
Why do you get older and get less sleep? Doctor: There are two organs in the body that are affected

author:Lao Zhang's medical science
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  • On an old street in Beijing, there lives a middle-aged man named Li Dawei. He is an accountant for a small company and has a busy job, often working overtime late into the night. Recently, Li Dawei has found that his sleep time at night is getting shorter and shorter, and he often feels dizzy and weak. So, he decided to go to the hospital for help.

    In the waiting area of the hospital, Li Dawei sat on a chair and was preoccupied. Soon, it was his turn. The doctor is an old doctor who seems to be very experienced, named Dr. Zhang.

    Why do you get older and get less sleep? Doctor: There are two organs in the body that are affected

    After examining Li Dawei's basic physical condition, Dr. Zhang said: "You have poor sleep quality, and when you get older, many people's sleep time will become shorter, which has a lot to do with the two organs in the body. ”

    "Which two organs?" asked Li Dawei curiously.

    Dr. Zhang smiled and explained, "One is the brain and the other is the kidney. As we age, the nerves in the brain that regulate sleep age, leading to changes in sleep cycles. And the decline in kidney function can also affect sleep, as they are responsible for regulating the water balance and metabolic waste products in the body. ”

    Why do you get older and get less sleep? Doctor: There are two organs in the body that are affected

    Li Dawei listened to it with relish, and he didn't know this knowledge before.

    Dr Teo continues, "Studies have shown that the amount of deep sleep time people spend gradually decreases as they age. This is because the areas of the brain responsible for sleep respond to sleep-regulating hormones diminished. ”

    Li Dawei nodded in understanding.

    Why do you get older and get less sleep? Doctor: There are two organs in the body that are affected

    "In addition, a decline in kidney function can lead to frequent urination at night, which is also an important factor in sleep. Dr. Zhang added.

    "So what should I do?" asked Li Dawei.

    "First of all, maintain a good routine and Xi. Second, try some relaxing activities, such as yoga or meditation. Also, proper exercise is important, but don't do strenuous exercise before bedtime. Dr. Zhang advised.

    Why do you get older and get less sleep? Doctor: There are two organs in the body that are affected

    Li Dawei thanked Dr. Zhang for his advice and was ready to change his Xi according to the doctor's advice.

    As he left the clinic, Dr. Zhang suddenly asked a seemingly unrelated question: "Do you know why people feel sleepy more easily in the spring than in other seasons?"

    Li Dawei stopped and looked back at Dr. Zhang curiously.

    Why do you get older and get less sleep? Doctor: There are two organs in the body that are affected

    Dr. Zhang smiled and explained, "This question is actually closely related to the sleep problem we discussed. In spring, as the temperature rises, the body's metabolism accelerates, and the body needs more energy to adapt to the changing seasons.

    At the same time, spring is the peak season for natural growth, and the increase in pollen and other allergens will also affect people's sleep quality and mental state. Therefore, spring sleepiness is not only the adjustment of biological rhythms, but also related to environmental factors. ”

    Why do you get older and get less sleep? Doctor: There are two organs in the body that are affected

    These words made Li Dawei suddenly realize, and he felt that he had not only solved his confusion, but also learned a lot of new knowledge. He said goodbye to Dr. Zhang gratefully and walked out of the hospital with a new understanding and plan.

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    Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!