
"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

author:Aquatic smokers

Copywriting|Aquatic smokers

Edited by Aquatic Smokers


Ten years of sharpening a sword, just last night, following the movie "The Grandmaster", Wong Kar-wai directed his first TV series "Flowers", which was officially broadcast on CCTV 8.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

The play is full of big names, "Jigong" You Benchang is in charge, Hu Ge starring, and Ma Yili, Tang Yan, Xin Zhilei and other acting actresses, and even the male and female supporting actors are Huang Jue, Zheng Kai, Yu Entai, Wu Yue and other powerful actors.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

In terms of content, it is set in Shanghai in the 90s, and tells the ups and downs of business in that era.

This director team and this cast are definitely full of big hit drama buffs, and everyone's expectations have been infinitely raised.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

But after watching two episodes, the bad reviews hit like flowing water, and the audience even shouted:

"This time, Hu Ge can't save Wong Kar-wai. ”

So, "Flowers", which is the top match in all aspects, what went wrong.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

First, the tone is dark, and the background of the era is confusing

Wong Kar-wai's ruling area has always been a movie, and his excellent works such as "In the Mood for Love", "Chongqing Forest", and "The Grandmaster" can be called classics.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Moreover, when watching Director Wang's movies, I will always sigh at his excellent lens aesthetics, which can make the picture tell a story and make the actors show their unique charm.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

In the movie "In the Mood for Love", there is a scene from the perspective outside the window, seeing "Zhou Muyun" played by Tony Leung and "Su Lizhen" played by Maggie Cheung hugging together, in the overlapping light and shadow, the emotions of the characters are self-evident.

In the TV series "Flowers", Wong Kar-wai, as always, let the camera show the beauty of the movie.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

The night scene is mostly there, and as soon as it appears, it is a bright Shanghai, with a bustling crowd on the street, and it is lively.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

At that moment, it really amazed many people, after all, everyone was hurt too deeply by the mediocre background of film and television dramas, various studio scenes, and five-cent cutout special effects, and it was rare to see such a meticulous masterpiece.

However, as I continue to watch, the dark tones have not become brighter, but have continued, and even the scenes during the day will make people feel two words - depressed!

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Speaking of which, the last TV series with such a large number of dim night scenes was "Know It or Not", in order to restore the lights in the ancient room, the night scene was lit by candlelight, but it won countless praises.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Why, one is to fit the era of the script, and the other is like a hard movie.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

The tone of "Flowers" may feel good when you watch it on the big screen for two hours, but if you put it in dozens of TV series, it makes people a little uncomfortable.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Again, the background of the era is really confusing, it is clearly said that it is the 90s, how can this gorgeous retro background, all kinds of colorful outfits of the characters, a bit like the Republic of China.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Especially when looking at Tang Yan and Xin Zhilei with big red lips, wearing red coats and sexy cheongsams, it suddenly makes people dream of returning to the Republic of China.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

In this regard, netizens commented:

"I always thought it was the Republic of China, until someone took out Big Brother. ”

All in all, I really don't know how director Wong Kar-wai envisioned the background of the times when filming?

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Second, there are many big names, and the acting skills are exaggerated and not down-to-earth

After reading the background, let's talk about the actors, Hu Ge, Xin Zhilei, Ma Yili, which actor takes it out and puts it in other dramas, they are all proper starring actors, and their appearance and acting skills are reassuring.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

It's just that after reading it, many netizens can't stand it.

Each of the leading actors is very good, and the camera is aimed at 360 degrees to show the beauty, but it's not a good thing that the style is too full.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Hu Ge's "Mr. Bao" has become a well-known figure in Shanghai in five years, and it stands to reason that this character has changed.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

But Hu Ge continued the previous "Li Xiaoyao" style of acting, at the beginning when he begged "uncle" to teach him to do business, he had the ruffian and stubbornness of a hairy boy, and five years later, he was still a little exaggerated, speaking without brains, and waving his fists emotionally.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Looking at the female characters again, the deepest impression is that "Li Li" played by Xin Zhilei and "Lingzi" played by Ma Yili always feel that there is a wind and dust on their bodies.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

But according to the personality, there is not much inappropriate, one is the female owner of the hotel, the other is the female owner of the restaurant, dealing with people in business, it is inevitable to dress up in fancy and sleek.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

It's that Ma Yili is too chattering, a little noisy, Xin Zhilei pretends to be profound, looking like "the old lady is very good", slightly exaggerated.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

The same is true for other supporting roles, which are like acting in a movie, with actions, expressions, lines, and emotions infinitely amplified.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

It seems that You Benchang, who once played "Jigong", is the most powerful.

The old man is 90 years old this year, and he is still full of energy.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

When he starred in "Uncle", between his words and demeanor, he showed the thoughtfulness of a business tycoon, not showing the mountains and waters, only one sentence "To play stocks, you have to learn to lose first", and the character image immediately stood up.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

3. The appearance is gorgeous and the plot is exaggerated

Some netizens said that I didn't understand any of the plays directed by Wong Kar-wai, but his works could win awards.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

As for this "Flowers", director Wong Kar-wai also gave everyone a "preventive shot" before the broadcast.

He said that there is no coherent story in this book, on the surface it is about men and women, but inside it is the mountains and rivers and the changes of the times.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

So when dealing with the plot, I respected the original work and did a lot of "blank space", and even said:

"What I don't want to talk about, what I can't talk about, and this kind of blank space that makes it difficult for myself and others to talk about is the attitude of a creator. ”

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Well, as soon as Director Wong Kar-wai said this, he knew that things would not be simple.

Sure enough, the ratings of "Flowers" broke 2 in 10 minutes after it was broadcast, and the word-of-mouth was polarized, some people blew it into the sky, some people said that they came with excitement and returned disappointed, and after watching an episode and not understanding it, they decisively abandoned the drama.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

To this day, these two factions are arguing in the comment areas of major platforms.

But speaking of which, this plot is not obscure, it still tells the story of a poor boy who has become a legend in the business world, and witnesses the drastic changes of the times with a small person.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

It's just a flashback at the beginning, with "Mr. Bao" encountering a car accident, leading to the five years when he apprenticed to "Uncle".

is one point, the plot is the same as the characters, and the rise of the characters and the struggle in the shopping mall are too exaggerated.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

In the 90s of the last century, a poor boy "" wanted to learn to do business with the big guy "Uncle", and the big guy tested him and asked him to borrow money twice to invest in the stock market.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Unexpectedly, Ah Bao was able to borrow 6,000 yuan, which was definitely a huge amount of money in those days.

After losing money, Po found a friend again, borrowed money again, and earned a sack of money.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Even though the big guy "Uncle" is a cow, the money is too easy to come by.

Immediately afterwards, Ah Bao passed the test, a poor barehead turned over from then on, with the help of nobles behind him, and with money and brains, he became a rich man in two weeks, and made a name for himself in Shanghai in five years.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

There is also a business war, each character in it, whether he is a partner or a competitor with the male protagonist, fighting openly and secretly, ups and downs, as if he wants to convey something and drive your emotions, but after reading it, he was not too touched.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

Perhaps, this is the "blank" that director Wong Kar-wai wants to convey.


As of today, "Flowers" has just aired four episodes.

Many people reported that after watching the Shanghainese version, they insisted on watching the third episode, and they would think it was very good.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai

It remains to be seen how the specific follow-up plot will develop and whether it will bring us surprises.

It's just that at present, the show is very popular but the response is average, so I am afraid of smashing the signboard of director Wong Kar-wai.

"Flowers" has received a flood of bad reviews when it is broadcast! The tone is dark, the plot is dragging and greasy, and it is difficult for Hu Ge to save Wong Kar-wai


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