
If I sit for confinement again, I will resolutely not do these things

author:Fight monsters to upgrade the parenting road

For most new mothers, they have just experienced the tension and hard work of pregnancy and childbirth in October, and they are about to face various challenges in raising and educating their babies.

And the confinement period after giving birth is a buffer period for yourself to recuperate. Postpartum recovery must be taken seriously, don't let the wrong way miss the good time to nourish your body!

You must know: if you don't sit well in confinement, you will really fall into confinement disease

As a person who has come over, I really give you 7 suggestions

Expectant mothers who want their due date to be approaching

I can see it in advance! !️

⚠️ Sitting well in confinement is equivalent to a woman's second rebirth!

If I sit for confinement again, I will resolutely not do these things

⭕️ This article focuses on:

1. Sitting Shu Tsukiko

2. Don't sit in the soup confinement

3. Don't sit on confinement

4. Tsukiko

5. Don't sit on the confinement period

6. Do not sit on salt-free confinement

7. Do not sit on the confinement period

If I sit for confinement again, I will resolutely not do these things
If I sit for confinement again, I will resolutely not do these things
If I sit for confinement again, I will resolutely not do these things
If I sit for confinement again, I will resolutely not do these things
If I sit for confinement again, I will resolutely not do these things
If I sit for confinement again, I will resolutely not do these things
If I sit for confinement again, I will resolutely not do these things

Note that now confinement is no longer blindly "staying at home" and "making up for special supplements", when the older generation of mothers-in-law and mothers have a lot of confinement traditions that contradict modern concepts, it should be during pregnancy. Find ways to reverse these perceptions in advance. After the baby is born, new mothers can choose the most suitable way for themselves according to their preferences, family situation, and financial strength, and spend the most important month.

♀️ In between, the husband has to play a coordinating role, so that the mother can be confined scientifically, so that the body can be raised, the mother recovers well, and the baby can be taken care of~