
Han Xianchu was refused to go to Beijing to visit Chen Yun, and he took the guard's hand: I don't speak, I'll meet you

author:One person wonderful


On October 3, 1986, the founding general Han Xianchu died of illness at the age of 73. At the last moment of his life, his old comrade-in-arms and old chief, Chen Yun, came to visit him. Knowing that Chen Yun had come to visit, Han Xianchuqiang cheered up, and although his physical condition was weak, he still showed a tenacious military temperament.

Han Xianchu was refused to go to Beijing to visit Chen Yun, and he took the guard's hand: I don't speak, I'll meet you

When Chen Yun saw Han Xianchu, who was already old, he couldn't help but sigh that time had passed. Although Han Xianchu is 8 years younger than Chen Yun, he looks frail and sickly at the moment. In the dialogue, Han Xianchu said frankly: "My physical condition is not very good, I don't plan to have another operation, I am already in my 70s." Chen Yun was deeply regretful, and his words of persuasion were full of concern, but Han Xianchu had already made up his mind, and it was difficult to shake it.

In fact, Chen Yun knew that the effect of treatment could no longer reverse Han Xianchu's condition. As early as two years ago, Han Xianchu was diagnosed with liver cancer, and now the treatment only adds to his pain. Chen Yun knew that no matter how great his medical skills were, he could not reverse the irreversible changes brought about by the passage of time, so he no longer demanded too much.

Han Xianchu was refused to go to Beijing to visit Chen Yun, and he took the guard's hand: I don't speak, I'll meet you

Chen Yun and Han Xianchu can be described as a pair of old comrades-in-arms and old buddies, but although the two are like brothers, they once had a stubborn time. Once, Han Xianchu wanted to see Chen Yun, but was refused. He said to Chen Yun's guards: "I just want to see each other and not say a word." "What's going on here?

1. First acquaintance with Chen Yun: Opinions at the military meeting were appreciated

In 1945, after Han Xianchu was ordered to go to the Northeast, he soon made military achievements here. He was calm and calm, brave in battle, and repeatedly performed miraculous feats. The news that the PLA has won the battle is innumerable, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chairman Mao have sent special telegrams to commend them on many occasions.

Shortly after the outbreak of the Liberation War, in the winter of 1946, the Nationalist army tried in vain to occupy the northeast and annihilate the People's Liberation Army here. To this end, they mobilized 100,000 troops, divided their troops into two routes, and tried to destroy the South Manchurian Liberation Army or rush to Changbai Mountain and attack deep into North Manchuria.

The situation in South Manchurian is precarious. At this critical moment, the Northeast Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China specially sent Chen Yun and Xiao Jinguang. Two veteran Communist Party members and military strategists came to Liaodong with the expectations of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao.

They soon set up the Liaodong Branch of the Northeast Bureau of the Central Committee to lead the work in South Manchuria, with Chen Yun as secretary of the branch and political commissar of the Military Region, and Xiao as commander of the Military Region. The two men held a military meeting in full swing to study the direction of action.

Han Xianchu was refused to go to Beijing to visit Chen Yun, and he took the guard's hand: I don't speak, I'll meet you

At the meeting, the generals of various divisions and regiments discussed everything they said, but Han Xianchu was silent.

Chen Yun paid attention to this calm general. He opened his mouth and asked, "Comrade Han Xianchu, what difficulties do you have?"

Han Xianchu replied very resolutely: Except for the thin cotton clothes of some troops, there are no other difficulties. He said that he would definitely accomplish his tasks and never disappoint the expectations of Political Commissar Chen and the party Central Committee.

Chen Yun smiled slightly after hearing this, and said, "Don't worry, we will solve the problem of cotton clothes." As long as everyone is united, we will definitely be able to turn the situation around and defeat the national army. ”

At the end of the meeting, at the insistence of Han Xianchu, the strategic policy of "consolidating Changbai Mountain and adhering to the three base areas of southern Liaoning, Andong, and Liaoning" was formed. Chen Yun immediately decided that Han Xianchu's 4th Column would take on the heavy task, go deep behind enemy lines, give full play to the advantages of mobile warfare, outflank in a roundabout way, and contain a large number of enemy troops in South Manchuria.

Chen Yun and Xiao Jinguang did not hesitate to believe in this calm cadre. They also found Han Xianchu separately, explained the task in detail, and asked him to keep in mind the entrustment of the central authorities and the people. I was also careful to ask if there were any other difficulties.

Han Xianchu was refused to go to Beijing to visit Chen Yun, and he took the guard's hand: I don't speak, I'll meet you

Han Xianchu's decisiveness and resoluteness made Chen Yun quite appreciative. Chen Yun sincerely admired this general of his own age from the bottom of his heart. When seeing Han Xianchu leave, Chen Yun couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "How much do you need such cadres now!"

2. Meritorious service: The operation behind enemy lines was deeply appreciated by Chen Yun

After receiving instructions from the Central Military Commission, Han Xianchu immediately organized his troops to advance behind enemy lines. This is undoubtedly a test of life and death for the officers and men of the 4th Column.

On the bitter winter nights, they had to travel on mule carts. Many of the fighters were so cold that their faces were covered in bloody scabs, and their vision was a little blurred. And that's not even the hardest. The most terrifying thing is that you may encounter enemy ambushes and surprise attacks at any time.

However, everyone did not have the slightest fear, because this was the great trust given to them by the Central Committee and Commander Han. For the sake of the motherland and for the sake of victory, they are willing to endure all these hardships and dangers.

In this decisive battle of South Manchuria, Han Xianchu took the lead and shared the joys and sorrows with his soldiers. He slept in the coldest places and ate the worst rations. What makes everyone even more admirable is that every time he is in distress, he can always see General Han Xianchu rushing to the front.

Han Xianchu was refused to go to Beijing to visit Chen Yun, and he took the guard's hand: I don't speak, I'll meet you

No matter where it is the most difficult or critical, Han Xianchu will definitely be seen. Hearing that it was Han Xianchu who was directing the operation, the confidence of the PLA soldiers doubled.

However, whether or not the enemy's brutal offensive can be thwarted and the passive situation in South Manchuria can be reversed is the most critical issue this winter. Chen Yun, who has always been resolute, can't help but be a little apprehensive at this moment.

Under the leadership of Luo Shunchu, the commander of the railway guerrillas, the PLA began to boldly attack the transportation lines of the national army. Soon, the Battle of Liaoshen began.

Chen Yun maintained radio contact with combat units. One day, he excitedly said to the staff officers beside him: "Quick, there is good news from Nanmanchu again! It is Han Xianchu, and he has defeated another division of the enemy!"

Under the leadership of Han Xianchu, the situation of the enemy's attack and defense in South Manchuria was gradually reversed, and the People's Liberation Army began a major counteroffensive. Chen Yun was extremely satisfied with this.

Chen Yun's secretary Hu Qiaomu once recorded that whenever he heard Han Xianchu's battle report, Chen Yun would show a relieved smile on his face. Once, Chen Yun couldn't even hide his joy and gently slammed his fist on the table.

Han Xianchu was refused to go to Beijing to visit Chen Yun, and he took the guard's hand: I don't speak, I'll meet you

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Luo Ronghuan suggested that Han Xianchu be transferred to the front line and have a good rest. Han Xianchu's answer was very simple: "I'm a person who fights, let's go to the place where the war is fought!"

As a result, he participated in the Korean War as the deputy commander of the Volunteer Army and continued to make meritorious contributions on the battlefield. Chen Yun has also been following the movements of the Korean battlefield.

One day, the secretary suddenly remembered that Han Xianchu used mobile tactics to defeat the American army near the 37th parallel. Chen Yun couldn't help but smile after hearing this, nodded and said, "This time MacArthur is going to be planted in the hands of our General Han!"

3. See you in a hurry: insist on meeting each other just to never leave a word

After the end of the Korean War, in 1959, Han Xianchu served as the commander of the Fuzhou Military Region. Since then, he and Chen Yun have rarely seen each other.

But that doesn't mean their feelings are indifferent. Even though his official duties are heavy, every time he passes by Beijing, Han Xianchu will try his best to visit this old comrade-in-arms.

He still remembers the first time he met Chen Yun 40 years ago. At that time, Chen Yun commented that he was a rare good cadre, which encouraged him. This unforgettable memory has become clearer and warmer with the passage of time.

Han Xianchu was refused to go to Beijing to visit Chen Yun, and he took the guard's hand: I don't speak, I'll meet you

However, because of his personality, Chen Yun does not like meaningless socializing. Every time he couldn't pull away, he had to politely decline Han Xianchu's kindness.

In the winter of 1986, Han Xianchu was seriously ill and went to Beijing for medical treatment, and he found Chen Yun's residence again, wanting to meet his old friend like he did back then.

However, Chen Yun refused his request three times. Chen Yun has always been disgusted with senseless politeness, and he will only receive it on official business. What's more, he is now burdened with heavy responsibilities, and he is really lacking in skills.

After being rejected for the third time, Han Xianchu was not discouraged and did not leave, but insisted on standing outside the door and said: "Just meet once, don't say a word, and I will leave immediately in three minutes. ”

In fact, he also understood Chen Yun's embarrassment in his heart. Asking for a face-to-face meeting is just to recall the bits and pieces of fighting side by side back then. Even if it's just for a moment, as long as you can see each other, you'll be satisfied.

After Chen Yun heard Han Xianchu's request in the house, he couldn't help but think of everything 40 years ago. In the end, he couldn't bear to disobey his old friend's infatuation, and relented and agreed to let Han Xianchu in.

Han Xianchu strode up to Chen Yun, stood upright, his face was full of joyful smiles, raised his hand and gave a standard military salute, and then turned around and left without stopping.

He came and went in a hurry, not more than a minute. But it left a lot of emotion in Chen Yun's heart.

Seeing the back of his old friend leaving, Chen Yun sighed softly. How many old people have left him, and being able to see Han Xianchu again is really the last consolation for his old bones.

Fourth, the final farewell: highly praise the loyal communist fighters

Not long after, in October 1986, General Han Xianchu passed away at the age of 73.

At the farewell ceremony, Chen Yun was full of emotion. He said slowly: Comrade Han Xianchu is worthy of being a time-tested loyal communist fighter. Whether in war or peacetime, he fought resolutely at his post. Now, he is heroic and righteous, and has done his best for the cause of the party and the people. His name will forever be etched in the memory of the people.

Bidding farewell to Han Xianchu's figure, Chen Yun's hands trembled slightly. His heart was sad and complicated. He is really old, and many old friends can only see each other in dreams now. At this moment, Chen Yun couldn't help but think of the scene when he and Han Xianchu first met. At that time, I was also in high spirits.

Han Xianchu was refused to go to Beijing to visit Chen Yun, and he took the guard's hand: I don't speak, I'll meet you

In this life, Han Xianchu is the only person besides himself who still remembers the first years. Now that everyone is gone, I am afraid that I will soon have to embark on the journey home......

Life is like a misunderstanding. Han Xianchu and Chen Yun could have been together in their twilight years. However, due to his political stance and responsibility, he only left a hurried meeting.

However, the short time they got along did not prevent the inextricable friendship between the two old comrades-in-arms. As Lao Tzu said: "All brothers in the four seas". Even though they never saw each other again, they remembered each other in their hearts!