
In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

author:3 minutes of entertainment
In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle
In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Text|3 minutes of entertainment

The article was first published by 3 Minute Entertainment Headlines

When it comes to Zeng Weiquan, we may not be familiar with it, but if we mention the iron crutch Li in "Eight Immortals Across the Sea", it must be familiar to the older generation. It can be seen that Zeng Weiquan is a person whose character impression is greater than the actor's personal characteristics.

But when we heard about him again, it was his death from cancer. His ex-girlfriend has been 58 years old and unmarried, and he was even more sad and crying when he heard the news.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Why did such a person not give his inheritance to his heirs and wives after his death, but to Gu Tianle?

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

A dream born since childhood

Born in Hong Kong in 1960, his family has been in business since he was a child, and his father also wanted his son to embark on the road of business, so he often let Zeng Weiquan hear some business things when he was a child.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

His father would always tell him to learn good things and inherit his mantle in the future. However, children's interests are not cultivated, Zeng Weiquan in addition to reading some business magazines, contact with some business is like ordinary people love to hold TV and watch.

He looked at the people on TV smiling delicately, Gu Pansheng's radiant posture, which made him happy, and saw the weak and fragile appearance of low eyebrows and smooth eyes, quietly falling into tears, and he naturally felt pity.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Of course, people's vision will first focus on beautiful people and things, and Zeng Weiquan is the same. When he was a child, he felt that the people on TV were very emotional, not only the smile and tears of women, but also the capable women with thousands of arrogance, means and expressions.

He feels envious and fond at first glance, and then he yearns for it - although he will first focus on the beauty of the actors when he watches the TV series, he will also subconsciously focus on what kind of actions the people on TV will make in what situation.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

He longs to be a person who can put his emotions at ease and experience the variety of life, rather than dwelling on the boring things arranged by his father whenever he has time, which is too torturous for him.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Turn your hobby into a hobby and rebel against your dreams

So he gradually became obsessed with reading what his father had arranged, and after reading and doing, he went to look in the mirror to examine the expressions and gestures he made.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

He also role-plays with friends at school, as a martial arts hero or a junior in a restaurant and other big and small characters. During this time, he often had a lot of fun.

In this way, a period of green years slipped quietly, and when he reached age, he confessed to his father: "I don't want my life to be arranged for the time being, I want to go for a while, I want to be an actor." ”

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Such a confession naturally surprised Zeng Weiquan's father, and then he was angry, knowing that his son would privately buy some camera language books and imitate people in TV series to make some expressions, but he regarded this as his son's occasional relaxation and hobby.

He never thought that his son would rebel against him because of such a thing. After the initial surprise and anger, although he felt that his hard work was in vain, he also felt that he should let his son go for a while.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally agreed to his son's approach, but said bluntly: "I wanted you to follow my old path, but you want to go to wander, and I won't stop you, let alone help you." You just have to take your choice seriously, do it well, and don't regret it no matter what the consequences are. ”

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Make a good difference

In 1981, he initially wanted to go to the wireless audition, but for some reason missed it, so he went to the audition for Rei's TV.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Zeng Weiquan began to think of wanting to act since he was a child and practiced in private, and these reasons made it natural for him to act, so there was no doubt that he passed the selection.

After Li switched to ATV, she vigorously supported newcomers to develop the Hong Kong film and television market and create her own lineup. Zeng Weiquan has received the attention of the company under this dividend.

At the beginning, he received good scripts such as "Family Spring and Autumn" and "Beacon Play Princes", even if he was a supporting role, he was willing to polish his acting skills, and every role in it made him very vivid.

Heaven will never fail those who work hard, and Zeng Weiquan won the Best Newcomer Award in 1983. At first, the person who would be shy in front of the camera is now a young actor with pure acting skills.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

After that, he also played the iron crutch Li in "Eight Immortals Across the Sea" that we mentioned. Unpolished, a downcast look, but often shouldering wisdom, the brilliant inner iron cane Li is very impressive It can be seen that Zeng Weiquan's speculation about the plot characters.

People are popular, naturally there are better roles to choose, Zeng Weiquan picked "Cloud Sea Jade Bow Edge" to interpret the male protagonist Jin Shiwi with his heart.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

He not only starred in "Yunhai Jade Bow Edge", but also starred in "The Legend of the White-Haired Witch" and successively acted in other supporting dramas, not getting lost in the protagonist scene, only recognizing whether the script was good enough, so he gradually accumulated more experience.

In 1986, he ushered in the peak of his acting career - starring in "The Legend of the White-Haired Witch" protagonist Zhuo Yihang.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

It is a pity that although he achieved a national-level phenomenon, he did not seize the opportunity to further improve his career. He actually left ATV in 1990 and turned to TVB.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Career in arms, love entanglement

When Zeng Weiquan did not switch to wireless, he not only had his career but also had his girlfriend with him.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

He and his ex-girlfriend Mei Xiaohui met in "Full House", whether it was in the play or in daily life, the two felt very compatible, and soon fell in love. But the long-running relationship began to plummet when he switched to wireless in 1990.

His girlfriend Mei Xiaohui will still comfort him at the trough of his career, but Zeng Weiquan is depressed and very busy at this time, he is eager to reunite the audience's eyes with his acting skills, and he wants to set a rating again.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

So one longs for love and stability, and the other longs for career again, and the intersection of the two lives naturally begins to diverge. Mei Xiaohui's many hints of marriage made Zeng Weiquan feel anxious, and finally quarreled and broke up.

The most important weight for Mei Xiaohui to break up is that Zeng Weiquan developed a relationship with a female artist Ye Liyi when he went to Malaysia to develop his career.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

This person Mei Xiaohui was very angry, and it was impossible to accept this matter on anyone. The first time was a career, this time it was a cheating, and the new account and the old account made Mei Xiaohui decide to cut off the love she had had had for more than ten years and break up decisively.

In this way, the former golden boy and jade girl were exposed to break up, and the two were strangers. Zeng Weiquan once expressed his apologies in front of the media: "Time is precious to girls, and I am too unfair to her. ”

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

However, in my opinion, to do wrong is to do wrong, and no amount of apology can make up for the hurt at that time.

Zeng Weiquan also broke up after a short three-year relationship with Ye Liyi, and did not marry anyone until his death. The same Mei Xiaohui has not yet married.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Love is frustrated, and career is frustrated

After the failure in love, let's return to his career. The competition from TVB was very brutal, and most of the actors as we know it now came out of TVB.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

At that time, TVB was full of flowers, and at the same time as Zeng Weiquan, there were Koo Tianle, Tony Leung, Zhang Jiahui, Chen Haomin and others. Zeng Weiquan gave up everything he accumulated in ATV and instead started from scratch in the highly competitive place of TVB.

His choice is not worth it in the eyes of outsiders, because he has since changed from a high-gloss "red flower" role to a professional "green leaf". It's been tepid.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

At the same time, the competitors were too dazzling, and the people above did not focus their attention on Zeng Weiquan, who switched halfway.

The only one who moved to ATV and impressed the audience was Guo Xiaotian in "Condor ". After that, it gradually receded into the audience's sight.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

There was once a saying on the Internet that Mei Xiaohui's sister is a series director and producer of TVB, and Zeng Weiquan cheated on her, who is naturally not used to being a sister.

So he suppressed Zeng Weiquan and left him with no drama. Career left him, and love left him. Zeng Weiquan was empty-handed, and he tried hard to get nothing in the end.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Embrace the rescue cause empty-handed

However, after he left the entertainment industry, he did not go back to business. The first time he entered the public eye, he worked with a righteous sister to rescue stray animals.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

At that time, he had already let go of everything in the entertainment industry, whether it was dressing or mental outlook.

He is happy to temporarily adopt the stray animals he encountered with his righteous sister, and find an adopter after treatment, just like the current cat living and old crazy Yang, spontaneously helping.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

He has seen people abandoning animals, abandoned animals that have died or struggled to survive, and cats and puppies crushed into bread on the road.

Once this phenomenon is noticed, once it is stopped, it is deeply trapped, and then sent away, and repeatedly.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

This made him miserable and willing, and he had the idea of wanting to do more, so he not only rescued stray animals himself, but also used his former celebrity effect to call on people to have the ability to take care of stray animals when driving at night to avoid them being hit and killed by cars.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

Sick, reconcile the past, give a legacy

When people feel that something is right, they are struck hard by reality. When Zeng Weiquan still wanted to realize his ambition of saving animals, he learned in 2019 that his lung immune system was wrong.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

At the beginning of 2020, he confessed in public that he had advanced lung cancer. In the face of the care and questioning of old fans, Zeng Weiquan just smiled and relaxed them.

Of course, he himself has calmly accepted his fate, he hopes that he can walk quietly, so he emptied everything he used to on social platforms, even his phone number was cancelled a few months later.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

After that, he also left a paragraph for his ex-girlfriend, who he had always been ashamed of: "I delayed you too much, I'm sorry Mei Xiaohui." The two also reconciled in Zeng Weiquan's last days. Koo Tianle is Zeng Weiquan's friend when he was working wirelessly.

He has now got rid of the identity of "Bai Gu" as a powdered boy, has been following the hard power acting route of "Hei Gu", and has invested and donated more than 130 schools, donating nearly 2 billion yuan, and has always been keen on the same charitable relief as Zeng Weiquan.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

This has to be said to be really a friend, capable and at the same time a kind heart. Koo Tianle not only invests his efforts and financial resources in charity, but also pays close attention to the illness of his friend Zeng Weiquan.

When Zeng Weiquan had already invested too much money in the cause of medical treatment and rescue, he also lent money to Zeng Weiquan to buy medicine and see a doctor without saying a word.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

"I have handed over all my property to the Koo Tianle Charity Foundation to manage, hoping to help more people." Zeng Weiquan also saw the efforts of his friends, and when he died, he asked the lawyer to take care of everything.

In the end, he sincerely hoped to Yimei that no one would disturb his funeral and let him go quietly alone.

In November 2020, 59-year-old Zeng Weiquan died of terminal lung cancer. He came with a cry and walked away quietly.

In 2020, actor Zeng Weiquan passed away, and his 58-year-old unmarried ex-girlfriend has never married, and the inheritance is given to Gu Tianle

In the end, he saw no one. The only place left around is a puppy that he once rescued.

He has a brilliant life, I think he is an admirable person and a happy person after letting go, although there will be times when he does wrong, but in the end, he will let go of the past, usher in reconciliation, and look to the future of charitable relief.

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