
Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

author:Lao Li Health said

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In the hectic city life, people often overlook the small details of health, and the change in hair is a widely overlooked health sign.

Zhang Tao, his story may bring us some inspiration. Tao Zhang, a 35-year-old IT engineer, has a fast-paced and hectic life.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

One day, after exercising in the gym, Zhang Tao suddenly felt unbearable chest pain and was rushed to the nearest hospital emergency department. At the hospital, he met Dr. Lee, a senior cardiologist.

After a series of examinations, Dr. Li found that Zhang's heart condition was fine, but his hair had undergone noticeable changes: dryness, split ends, and even loss of water.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

Dr. Li told Zhang Tao that the health of hair can actually indirectly reflect a person's physical health, and even a signal of the length of life.

Dr. Lee explained that hair growth and nutritional status are closely related to the body's endocrine system and nutrient absorption capacity.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

If a person is in a state of stress and lack of rest for a long time, it will affect the health of the hair. In addition, hair growth is also related to genetics, age, and other factors.

Dr. Lee points out some of the characteristics of healthy hair: good shine, elastic feet, and normal growth rate. He stresses that these traits are not simply a matter of appearance, but an outward manifestation of the body's internal health.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

For example, the shine of your hair isn't just a matter of aesthetics, it actually reflects the nutrients and blood circulation that your hair is getting.

In Zhang's case, Dr. Li did not give routine health advice, but gave guidance from a completely new perspective.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

He advised Zhang Tao to pay attention to the details of his life, such as arranging work and rest time reasonably, reducing unnecessary stress, and maintaining a good attitude.

Zhang Tao followed Dr. Li's advice and began to adjust his lifestyle. After a few months, not only did he feel an improvement in his mental state, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that his hair had become healthier.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

The health of your hair isn't just a matter of your appearance, it's a reflection of your body's internal health.

By observing and caring for our hair, we may be able to better understand our physical health and take more effective health management measures. Health starts with paying attention to every little detail.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

Zhang Tao's story continues. Inspired by his doctor, he began to observe his hair and found that it was not only a concern for his health, but also a change in his attitude towards life.

He began to realize that many of life's little things, like the details of combing his hair every morning, were worth noting.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

Zhang Tao noticed that the state of his hair did change with his mood and work pressure. Sometimes, he found that his hair was dull from the fatigue of the day.

And on a light-hearted weekend, the hair looks rejuvenated. This made Zhang Tao think that hair is not just a part of the body, it may also be a reflection of the state of mind.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

Zhang Tao found that when he maintained a positive attitude, his hair would also become better accordingly. This is a completely new discovery for him. He had always overlooked the impact of emotions on his health, but now he began to realize that mental health was just as important.

In the process, Zhang Tao did not make any special lifestyle changes. He didn't deliberately do exercise, nor did he change his diet Xi habits. He simply began to pay attention to his hair and through the process to understand and regulate his mental state.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

Through this simple but profound change, Zhang Tao began to feel the harmony of body and mind. He found that when his mental state is good, his hair will naturally show a healthy state.

This made him believe even more that the body and mind are closely linked, and a healthy body needs a healthy mental state as support.

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair

What do you think about how long people can live to know by looking at their hair?

Doctor: People who live a long life will have these characteristics in their hair