
Li Shanjun's family opposed the autopsy, and the scene of the mourning hall was exposed in the afternoon, and the stars of Korean entertainment went to say goodbye!

author:Kaixing Entertainment

Description: "My Uncle" star Lee Sun-kyun caused countless fans to die in a chokely manner, and the police preliminarily confirmed it as a suicide case. His family's objection to an autopsy made the tragedy even more confusing. Photos from the scene show the solemn atmosphere of the mourning hall, which makes people feel the pain of his loss even more.

Li Shanjun's family opposed the autopsy, and the scene of the mourning hall was exposed in the afternoon, and the stars of Korean entertainment went to say goodbye!


Lee Sun-kyun has always been one of the high-profile outstanding actors in the Korean film industry. However, at 9:12 a.m. on the 27th, the police received a call from his wife, Jun Hye-jin, saying that Lee Sun-gyun had left a note similar to a suicide note the night before and drove away, and then lost contact. The police located his vehicle through mobile phone positioning, only to find that he had fallen into a coma, his heart had stopped beating, and the rescue paramedics pronounced him dead at the scene.

Li Shanjun's family opposed the autopsy, and the scene of the mourning hall was exposed in the afternoon, and the stars of Korean entertainment went to say goodbye!

Shockingly, the police found a quick-burning charcoal in the passenger seat of Lee Sun-gyun, preliminarily confirming the nature of the tragedy. His death has choked countless fans, and everyone is very sorry for the death of this excellent actor.

Li Shanjun's family opposed the autopsy, and the scene of the mourning hall was exposed in the afternoon, and the stars of Korean entertainment went to say goodbye!

However, when the family learned that the police had preliminarily determined that it had committed suicide, they raised strong objections to the autopsy being performed. This also makes this incident even more confusing, without the results of the autopsy, we will not be able to prove Li Shanjun's final innocence, nor can we give him an explanation.

Li Shanjun's family opposed the autopsy, and the scene of the mourning hall was exposed in the afternoon, and the stars of Korean entertainment went to say goodbye!

In the afternoon of the same day, the scene of the mourning hall was extremely solemn. Actors Yoo Jae-myung, Kim Sung-chul, Song Young-gyu, and director Lee Won-seok and other colleagues in the film industry came to mourn their deceased friends. When the photos were exposed, we could see that they had a sad expression, as if they couldn't accept the fact that Lee Sun-kyun had passed away in such a hurry.

Li Shanjun's family opposed the autopsy, and the scene of the mourning hall was exposed in the afternoon, and the stars of Korean entertainment went to say goodbye!

Lee Sun-kyun's departure is a huge loss for the entire entertainment industry, and his talent and exploits will always be remembered. But behind all this, there are still many unsolved mysteries and doubts. We hope that we will be able to find out the truth as soon as possible and give him a fair evaluation.

Li Shanjun's family opposed the autopsy, and the scene of the mourning hall was exposed in the afternoon, and the stars of Korean entertainment went to say goodbye!

In any case, we should honor the memory of this wonderful actor with respect and emotion. Although Lee Sun-kyun's life was short, his achievements on the path of art will always be talked about. Let us observe a moment of silence for him and pray for peace for his soul.

Li Shanjun's family opposed the autopsy, and the scene of the mourning hall was exposed in the afternoon, and the stars of Korean entertainment went to say goodbye!

I hope that the death of Lee Sun-kyun can arouse people's attention to mental health issues, and we should pay attention to everyone around us and give them more care and support. May this world become warmer and no one will be tormented by mental stress anymore.

Today, we have lost a shining star, and Lee Sun-kyun's light will continue to shine in our hearts forever. May he rest in peace. #2023年度创作挑战#

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