
A good prescription for insomnia, stabilizing heart rhythm, anti-depression, alleviating anxiety, supplementing the heart and kidneys, and treating both the symptoms and the root causes

author:Arisha Liang Physician

Problems such as insomnia, irregular heartbeat, depression, and anxiety are common physical and mental diseases in modern people, which not only affect people's quality of life, but also increase people's health risks. Western medicine often adopts the right approach to the treatment of these problems, such as the use of sleeping pills, antidepressants, anxiolytics, etc., although these drugs can relieve the symptoms to a certain extent, but also produce some adverse reactions, such as drug dependence, drug tolerance, drug side effects, etc. So, is there a way to solve these problems at their roots? The answer is yes.

A good prescription for insomnia, stabilizing heart rhythm, anti-depression, alleviating anxiety, supplementing the heart and kidneys, and treating both the symptoms and the root causes

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of insomnia, irregular heartbeat, depression, anxiety and other problems is closely related to the heart and kidneys, mainly due to the heart and kidney disconnection, water and fire, yin and yang imbalance and other reasons. Therefore, the principle of TCM in treating these problems is to treat both the heart and kidney, and treat both the symptoms and the root causes.

A good prescription for insomnia, stabilizing heart rhythm, anti-depression, alleviating anxiety, supplementing the heart and kidneys, and treating both the symptoms and the root causes

In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, there is a master of Jing Fang named Liu Duzhou, who is a tenured professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, a member of the Academic Committee of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the chairman of the Professional Committee of "Treatise on Typhoid Fever". Professor Liu Duzhou has rich experience and outstanding achievements in the clinical and teaching of Chinese medicine, and he is good at using Jing prescriptions to treat various incurable diseases, especially insomnia, irregular heartbeat, depression, anxiety and other problems.

A good prescription for insomnia, stabilizing heart rhythm, anti-depression, alleviating anxiety, supplementing the heart and kidneys, and treating both the symptoms and the root causes

Professor Liu Duzhou created a prescription for the treatment of insomnia, irregular heartbeat, depression, anxiety and other problems based on the addition and subtraction of "Coptis Ejiao Soup" and "Sour Zaoren Soup" in the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever".

The composition of the soup is: 12 grams of Coptis chinensis, 6 grams of cinnamon, 30 grams of sour jujube kernels, 15 grams of Poria cocos, 10 grams of boiled licorice, 10 grams of Zhimu, 10 grams of Chuanxiong, 15 grams of white peony, 30 grams of raw land, 10 grams of ejiao, and 2 pieces of chicken yellow.

A good prescription for insomnia, stabilizing heart rhythm, anti-depression, alleviating anxiety, supplementing the heart and kidneys, and treating both the symptoms and the root causes

Coptis chinensis and cinnamon communicate with the heart and kidneys, clear the heart and reduce fire, warm the kidneys and help yang; sour jujube kernel and Poria cocos nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and benefit water and dampness; boiled licorice and Zhimu nourish yin and clear heat, and reconcile various medicines; Chuanxiong and white peony invigorate the blood and nourish the blood, soften the liver and relieve urgency; Shengdi and Ejiao nourish the yin and nourish the blood, moisten the dryness and calm the nerves;

The chicken yellow nourishes yin and clears heat, nourishes the heart and calms the nerves. All kinds of medicines are matched to play the role of communicating the heart and kidneys, nourishing yin and reducing fire, and nourishing the heart and calming the nerves. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that the drugs such as Coptis chinensis, cinnamon, jujube kernel, Poria cocos, boiled licorice, Zhimu, Chuanxiong, white peony, Shengdi, Ejiao, and Jizihuang in Jiaohe decoction have certain sedative, hypnotic, antidepressant, anxiolytic, antiarrhythmic and other effects, and can regulate the functions of multiple systems such as neuroendocrine system and cardiovascular system.

A good prescription for insomnia, stabilizing heart rhythm, anti-depression, alleviating anxiety, supplementing the heart and kidneys, and treating both the symptoms and the root causes

The dosage of Jiaohe decoction is: decoction with water, one dose per day, divided into two doses in the morning and evening. Results are generally seen after 1-2 weeks and consolidation after 3-4 weeks. During the period of taking, you should pay attention to a light diet, avoid spicy, irritating, greasy and sweet foods, exercise appropriately, and maintain a good mood.

A good prescription for insomnia, stabilizing heart rhythm, anti-depression, alleviating anxiety, supplementing the heart and kidneys, and treating both the symptoms and the root causes

Jiaohe decoction is an effective insomnia prescription summarized by Professor Liu Duzhou based on years of clinical experience, which has the effects of communicating the heart and kidneys, nourishing yin and reducing fire, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves, and can effectively treat insomnia, arrhythmia, depression, anxiety and other problems. If you or your family and friends are bothered by these problems, you may wish to try Jiaohe soup, I believe you will definitely get something out.

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