
0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

author:Gentle Claire 3X2Z
0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

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In a dripping battle in Oman, the Chinese men's football team actually made fans shiver in the rain. Do you think there will be a feast of victory? This is not a game, but more like a secret battle behind closed doors. The vigor against Myanmar and the sneakiness against Oman are reminiscent of the old saying, "Be strategic, keep a low profile"?

0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

The game was in full swing, and in the first half, Oman and China launched a fierce attack, but the Chinese team seemed a little powerless. In particular, the two appealing forwards Wu Lei and Tan Long in the front court are simply a living annotation of "tiger head and snake tail". After half-time, they showed their fatigue, as if they had given up the game early.

In the 49th minute, Oman's Allawi stunned Wang Dalei with a long-range shot from the world. 0:1, like a hammer hitting the head of the Chinese team. At this time, head coach Jankovic's mysterious substitution can't help but make people suspicious. Wei Shihao, the biggest ball-holding point on the field, was replaced, and the Chinese team lost its organization and rhythm on the field, like a plate of loose sand, at the mercy of others.

0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

In the 60th minute of the game, Dai Weijun and Wei Shihao were replaced, and the Chinese team lost the threat of attack. What's even more incredible is that Jankovic's proud physical fitness and body fat percentage became a joke in this game. The players were exhausted at half-time, as if asking: what did they practice in the UAE, what did they do, did they become the first team in the world to play fatigue football?

Looking back at this game, fans began to look for the "sinners" of the Chinese team. Some people say that it is goalkeeper Wang Dalei, but insiders said: "This kind of ball is played, and there is nothing to say about losing points." "The second goal was conceded, the defensive line had already collapsed, and it didn't seem appropriate to blame the goalkeeper for carrying the blame.

0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

Who made the Chinese men's football team lose? Personally, I think there are two sinners. The first is Wu Lei, a player who thinks he has been assimilated by domestic players, but it is difficult to show his personal advantages in the game. The attack is weak and incompetent, which is quite disappointing. The second is the head coach Jankovic, whose lineup is unpredictable, and after losing the ball, he replaced the biggest ball holding point on the field, which directly caused the Chinese team to lose its dominance. What is even more disappointing is that Jankovic's proud physical training has become a laughing stock in this game.

In this game, it is not a big deal for the Chinese men's football team to lose, but the crux of the matter is that we lost somewhat meaninglessly and vulgarly. Is Oman too strong, or are we too weak? Behind the loss, is it the lack of overall quality of the team, the mistakes of the management, or the loss of ourselves?

0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

Perhaps this defeat is just the beginning, and the road ahead will be even more difficult. In the hearts of the fans, is it expectation or disappointment? What we need is a strong Chinese men's football team, not a useless supporting role before the victory. This loss may be just a prelude, and the real tragedy may be yet to come.

Wu Lei, who used to be the pride of Chinese football, has now become a pain in the hearts of fans. In this match against Oman, he seemed to be a lost leader. Wu Lei, who was once radiant, could not find his place in this game. He said to himself that he was assimilated by domestic players, but is this just a kind of self-comfort? At the critical moment, Wu Lei failed to show his leadership style, and his weakness on the offensive end made people wonder if he was lost in his own ideological imprisonment.

0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

This is not a personal reproach to Wu Lei, after all, winning and losing on the court is the norm. However, as a leader, he needs more responsibility and responsibility. In this game, Wu Lei's disgrace also made people wonder whether he could still carry the future of the Chinese men's football team.

During the game, head coach Jankovic's tactical doubts were puzzling. After conceding the goal, his substitution decision was incredible, Wei Shihao, the biggest ball holding point on the field, was withdrawn in advance, and the rhythm and organization of the Chinese team collapsed instantly. There are not just 11 athletes on the court, but a coach with a vision and a smart man who is good at adjusting.

0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

Jankovic's vaunted fitness training also exposed problems in this game. The players looked tired at half-time, and this kind of physical condition makes one wonder if there is something wrong with the training plan? Is it that the players are stuck in the quagmire of fatigue? Jankovic should perhaps examine whether the training method he is proud of is really applicable to the Chinese team.

Wang Dalei, as a goalkeeper, is often under the pressure of carrying the pot. In this match, he may not be able to escape the blame, especially when the opponent's long-range world wave, he seems a little powerless. However, to evaluate the outcome of a game, it cannot be judged solely by whether the goal is saved by the goalkeeper. There are so many variables on the pitch that each player has their own performance and the blame should not all be placed on the goalkeeper.

0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

The remarks of the national football insiders may not be to excuse Wang Dalei, but to express that the victory or defeat should not be determined from this point. Goalkeepers have limited range and sometimes the ball flies too fast for even a world-class goalkeeper to save. Wang Dalei also needs more support and understanding, rather than too much accusation.

While analyzing the defeat of the Chinese team, we cannot ignore the strong performance of the Oman team. It is no accident that they are ranked ahead of the Chinese team in the world rankings. In the game, Oman showed great strength, especially the world wave, both in terms of strength and precision, which is enough to make people admire. The loss of the Chinese team is not only a problem of the Chinese team, but also a reflection of the strength of the Oman team.

0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

Perhaps, Chinese football needs to learn from this defeat and learn from experience. It's not because Oman is too strong, it's because of our own problems, the quality of the players, the mistakes of the management, the tactical adjustments, all of which need to be carefully examined and improved. It's not terrible to lose, it's terrible to be unwilling to face up to the problem and not dare to face the difficulties.

This game is just a prelude, and the road ahead is even more difficult. In the hearts of fans, is it expectation or disappointment? This is not only the expectation of the Chinese men's football team, but also the thinking about the future of Chinese football. What Chinese football needs is a strong team, not a supporting role before the victory. This loss may be just the beginning, and the real tragedy may be yet to come.

0: 2 Oman, Wang Dalei lost the ball, the sinner of the men's football team lost the game was found out, and the slump and temper really shouldn't be!

Chinese football should rise to the challenge, face up to the problem, identify the crux of the problem, and carry out all-round reform. The management needs to reflect, the coaching staff needs to reflect, the players need to reflect. It's not terrible to lose, it's evasion and prevarication to be terrible. On the football field, it is not only a contest of tactics and skills, but also a manifestation of fighting spirit and teamwork.

The future may be full of unknowns, but it is this unknown that makes people look forward to it. Chinese football needs more effort and more hard work, which is not something that can be achieved overnight. Perhaps, when we rise to the challenge and face up to the problem, Chinese football will usher in a more brilliant day in the future.

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