
Twin sisters marry in different countries, one China and one India, and the gap is clear at a glance after 5 years Please click "Follow" in the upper right corner of the officials! China and India are two major civilizations


Twin sisters marry different countries, one Chinese and one India, and the difference is clear after 5 years

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China and India are two ancient civilizations, both have a long history, the countries are also very close, and share a common religion - Buddhism, but the Xi of life are very different.

I heard a story told by a friend who loves to travel before, it is a pair of Indian twin sisters, one married a Chinese man, the other married an Indian man, and the life of the two after marriage is one in the sky and one in the ground.

The twin sister traveled to China, during which she met her future husband, and the two fell in love, and after many tests, they entered the palace of marriage.

Naturally, she would be very reluctant to part with her family, but her sister married to China without hesitation for her love.

And her twin sister is very sad, after all, they have lived together for more than ten or twenty years, and the relationship is already very deep, and her sister asked her sister to find a Chinese husband, and then they can get together.

However, my sister later married an Indian man, and due to the influence of traditional concepts, the social status of Indian women was still relatively low.

My sister is married to a rich Indian man, but the rich man already has two wives, so my sister's married life is not easy, but the material life is still relatively rich, which is probably her only thought.

On the other hand, the sister who married a Chinese man, although her life is not very rich, her living standard can still reach a well-off level, because her husband's income is relatively high, she naturally does not need to go out to work.

My sister only does housework at home and takes care of the children, in order to integrate my sister into this Chinese family, her mother-in-law is also very good to her, for fear that she will feel bullied in a foreign country, and the family is happy and full of laughter.

The cultural differences between China and India are still very large, but the two countries have been neighbors for a long time, and there will be some similarities, and I hope that the two countries can prosper together and contribute to the roof of the world.

Twin sisters marry in different countries, one China and one India, and the gap is clear at a glance after 5 years Please click "Follow" in the upper right corner of the officials! China and India are two major civilizations
Twin sisters marry in different countries, one China and one India, and the gap is clear at a glance after 5 years Please click "Follow" in the upper right corner of the officials! China and India are two major civilizations
Twin sisters marry in different countries, one China and one India, and the gap is clear at a glance after 5 years Please click "Follow" in the upper right corner of the officials! China and India are two major civilizations

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