
"Door-slamming Dad" named his daughter, with a total of 2 strokes of her name and surname, teacher: I don't dare to name my name in class

author:Milk bean dad talks about parenting

Hello everyone, I'm Daddy~

Speaking of naming the baby, it must be a moment when every parent is both "glorious" and "headache".

Take me as an example, after the birth of our milk bean, the mother of the milk bean handed over this sacred task to me, for the first time in my life I had such a big decision-making power, and I couldn't sleep all night with excitement, and I held "Tang Poems", "Song Ci", "Yuan Qu", and "Book of Songs" back and forth every day, like "enchanted".

After all, as everyone says, a good name can benefit people immensely, and in the past, there were even a lot of traditions and exquisiteness in naming, and it was not sloppy at all.

Later, I finally finalized the name, but my heart was still not steady, and I searched all kinds of Internet to see if there were any duplicate names or the like, in short, just the matter of naming the child, tossed back and forth for a month.

So later, every time the family got together, they would make fun of this incident and say to our milk beans: Your father named you at that time, and it was a lot of thinking about tea and rice, and you lost several pounds just in weight......

"Door-slamming Dad" named his daughter, with a total of 2 strokes of her name and surname, teacher: I don't dare to name my name in class

In fact, not only me, but many parents are very cautious in choosing a name for their child, after all, this is a label and symbol to follow the child's life.

However, with the progress of the times, some young parents have also played new tricks in order to highlight the innovation and uniqueness of their children's names.

No, there was a teacher recently, because his student's name was too "concise and unique", he sent his name to the Internet for help, hoping that netizens would identify these two words together, otherwise they don't know how to name them in class.

As the so-called Chinese culture is broad and profound, there are many rare words, but generally speaking, there are more rare words and strokes, because it is difficult to write and not commonly used, it is reasonable that most people do not know it.

But the name shared by this teacher, even the first name and last name are only two strokes, the key is that it still belongs to the category of rare words, everyone may have seen it in daily life, but they don't know how to read it.

The little girl's name is ", 〇, which is pronounced the same as "zhu ling".

"Door-slamming Dad" named his daughter, with a total of 2 strokes of her name and surname, teacher: I don't dare to name my name in class

At first glance, this is not a punctuation number symbol, but in fact it is indeed two Chinese characters, so it is no wonder that the teacher did not recognize it.

Some netizens have done science popularization on this surname to know that this surname is very rare, and there are only less than 1,000 people in the country, and more importantly, in order to match this surname, maybe the little girl's father also worked hard to come up with such a concise name.

Because of this, many netizens joked that this is the most critical father in history in terms of choosing a name.

"Door-slamming Dad" named his daughter, with a total of 2 strokes of her name and surname, teacher: I don't dare to name my name in class

There are concise names, and there are very complicated names, for example, there is a 5-year-old girl on the Internet who cried that her name is too difficult to write, and that everyone else has completed their homework and is still writing her name.

Later, I took a closer look, and the name was indeed too complicated, a total of three words, one word was more difficult to write than one word, and there were more strokes, this little girl's name was: 爨 (cuan) 懿 (yi) 曦 (xi).

To be honest, the combination of these three words is not only difficult to recognize, but also very tongue-twisting, and the most important thing is that when children write their own names, it will inevitably take a lot of trouble.

As everyone said, such a complex name, it is already commendable for children to write accurately stroke by stroke, not to mention the neatness and beauty to be written, and because of this, this little girl broke down and cried because the name was difficult to write, so it was also on the hot search, and the child asked his parents while crying: Why is the surname so complicated, is the surname one bad?

Through the screen, you can feel the helplessness and bitterness every time the little girl writes her name......

"Door-slamming Dad" named his daughter, with a total of 2 strokes of her name and surname, teacher: I don't dare to name my name in class

In fact, about the name, it has always been a "difficulty" that parents have to experience after having children, everyone wants to make the child's name high-end and atmospheric, both bright spots, and avoid duplicate names as much as possible, but sometimes, because we care too much about the uniqueness of the name, we will fall into some "traps" of naming the baby.

Therefore, today we will also talk about what "pits" to avoid when naming the baby.

(1) Don't take rare words with complicated strokes, simple and easy to write is the king

Name the baby, don't be complicated and secluded.

There was also a news on the Internet before, a little girl cried and wanted to change her name to "Little Flower", because her name has many strokes and is very rare.

Some parents may use some rare characters in order to highlight the Chinese character heritage and culture in their children's names, but this name will not only bring difficulties to others to recognize, but also bring some unnecessary trouble and embarrassment to their children's Xi career.

Just like a child named Xuan (xuan) 靐 (bing) 龘 (da) that broke out on the Internet before, it is said that in order to name the child, parents can be said to have taken a lot of pains, saying that the meaning of this name can soar.

Let's not talk about whether we can fly Huang Tengda in the end, let's talk about it first, if you encounter an exam, just writing this name will make the child feel exhausted and hopeless?

In addition, there are many rare words that are difficult to write and call, and other classmates will make a big fuss about the name, give the baby a nickname, and even isolate him.

Therefore, it is best to choose a simple and easy name, which will be of great help to the child's growth.

"Door-slamming Dad" named his daughter, with a total of 2 strokes of her name and surname, teacher: I don't dare to name my name in class

(2) Name the baby, don't pursue innovation too casually

For a while, there was a child named "Glory of Kings" who liked to mention the hot search, and many netizens watched.

I have to say that this generation of parents like to pursue innovation and uniqueness in naming their children, and sometimes they even give their children some names with brain circuits. For example, Liu Qibajiu, Li Suo, Xie Zulongen and so on.

At first glance, these names seem to be fine, but after all, the name is a person's identity label, isn't this way of naming a bit too child's play?

"Door-slamming Dad" named his daughter, with a total of 2 strokes of her name and surname, teacher: I don't dare to name my name in class

In addition, naming the baby is the first privilege exercised by parents, and the name should also follow the child's life, so sometimes parents may bring a series of problems and embarrassments to the child's growth in order to pursue temporary uniqueness.

For example, there are parents who name their babies "Chen and other retirements", "Mr. Chen", "Chairman", "Landlord", etc., maybe these names are fully integrated into the parents' expectations for their children, but the name of the child is not to realize the parents' own "daydream".

"Door-slamming Dad" named his daughter, with a total of 2 strokes of her name and surname, teacher: I don't dare to name my name in class

These names may sound to adults, that is, laughing and laughing, but in the process of children's growth and Xi, they may be used to make a lot of articles, such as taking nicknames, being isolated, etc., and then want to make up for it, but the gain is not worth the loss.

In fact, although a name is just a person's label and symbol, from ancient times to the present, the name itself has been given a lot of imagination space, for example, if the name is good, then it will have a great impact on the child's life.

But then again, no matter how magical the name is, it will eventually fall into reality, so in order to avoid some embarrassing problems, it is still necessary to be simple, loud, easy to write, and without homophonic words, which not only avoids a lot of problems, but also allows children not to worry about their own names, why not?