
Lei Jun posted a picture of Xiaomi's car shed, which is expected to be listed in 2025, and I have died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

author:Highest Rhythm Analysis

Today, Xiaomi's founder Lei Jun hosted the Xiaomi automotive technology conference that attracted widespread attention. At the press conference, Lei Jun posted a picture of Xiaomi's car shed, and said that it unlocks the global motor ceiling, the world's top motor!27200 rpm!, and is completely self-developed and produced by Xiaomi, and is expected to be launched in 2025. However, this news caused all kinds of funny and doubtful voices in the comment section.

Lei Jun posted a picture of Xiaomi's car shed, which is expected to be listed in 2025, and I have died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Hot discussion in the comment area:

After the press conference, the comment area quickly boiled, and netizens expressed different opinions on the release time of Xiaomi Auto. Someone laughed and said, "Good guy, you have to wait 2 years before it goes on the market?" Others jokingly said: "Don't worry, wait another week for 2024, just wait another year." This string of reviews reflects consumers' playful attitudes and different understandings of when cars will be on the market.

Lei Jun posted a picture of Xiaomi's car shed, which is expected to be listed in 2025, and I have died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Contradiction between product launch and time to market:

Some commentators questioned, "What kind of launch event is there without a product?" This view expresses confusion about the timing of the press conference. Some people also pointed out: "2023 will be held in 2025?" This has confused some netizens, feeling that there is a contradiction between the time of the press conference and the actual market time of the car.

Lei Jun posted a picture of Xiaomi's car shed, which is expected to be listed in 2025, and I have died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Is it a strength prediction or a routine doubt?

Regarding the choice of time for Xiaomi's car conference, some people believe that this is a manifestation of strength prediction, showing Xiaomi's confidence in the future automobile market. However, there are also people who question whether this is just Xiaomi's usual marketing routine to attract market attention.

Lei Jun posted a picture of Xiaomi's car shed, which is expected to be listed in 2025, and I have died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

PPT makes a car?thunder and rain?

Some skeptics used the term "PPT to build a car" to describe the release of Xiaomi Auto, expressing concerns about the substantive product. Some people pointed out that "the thunder is loud and the rain is small", indicating that there is a gap between the expectations of the launch and the actual product.

Lei Jun posted a picture of Xiaomi's car shed, which is expected to be listed in 2025, and I have died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

The familiar routine is the same as that of Xiaomi phones?

Some of the comments mentioned the routine of Xiaomi phones, questioning whether Xiaomi cars would take a similar route. This view expresses concerns about whether the Xiaomi brand can create unique value in the automotive field.

Lei Jun posted a picture of Xiaomi's car shed, which is expected to be listed in 2025, and I have died of laughter in the comment area of netizens
Lei Jun posted a picture of Xiaomi's car shed, which is expected to be listed in 2025, and I have died of laughter in the comment area of netizens

Conclusion: Wait-and-see expectations and worries

The buzz at Xiaomi's car launch reflects the public's expectations and concerns about technology companies' entry into the automotive sector. Although Xiaomi has made some achievements in the field of mobile phones, there is a huge difference between the automotive market and the previous field, so consumers have maintained a wait-and-see attitude towards the performance and strength of Xiaomi cars. Over time, Xiaomi cars will not only be tested by their technical prowess, but will also need to respond to consumer expectations through actual products and market performance. How to balance publicity and actual performance will be the key to the future development of Xiaomi Auto.


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