
The Warriors lost to the Nuggets, and I watched the whole game carefully, and finally figured out why the splash was crazy


What kind of bizarre experience is it that the water splashes wildly between heaven and earth, and the warriors actually strike iron in a high-altitude game?

Before the game, expectations for the Warriors were high. However, in the fierce matchup with the Nuggets, the Splash Brothers frequently left sparks of regret outside the three-point line. How did all this happen?

The Warriors lost to the Nuggets, and I watched the whole game carefully, and finally figured out why the splash was crazy

One game, a lot of things. However, looking at the high-altitude environment of Denver, where the race will be held, we may be able to find some clues. The thinning of the air in Denver, which is more than a mile above sea level, affects not only the climbers, but also the Splash Brothers who have swept across the Union.

Science tells us that the higher the altitude, the thinner the air, which has a significant impact on the trajectory of basketball in flight. The Splash Brothers, accustomed to projecting accurately in the dense air at low altitudes, are now at high altitudes, and all calculations and predictions seem to have lost their accuracy. The trajectory of the shot is elusive due to subtle changes in elevation, which is a nightmare for a three-point shooter who values accuracy.

This may explain why the Splash Brothers' shots are so frequent in the game. Every shot requires them to re-adapt to the rules of basketball flight in high-altitude environments, which is obviously a big challenge for the team that was originally full of tacit understanding.

The Warriors lost to the Nuggets, and I watched the whole game carefully, and finally figured out why the splash was crazy

Of course, high altitude is not the only factor. Whether there is enough pre-game adaptation and the player's adaptability to high altitude can all be the cause of the shooting slump. However, in this race, the change in air pressure brought about by high altitude became a hidden truth that few people knew.

This discovery undoubtedly surprised the fans. Who would have thought that a small change in altitude could so profoundly affect the course of a race? It also makes us wonder how many seemingly small factors in sports can make or break the performance of a strong team.

Perhaps, this loss to the Nuggets is not just a technical issue, but a huge test of the team's adaptability and adaptability. The outcome of this competition may not only be about the individual skills of the athletes, but also reveal the resilience of the team as a whole.

The Warriors lost to the Nuggets, and I watched the whole game carefully, and finally figured out why the splash was crazy

Ultimately, regardless of how the game ends, the efforts of the Splash Brothers and the Golden State Warriors deserve our respect. In the field of sports, which is full of unknowns, every game is an adventure, full of challenges and surprises. Looking forward to future games, the Splash Brothers can overcome various difficulties and once again show their superb shooting skills, bringing more exciting moments to the fans. It also makes us look forward to unknown sports adventures even more, because in this world, it is never known which tiny variable will lead to the next incredible game legend.

What kind of bizarre sports spectacle is this Endless Abyss! The splash of water is frantically smashing into the basket in the air, and the Warriors are frequently striking iron in this game, what kind of bizarre sports spectacle is this?

At the beginning of the game, the Warriors' splash brothers danced on the court like lit flames, and three-point sparks flew everywhere. However, in the third quarter of the game, the team's shooting percentage plummeted, and the shooting of the Splash Brothers actually became a big shortcoming for the Warriors.

The Warriors lost to the Nuggets, and I watched the whole game carefully, and finally figured out why the splash was crazy

Fans have expressed their confusion, why did the Splash Brothers, who are obviously known for their three-point shooting, repeatedly leave sparks of regret outside the three-point line in this game? Is it because the opponent's defense is too sharp, or is there some unknown problem within the Warriors?

Digging deeper, I discovered a unique factor in the race – the high altitude of Denver. This seemingly small variable turned out to be the culprit that affected the shooting of the Splash Brothers.

Science tells us that the higher the altitude, the thinner the air and the greater the impact on shooting. The Splash Brothers, after getting used to the feeling of shooting at low altitudes, suddenly found themselves in Denver at high altitudes, and all calculations and predictions seemed to lose their accuracy. This makes the otherwise accurate projection at high altitude even more challenging for the player's skill level.

The Warriors lost to the Nuggets, and I watched the whole game carefully, and finally figured out why the splash was crazy

Imagine that every shot needs to overcome the air resistance at high altitude and adjust the strength and direction of the shot. This is even worse for a three-point shooter who pays attention to accuracy. As a result, the shooting percentage that was originally easy to come by has unexpectedly fluctuated at high altitudes.

Of course, high altitude is not the only factor. Whether there is enough pre-game adaptation and the player's adaptability to high altitude can all be the cause of the shooting slump. However, in this race, the change in air pressure brought about by high altitude has become a hidden truth that few people know.

This discovery undoubtedly surprised the fans. Who would have thought that a small change in altitude could so profoundly affect the course of a race? It also makes us wonder how many seemingly small factors in sports can make or break the performance of a strong team.

The Warriors lost to the Nuggets, and I watched the whole game carefully, and finally figured out why the splash was crazy

Perhaps, this loss to the Nuggets is not just a technical issue, but also a test of the team's adaptability and adaptability. The outcome of this competition may not only be about the individual skills of the athletes, but also reveal the resilience of the team as a whole.

Ultimately, regardless of how the game ends, the efforts of the Splash Brothers and the Golden State Warriors deserve our respect. In the field of sports, which is full of unknowns, every game is an adventure, full of challenges and surprises. Looking forward to future games, the Splash Brothers can overcome various difficulties and once again show their superb shooting skills, bringing more exciting moments to the fans. It also makes us look forward to unknown sports adventures even more, because in this world, it is never known which tiny variable will lead to the next incredible game legend.

The Warriors lost to the Nuggets, and I watched the whole game carefully, and finally figured out why the splash was crazy