
After the age of 70, people who walk faster live longer?

author:Lao Xu's medical science

Text: Dr. Xu

Edited by Chi You

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In a quiet town, there lives a retired worker named Uncle Zhao.

This morning, Uncle Zhao got up early as always, ready to enjoy his morning exercise time.

After the age of 70, people who walk faster live longer?

But today was different, he felt dizzy as soon as he got out of bed, as if the whole world was spinning.

Uncle Zhao realized that this might not be a good sign, so he hurriedly registered and went to the hospital.

In the waiting area of the hospital

Uncle Zhao overheard the two old men next to him discussing a topic: "Do you live long, just look at walking, you know? After the age of 70, people who walk fast live longer?"

After the age of 70, people who walk faster live longer?

He couldn't help but join the discussion, and they chatted happily as if the topic was more important than anything else in the world.

When it was Uncle Zhao's turn to enter the consultation room, facing the doctor, he was still thinking about that question.

The doctor, a young and energetic female doctor, listened carefully to Uncle Zhao's symptoms, and then began to talk about the health problems of the elderly.

After the age of 70, people who walk faster live longer?

Relationship between walking speed and lifespan

"Uncle Zhao, do you know that the speed of walking can indeed reflect a person's health to a certain extent. ”

The doctor began to explain in detail, citing a series of studies and data that showed a certain link between walking speed and the longevity of older people.

But she stressed that it is not absolute.

After the age of 70, people who walk faster live longer?

Walking speed that suits you is key

The doctor continued, "Brisk walking does strengthen the heart and lungs and improve muscle strength, but too fast a pace can be a burden for some older people.

The key is to find the right pace for you. ”

She also highlighted specific cases of elderly people who had suffered knee injuries or increased heart strain due to their blind pursuit of fast walking.

After the age of 70, people who walk faster live longer?

Here the doctor makes an interesting point:

"Actually, you don't have to go fast, but walking correctly and consistently is the key. ”

She explained that for the elderly, maintaining moderate exercise, such as gentle walking, tai chi, etc., is more important than pursuing speed.

After hearing this, Uncle Zhao suddenly realized.

After the age of 70, people who walk faster live longer?

He realized that his long-term pursuit of walking speed might have gone too far.

He thanked his doctor for the advice and decided to adjust his exercise regime in the future.

Just as Uncle Zhao was about to leave, the doctor suddenly asked a question that seemed unrelated:

"Do you know why parrots can imitate human language?"

Uncle Zhao was at a loss for a while, what does this have to do with his health?

The doctor smiled and explained, "It's really a question of learning Xi and adaptation.

After the age of 70, people who walk faster live longer?

Just as parrots adapt to their environment by learning Xi, we also need to learn to adjust our Xi habits according to our physical condition.

Whether it's the speed of walking, or other lifestyles, the key is to find what works best for you. ”

At this point in the story, Uncle Zhao walked out of the hospital, and his heart was full of new thoughts.

After the age of 70, people who walk faster live longer?

You may ask, "Why is it better to benefit the health of the elderly with exercise and lifestyle that adapts to your personal situation?"

I hope you can get some inspiration from Uncle Zhao's story, and I hope you will always be healthy and happy.

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