects less and less from me, and that he has always focused on his family life with his nephew and neglected me. I felt a kind of loneliness of abandonment, which made me gradually become cynical, withdrawn and aloof.

The smell of gunpowder gradually spread throughout the house, creating an invisible barrier between my brother and me, which gradually eroded our relationship. Just when I felt irretrievable, a casual bill tore everything apart completely.

Here's the thing, one day I received a bill, which was a bill from the hospital for the treatment fee. If you look closely, it has my brother's name written on it. It turned out that my brother has not been in good health recently, and he has to spend a lot of medical expenses every month. However, I never knew about it. I felt guilty and surprised. It turns out that my brother is not a ruthless person, but he also has his own troubles and difficulties.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

This incident completely broke down the barrier between me and my brother, and I finally understood that the emotions between family members need to be communicated and understood. I decided to take the initiative to be honest with my brother, face up to the contradictions and estrangements in my heart, and re-establish the family relationship between us.

When I decided to be honest with my brother, a new and conflicting event befell us again.

It was a weekend and I rushed home to find a chance to talk to my brother, but when I walked in the door, I heard a loud noise. I walked into the living room and saw my brother arguing with his nephew, anger and resentment written all over their faces.

"Uncle, how can you be so ignorant? This house was originally mine, why did you snatch it?" the nephew said aggressively.

"How did you become so selfish as a child? This house is a family heirloom, and it should have been left to your aunt. My brother was also a little angry.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

I was stunned by what I saw, and I didn't know what to do for a while. This sudden contradiction caught me off guard. Watching my nephew and brother arguing back and forth, my mind was in a mess.

"Stop!" I shouted, interrupting the argument, "what's going on? Why are you arguing like this over the house?"

My nephew looked at me, looked a little regretful, and lowered his head. The elder brother sighed and said, "Sister, I didn't want you to know, but when it came to this point, I had to tell it all." ”

After listening to my brother's explanation, I realized that my brother had been hiding from me all along, and it turned out that my nephew owed a lot of debt because he failed to invest in stocks. The debt forced him into desperation, and he could only try his best to fight for this house as collateral to pay off the debt. And my brother was forced into a dilemma by this sudden incident.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hidden you and my aunt, and I shouldn't have fallen into such a deep predicament for the wrong decision. The nephew whispered.

My heart was filled with indignation, how did all this become so complicated, when did family relations start to become complicated, and over the years, all kinds of pragmatic pretenses and money conflicts in the family gradually eroded our feelings. I looked at my nephew with a mixture of indignation and sympathy. Perhaps, I also missed out on a lot of responsibilities that could be fulfilled.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

However, this conflict made me start to reflect on my relationship with my family and stop blindly clinging to my own interests. Looking back on this journey, my conflicts with my brother, my nephew's concealment, and all kinds of entanglements seem to be the price of my neglect of family affection. It also made me begin to regret that in a family, in fact, the most important thing is not material interests and property, but family affection, understanding and care. Perhaps, this contradictory incident is also a reminder to my brother and I that home has actually become unrecognizable, and the beauty of the beginning is the beauty of the vanishing after all. This family, this family affection, seems to really need a sincere communication and understanding.

Just as I was about to talk to my brother to mediate the conflict, things took an unexpected turn. One day, I received a call from my brother's student, telling me that my brother had an accident and needed a large amount of medical expenses. I was shocked, and instantly understood why my brother was willing to give the house to his nephew. I hurried to the hospital and saw my brother lying on the hospital bed, his face pale and his eyes helpless. I approached him, took his hand, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

"Brother, why are you like this, why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

The elder brother's eyes were full of guilt, "Sister, I was afraid that you would be worried, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen." ”

Seeing my brother in such a situation, all kinds of contradictions in my heart were swept away, and only worry and love for my brother remained. I immediately decided to help my brother, no matter what the cost. However, just as I was about to go through the formalities, I was told that the property had been closed and that I needed my nephew's signature.

"No way, I'm not going to beg this nephew. This house is a common memory of our brother and sister, and it is impossible to just replace it by this outsider. I said through gritted teeth.

My brother tapped me on the shoulder, "Sister, the top priority now is to save me." I am willing to give up all my savings, and I ask you to grant me one request to keep my nephew with us. ”

I was silent for a moment, then finally nodded. Because I know that for my brother, my nephew has become the whole of life. I chose to let go of my worries about the property and instead took the initiative to go to my nephew, hoping that he could help sign the formalities.

However, when I came to my nephew's door, I found that he was cold and reserved from me. He wouldn't even come forward to talk to me, as if I had become a thorn in his side. I couldn't help but start to doubt my brother's decision. My heart was conflicted again, and I felt utter helplessness and melancholy.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

I was exhausted by the conflicting tensions during this time, and I began to doubt my thinking and decisions. At the same time, I began to wonder what was the reason for my nephew's attitude. In this trouble, I fell into a deep contradiction that I could not extricate myself from.

A long time ago, my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me." For a moment, I was at a loss, and I remembered that many years ago, my brother and sister had spent so much time together in this house, and that our parents had worked hard to carry us up until they left. Now, this house will become a conflict between our brother and sister. Although it was all out of love for my nephew, I was overwhelmed by this sudden decision.

Not long ago, my relationship with my brother was reconciled. However, another paradoxical event has befallen us again. Just as we were about to re-establish our relationship with each other honestly, my brother told me that he planned to sell the house and use some of the money to pay for medical bills, and the rest for himself and his nephew. I can't accept this proposal. This house is not only the support between our brothers and sisters, but also my nostalgia and emotional sustenance for my parents. I can't imagine this home being handled in this way.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

I decided to find a chance to talk to my brother. We sat down at the coffee table, and I voiced my doubts and dissatisfaction with the decision. My brother listened to my words and was silent for a moment. He explained that he really couldn't afford the repairs and medical expenses of his house, so he had no choice but to make this decision. I understand his situation, but I can't compromise on this family.

As we all struggle to find a way out of our respective responsibilities, the contradictions seem to become more intractable. This time, the relationship between the two of us was at an unprecedented impasse. I don't know what the future holds, I just know that I won't give up on this home easily.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

I'm going to visit him at my brother's house and discuss the house. Soon, I came to my brother's house, where he was sitting on the couch watching TV. I sat down and tried to start the conversation.

"Brother, I have something to discuss with you. I said tentatively.

My brother turned off the TV and looked at me, "What's the matter?" ”

I began to talk about my dissatisfaction with his decision and the reasons for it, hoping that he would reconsider. However, his brother's reaction was unexpected, and he suddenly became angry.

"How can you be like a nephew, just for this house! How long are you going to make trouble for this house?" the elder brother's words revealed anger and dissatisfaction.

Hearing such accusations, I became emotional, "Don't I have the right to be treated fairly? You and your nephew also know that this house is a family inheritance and should be left to me." ”

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

Our argument quickly escalated into a heated argument, with all sorts of past events and contradictions alighting up in the conversation. I was deeply stimulated, and my inner dissatisfaction and resentment welled up. As the sound grew louder, the atmosphere in the room became more and more awkward and tense.

"What's the matter with you?" a gentle voice suddenly sounded, and it turned out to be my brother's son, who was my nephew, walking in.

At the age of 51, I have no children and no daughters, and my brother said to me, "Give the house to my nephew, and my nephew will provide for me."

"Dad, Auntie, why are you arguing like this?" he tried to reconcile the emotions between us.

When I saw my nephew, I suddenly felt a pang of guilt, and this dispute was hurting this reunited family.

However, the elder brother smiled and said to his nephew, "Son, it's nothing, you don't have to worry about it, it's a family matter." ”

My nephew looked at us with helplessness and incomprehension in his eyes. He sighed softly and left the living room in silence. My heart ached.

All this made me realize that this quarrel not only hurt the family relationship between me and my brother, but also unknowingly affected the harmony of the whole family. Looking at the back of my nephew leaving, I felt a trace of remorse in my heart. Perhaps, I should think deeply again, have a good talk with my brother, and clear up this misunderstanding.