
Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

author:A duck who loves to entertain

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Text/Editor|The duck who loves entertainment


At the end of life's journey, when we look back, there are always a few special people we hope to see again at the last minute. For many dying people, these special people are often their partners and children. Not everyone has such an opportunity. Take the well-known Hong Kong actor Tsang Wai-kuen as an example, his life trajectory is different. Let the editor's duck who loves entertainment take you to understand.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

Tsang Wai-kuen was unmarried and had no children in his life, but he was not alone. He has a faithful companion in his life - a puppy that he adopted. This puppy is not only his pet, but also an important companion in his life, accompanying him through the ups and downs of life.

Tsang Wai Kuen's name is quite well-known in Hong Kong television circles, especially in the TV dramas of the millennium, he is almost an indispensable presence. Although he plays a supporting role most of the time, he has performed well in TVB's "Green Leaf" role, and is deeply loved and recognized by Hong Kong drama fans. His acting skills and interpretation of the characters always add a unique brilliance to the series.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

But Tsang's career has not been without its challenges. He was born into a business family to businessmen whose parents were businessmen, and they expected Tsang to inherit the family business and become a successful businessman. To this end, Tsang's educational background also revolves around business disciplines. He Xi all business-related courses in school, and his parents often took him to business gatherings at home, hoping to train him to become a business leader through these practical experiences.

Although business is not attractive to him, Tsang Wai Kuen has a strong passion and dream for the performing arts in his heart. As a child, he had a strong interest in acting, and often secretly watched TV series and imitated the performances of the actors in them. The world in the TV series is full of charm and attraction for him.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

His passion did not come out of nowhere, but grew stronger over time. Despite the burden of his parents' expectations and social pressure, Tsang still held on to his dream. He began to actively participate in various performing activities in his spare time, striving to improve his acting skills. Despite the challenges he faced in his career, he always maintained his passion for the performing arts and never gave up.

This persistence and love made Zeng Weiquan find his place in the entertainment industry. His efforts and talent were quickly recognized, although at first only in a few minor roles. Especially in the millennium, his outstanding performance in Hong Kong TV dramas has won him wide acclaim and recognition. His story is an inspiration to many and proves that following one's dreams is worth it, even in the face of difficulties and challenges.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

Sometime in 1981, Tsang was finishing his school classes and was on his way to a part-time job when he was dragged by a classmate to attend an interview for a TV station. At that time, Hong Kong's film and television industry was booming, and there was an urgent need to cultivate professional acting talents, so many well-known actor training institutions searched for potential stars in Hong Kong.

Many young students are attracted by the glamour of TV stars and are full of interest and curiosity to enter the industry. As a result, many students went to the TV station with their friends to attend interviews. Although Tsang was invited by a friend, he already had a love for the performing arts in his heart.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

Among the many candidates, Zeng Weiquan chose to sign up for Li's TV artist training class, and this decision was partly due to the popularity of TVB at that time, and there were many applicants. Tsang hopes to increase his chances of passing by choosing a training class with less competition.

Tsang Wai Kuen's appearance and sturdy physique made him stand out in the interview, and he was successfully admitted to the last actor training class of Li's TV. After entering the training class, Tsang Wai Kuen saw other actors in the same period quickly get performance opportunities because of their amazing acting talents, which made him deeply realize that appearance alone is not enough to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

Just like Zhang Ailing once said: "You have to become famous as soon as possible". As a result, Tsang decided to devote a lot of time to honing his acting skills. He clearly knows that only through unremitting hard work and sweat can he stand out in the highly competitive show business. He is training himself rigorously every day to continuously improve his acting skills, hoping to stand out among many newcomers.

In this process, Zeng Weiquan began to experience the hardships and challenges of acting, and at the same time felt the joy and satisfaction of pursuing his dreams. Every rehearsal and every role shaping made him more determined in his choice. He gradually understood that success is not only based on external factors, but also on the accumulation of internal strength. This experience is not only a tempering of his acting skills, but also a spiritual growth and transformation. Through continuous efforts and practice, Zeng Weiquan gradually established his position in the entertainment industry and began his colorful acting career.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

In 1986, Zeng Weiquan's acting career ushered in a new peak. He played the protagonist Zhuo Yihang in "The Legend of the White-Haired Witch", and played the other protagonist Broken Tianya in "The End of the World". The success of these two series has greatly boosted his popularity, making him a household name as an actor.

Although his work at ATV has brought him a certain amount of reputation and attention, Tsang is not entirely satisfied with his partnership with ATV. After working together for a while, he began to feel that the ideas and methods of the two sides were different. He eventually decided to leave ATV again and instead head to Malaysia in search of new opportunities.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

During his years in Malaysia, Tsang was exposed to different types of roles and dramas, and during this time, he further honed and improved his acting skills. However, he still has a deep affection for Hong Kong's entertainment industry. A few years later, he decided to return to Hong Kong to continue his acting career.

After returning to Hong Kong, Tsang joined TVB and started a new acting journey in the 90s. Although his activity has decreased during this time, he still maintains a certain influence in show business. As time went on, and as newcomers to Hong Kong's entertainment industry continued to emerge, Tsang found himself with fewer opportunities to play the leading role. In the fiercely competitive entertainment industry, the actor in his 30s began to face new challenges.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

In this context, Zeng Weiquan's acting career was not all smooth sailing. His experiences have been full of ups and downs and challenges, but they have also shaped his depth and diversity as an actor. His continuous migration and exploration, although to some extent have affected his career development, have also enriched his life experience and artistic vision. Tsang Wai Kuen's story reflects the balance between an artist's pursuit of his dreams and the challenges of reality. His perseverance and unremitting efforts not only left many memorable roles for the audience, but also became a testimony to his personal growth and transformation.

As the years passed, Zeng Weiquan gradually entered middle age. His competitive mentality and youthful competitiveness have gradually faded away, and he has turned to a more mature and calm attitude towards his acting career. Even though most of the time he plays a supporting role, Tsang Wai Kuen still devotes himself wholeheartedly to each role, and is committed to bringing profound artistic enjoyment to the audience.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

Zeng Weiquan's love life can be said to be simple and low-key compared to many celebrities in the circle. His first girlfriend, Yang Yajie, is also an actor who graduated from Li's TV artist training class. It seemed natural for the two to come together because of their shared Xi experience and love for the performing arts.

As time went on, the two found that there were more and more differences in personality and opinions. Especially after entering the showbiz, the vision and thinking of both parties have undergone significant changes, resulting in the gradual fading of the once beautiful relationship. During the filming of "Huo Dongge" in 1983, Zeng Weiquan and Yang Yajie finally decided to break up, although there were quarrels during the breakup, Zeng Weiquan still felt a great loss about the end of this relationship.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

Zeng Weiquan once said when recalling this relationship that although it is difficult to let go, he must accept the reality in the end. Although they broke up, since they both worked in the entertainment industry, there were occasional opportunities to work together. It would be a little awkward to meet at first, but after a long time, both of them faded the past and became friends again.

After being single for a while, Zeng Weiquan met a second important relationship - with Mei Xiaohui, who is also an actor. Mei Xiaohui is not only the younger sister of the famous Hong Kong film and television producer Mei Xiaoqing, but also has an outstanding performance in dramas such as "Falling from the Sky". The two became acquainted because of the play, and their relationship also received widespread attention from the media. Although the outside world often asks when they will get married, they never take this step.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

Zeng Weiquan once said that he and Mei Xiaohui had a stable relationship, but they were unmarried because they could not give her a perfect life. He hopes to marry again after the economy is stable, hoping to give his wife a stable family. Since his career did not shine, the marriage plan was repeatedly postponed.

In 1997, although Zeng Weiquan expressed his hope to marry Mei Xiaohui that year, the two finally chose to break up in their 13-year relationship. After the breakup, Zeng Weiquan had an affair with Malaysian singer Ye Liyi, although it was not confirmed, this scandal was still linked by the outside world to his breakup with Mei Xiaohui. This scandal had a certain impact on Zeng Weiquan's public image. While there is concern about whether they have the possibility of getting back together, both parties say the relationship is a thing of the past.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

In addition to his acting career, Zeng Weiquan also showed his concern for society. Influenced by his friend Louis Koo, he began to actively participate in public welfare activities. Not only does he use his influence to help others, but he also pays special attention to the problem of stray animals. Because of his deep affection for animals, Tsang is full of compassion and care for the plight of stray animals.

His kindness and compassion are not only manifested in the help of people, but also in the care of animals. He often keeps an eye out for animals on the side of the road while walking, and even handles the remains of animals that have unfortunately been involved in car accidents as a sign of respect and condolences for them. His actions demonstrate his deep humanistic care and love.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

Tsang always believed that a person who truly cares about and loves animals must be full of kindness in his heart. His kindness and love earned him great respect and affection among his fans and peers. Fate doesn't always seem so merciful. In 2020, Tsang was diagnosed with cancer, shocking his family, friends and fans.

Despite such major health challenges, Tsang has shown remarkable resilience and optimism. He not only insisted on treatment, but also continued his public welfare activities, hoping to make more contributions to society and animal welfare in a limited time. His optimism and strength have greatly encouraged those around him.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

On November 12, 2020, the well-known Hong Kong actor Tsang Wai-kuen left this world. At his side, in the last moments of his life, was his beloved puppy. This loyal puppy witnessed his last days and became his last companion and friend.

Zeng Weiquan's life can be said to be colorful, full of countless stories and experiences. He left a deep mark on the world of film and television, earning widespread love and respect. Despite the major health challenges he faced towards the end of his life, he remained optimistic and strong.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

His life was not limited to his acting career, but also included his deep love for animals, especially his puppies. This puppy is not only his pet, but also his partner and family member. In the last stages of Tsang's life, the dog's company gave him great comfort and strength.

In the face of death, Zeng Weiquan showed rare courage and serenity. Although his life has experienced ups and downs and changes, he has always faced every stage of life with a positive attitude. He believes that his life is full and worthwhile, and that he can accept death with a peaceful mind.

Zeng Weiquan never married, died of illness at the age of 59 without children, and finally lived with a puppy

The death of Tsang Wai-kuen is not only a great loss for the Hong Kong entertainment industry, but also a great loss for all those who love him. His influence and legacy will endure, and his life story will continue to inspire future generations. His life is the best interpretation of the love and commitment to life, and a beautiful example of humanity and strength.


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