
In winter, children love to kick the quilt when they sleep, it is not necessarily hot, there may be other "bitterness", parents should understand

author:Xiaoxue's mother is parenting

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoxue's mother

Taking care of children is a very hard thing, especially for novice mothers, because of lack of experience, they are often helpless about some abnormal behaviors of their children, and even improper care leads to the child's illness and discomfort.

In winter, children love to kick the quilt when they sleep, it is not necessarily hot, there may be other "bitterness", parents should understand

Take the matter of the child "kicking the quilt", every parent has encountered this situation, experienced parents can distinguish why the child kicks the quilt, while the novice mother often recognizes the mistake and leads to improper operation.

Especially in winter, children sleep and kick the quilt at night, not necessarily because the child is hot, the mother must understand the physical needs behind the child kicking the quilt, and prescribe the right medicine to ensure the safe and healthy growth of the child.

The temperature in the northern countryside is relatively cold in winter, and after the temperature becomes cooler, Xiao Liu began to pay attention to thickening the quilt for the child, thinking that even if he adds an extra layer of quilt, he must avoid the child from catching a cold and feeling uncomfortable.

In winter, children love to kick the quilt when they sleep, it is not necessarily hot, there may be other "bitterness", parents should understand

But I didn't expect the thick quilt added that day, and after the child fell asleep at night, he began to kick the quilt in the middle of the night, Xiao Liu thought that it might be that the quilt added was too thick, and the child was too hot and uncomfortable to sleep, so he simply replaced it with a thin quilt the next day.

But what Xiao Liu didn't expect was that the child continued to "kick the quilt" the next night, and Xiao Liu considered whether the weather had just cooled down for a long time, and the house was not too cold, so the child didn't need to add the quilt so early?

Just tossed and turned, and within a few days, the child was sick and uncomfortable, with a cold, cough and runny nose, and went to the doctor to see the doctor and criticized the parents for covering the child with a quilt that was too thin. Xiao Liu was very aggrieved and didn't understand, saying that the child always kicked the quilt when the cover was thick, and the doctor also pointed out that the child sometimes kicked the quilt at night, not always because it was too hot, but also to consider the following factors.

In winter, children love to kick the quilt when they sleep, it is not necessarily hot, there may be other "bitterness", parents should understand

In winter, children love to kick the quilt when they sleep, it is not necessarily hot, and there may be other "bitterness"

First, the child is too excited before going to bed and does not sleep well in the middle of the night

Experienced parents can find that when children are more excited to play during the day, or when they are in a more excited state before going to bed, children generally sleep not very well after falling asleep, some like to kick the quilt, and some are in their sleep, which is not actually the reason for the thin quilt, or related to the child's state during the day and before bedtime.

If the child is very tired during the day, or very active before going to bed, then the body will be in a state of excessive exhaustion or excitement, this state is dominated by the nervous system in the child's sleep state, so the child will unconsciously kick the quilt, or the child's body suddenly jumps in the sleep, which is normal.

In winter, children love to kick the quilt when they sleep, it is not necessarily hot, there may be other "bitterness", parents should understand

In this case, parents don't have to worry too much, pay more attention to avoid children being too excited before going to bed at night, and don't criticize children before going to bed, if they are too excited to play during the day, then parents can soak their children's feet or tell a small story before going to bed, so that the child's body can relax down, so that the child can sleep peacefully and steadily.

Second, consider the problem of bed sheets and bedding to make the child sleep uncomfortable

Children's skin is more delicate, for clothes, sheets and covers are more picky, sometimes the material of clothes, sheets and covers are too rough, it will also cause children to sleep unsteadily, kick the quilt twisted around, and some even have eczema, a red body problem.

In winter, children love to kick the quilt when they sleep, it is not necessarily hot, there may be other "bitterness", parents should understand

In this case, parents still have to prepare clothes, sheets and quilts suitable for the child's skin, such as cotton bedding, silk bedding, etc., these things must not be troublesome, and children with eczema will suffer from old sins.

Third, consider the sleeping environment

Sometimes children do not sleep well, it may also be a problem with the sleeping environment, such as silent problems, dry and wet air problems, etc., if there are these problems, it may also lead to poor sleep of children.

For example, in winter, when the air conditioning or heating is turned on indoors, most of the houses are relatively dry, and parents feel that their breathing is particularly dry when they sleep, and children will also have this uncomfortable feeling, so it is also very necessary to ventilate more, pay attention to indoor humidity, etc.

In winter, children love to kick the quilt when they sleep, it is not necessarily hot, there may be other "bitterness", parents should understand

Fourth, consider the reason why your child is not feeling well

If the above factors are ruled out, then you can also consider whether it is caused by the child's physical discomfort, such as the child's indigestion, gastrointestinal discomfort and other problems, which will also cause the child to kick the quilt when sleeping.

Children's indigestion is a common thing, because children's gastrointestinal function is relatively weak, and there is no sense of "fullness", sometimes eating too much and not digesting will cause children to sleep unsteadily, which requires parents to pay more attention to their children's gastrointestinal problems to avoid problems such as food accumulation in children.

In winter, children love to kick the quilt when they sleep, it is not necessarily hot, there may be other "bitterness", parents should understand

All in all, behind every performance of the child is a representative of the need, parents meet the needs of the child children will not toss, but if the parents lack experience to deal with the wrong method, not only has a positive effect but has a negative impact, so it is still necessary for parents to observe the growth of their children and understand the reasons behind each of the children's needs, in order to prescribe the right medicine.

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