
The interior of the office of the three sheep is exposed! Mr. Lu's entire wall is Moutai, and Brother Yang is like a fishing tackle market, please click "Follow" in the upper right corner of the troublesome officials! The Three Yang Company is made up of Xiao Yang


The interior of the Three Sheep Office is exposed! Mr. Lu's entire wall is Moutai, and Brother Yang is like a fishing tackle market

Please click "Follow" in the upper right corner of the old man!

The Three Yang Company was registered and established by Brother Xiao Yang Zhang Qingyang in March 2021, speaking of Brother Yang, everyone is no stranger, they have accumulated a lot of fans by relying on short videos, and have become phenomenal Internet celebrities, and then they have made a lot of money by live broadcasting.

In addition to Brother Yang, there is also a third partner Lu Wenqing in this company, whose headquarters was just completed some time ago, and then they also showed the company the interior scene, which can be said to be extremely luxurious.

Lu Wenqing's office is the most luxurious of all, with a huge TV in front of the desk, a wall of display cabinets on the side, and the display cabinets are all Moutai, the combined value of these wines is unimaginable, and the coffee table for drinking tea is also very expensive.

Brother Yang's office is more designed, with a spiral staircase, while Brother Yang's office is like a fishing tackle market, and at first glance he is a senior fishing expert.

The key to the popularity of the short videos of Brother Yang's family is that their video style is extremely funny and contagious, and this creative inspiration comes from the whole family's full devotion to short videos.

Their well-designed video scripts contributed to the creative process. The clever plot reversals in the script are endless, and every twist can be jaw-dropping, and the unpredictable jokes are always unexpected.

Not only does this bring freshness to viewers, but it also makes their short videos full of ongoing appeal.

The enthusiasm of Brother Yang and the whole family is integrated into the details of every video creation. They don't just stand in front of the camera and perform, but show the unique tacit understanding and emotional bond between families through clever movements, expressions and tacit cooperation.

This resonance point of family, friendship, and love makes the audience feel warm in laughter.

Over time, the family has amassed hundreds of millions of followers. This is not just an overnight result, but the result of long-term perseverance and hard work.

Each video is the result of the creators' hard work, and this perseverance has also won them the trust and love of the audience. The audience felt as if they were part of the big family, sharing laughter and emotion.

I don't know if you have watched their videos, and what kind of comments do you make?

The interior of the office of the three sheep is exposed! Mr. Lu's entire wall is Moutai, and Brother Yang is like a fishing tackle market, please click "Follow" in the upper right corner of the troublesome officials! The Three Yang Company is made up of Xiao Yang
The interior of the office of the three sheep is exposed! Mr. Lu's entire wall is Moutai, and Brother Yang is like a fishing tackle market, please click "Follow" in the upper right corner of the troublesome officials! The Three Yang Company is made up of Xiao Yang
The interior of the office of the three sheep is exposed! Mr. Lu's entire wall is Moutai, and Brother Yang is like a fishing tackle market, please click "Follow" in the upper right corner of the troublesome officials! The Three Yang Company is made up of Xiao Yang

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