
At the age of 35, a crossroads in the workplace, where should I go?

author:Quick Mouth Film and Television 1

In these uncertain times, the age of 35 is not only a milestone in life, but also a key turning point in a career. At this age, many people find themselves at a professional crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges and choices. Many of them are experiencing a quiet crisis, an unknown dilemma – the invisible bias that companies have against employees over the age of 35 when hiring.

At the age of 35, a crossroads in the workplace, where should I go?

In the minds of many professionals, the age of 35 is often regarded as the intersection of experience and vitality, and is the golden age in their careers. At this time, a person has often accumulated a certain amount of work experience and professional skills, and at the same time maintains the ability to learn and Xi new knowledge and new technologies.

However, employees in this age group often face various career development bottlenecks, such as limited promotion space, pressure of industry change, and confusion about personal career planning. Among these challenges, the bias against employees over the age of 35 is undoubtedly the most obvious and intractable in corporate recruitment.

At the age of 35, a crossroads in the workplace, where should I go?

First of all, we need to recognize that with the rapid development of technology and the continuous upgrading of the industry, the change of new knowledge and skills is accelerating faster than ever. In this context, enterprises have put forward higher requirements for employees' learning Xi ability and adaptability.

In the stereotype of some business owners or human resource managers, employees over the age of 35 are often perceived as rigid in thinking, unwilling to learn Xi new things, and difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing work environment. This stereotype invisibly creates barriers for many capable and experienced middle-aged professionals.

At the age of 35, a crossroads in the workplace, where should I go?

Secondly, we have to mention the cost factor. In the operation and management of modern enterprises, cost control is undoubtedly a crucial link. Employees over the age of 35 tend to have higher salary expectations because of their experience and higher skill level.

And for many cost-effective companies, hiring young people who are just starting out or have less experience has become a more economical option. They can get employees at a lower cost, even if it means investing time and resources to train these younger employees, but these costs are nothing compared to the 35 percent of working seniors.

At the age of 35, a crossroads in the workplace, where should I go?

In addition to this, there is another reason that cannot be ignored, and that is ageism in the workplace. Youthful team culture, the pursuit of young innovation, and the questioning of the abilities of older employees can all be the underlying reasons for the prejudice against employees over the age of 35 in recruitment.

As a result, many talented and experienced middle-aged professionals have lost the stage to show themselves, and their career paths have been forced to turn, or they have been stuck in a long job search dilemma. For enterprises, ignoring the value of this part of the talent is also a loss. They miss out on opportunities to leverage the experience and stability of these employees to boost the overall competitiveness of their teams and organizations.

At the age of 35, a crossroads in the workplace, where should I go?

Therefore, the problem of prejudice in the workplace at the age of 35 is a multifaceted and multi-layered phenomenon. It is not only related to the career development and mental health of individuals, but also related to the talent strategy of enterprises and the employment environment of society. Solving this problem requires the joint efforts of enterprises, individuals and society, only in this way can we break the barriers of age and let everyone who is willing to struggle find their own bright future in the workplace. #Is it still competitive in the workplace at the age of 35#

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