
The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

author:Zhong said history
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Why is Harbin so popular?

Even though the main tower of Ice World is not yet fully built and the entire amusement park is not officially opened, visitors are already rushing to the intersection of Central Street.

The reason why the popularity here is so strong, the Internet says: "It's not that Northern Europe can't afford to go, but Harbin is more cost-effective." ”

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

This year's popularity in Harbin is not a momentary fire, but a continuation.

This is not limited to Harbin alone enjoying this menacing flood of wealth, the entire Northeast region is actively integrating into it. Harbin is just the beginning of this year-round tourism boom, and in the following year, the number of tourists in the Northeast region has clearly shown an overall growth trend.

At present, the most mature tourist route in Northeast China is "Shenyang-Changbai Mountain-Harbin", which has been rapidly expanding since 23 years, driving the vigorous development of tourism in the provinces. In addition to the mentioned Yichun, Meihekou in Jilin and Benxi in Liaoning are also vigorously developed.

Hey, do you think the Northeast is just a tourist boom? This year, the wind direction in the Northeast is completely different, and there are many big changes in economic policy:

According to the "Harbin Daily" on December 31, Zhang Anshun, deputy secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, recently emphasized in the inspection work in Daoli District, Harbin City, and other places: we must make every effort to improve the satisfaction and experience of tourists, stimulate the ice and snow economy of the whole city, make Harbin, the signboard of ice and snow tourism, more eye-catching, and make every effort to build a "capital of ice and snow culture".

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

At the end of last year, when everyone was watching the grandmother at home, Harbin had been unblocked. After the first batch recovered, they flocked to Harbin. Although last year's Ice and Snow World was not as popular as this year, last year's video is still shared today, and the central tower, the big snowman in the music corridor, and the Taoxue penguin in the polar pavilion have all become highlights.

At the end of last year and the beginning of the new year, Harbin directly became the most popular tourist city. On the one hand, many Harbin people working in other places are ready to go home for the Chinese New Year in the first year after the lockdown is lifted, and on the other hand, because of the three years of the epidemic, many people are trapped in the city where they live and dare not travel at will. Harbin made its debut after the lockdown was lifted, and quickly became the preferred destination for many tourists.

Some netizens in the south have been to Harbin and are full of praise for the city. They say that the atmosphere here is clean and tidy, the Northeast cuisine is delicious, and the prices are relatively cheap. They said: "It only costs 9 yuan to take a taxi, the service is quite good, and the city is full of enthusiastic Northeast people." ”

Don't worry if you don't know how to ski, you can experience Harbin's version of "Russian Princess" in a chic and elegant way.

Friends in the south can become "chrysalis" in this icy and snowy land, leaving photos that will last a lifetime.

The snow-covered church and its intricate decorations take you to a movie scene.

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

There are many morning markets in Harbin, such as the Red Morning Market, the North 18th Road Morning Market and the Daoli Morning Market, which are all over the city. As long as you wake up early, you can enjoy a delicious meal. However, these morning markets are now surrounded by southerners.

Whether it's corn buns or glutinous rice fried cakes, a bowl of hot haggis soup or rice porridge can not only ward off the cold, but also give you the confidence to overcome all the difficulties in life.

After visiting the morning market, we will go to the ski resort. In the evening, if there is a group activity, taking a bath may be an indispensable part.

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

Whether it's sliding on the snow with your butt brakes on the ground or falling down multiple times on the ice, you'll feel energized as soon as you step through the watershed.

With the arrival of the ice and snow tourism season, Harbin seems to have become a popular destination this winter.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of the opening of Harbin's signature attraction, the Ice and Snow World, something went wrong......

On December 18, less than 3 hours after the opening of Harbin Ice and Snow World, the number of reservations soared to 40,000. As a result, the Snow World stopped selling tickets for the day.

Because there are so many people, many tourists wait in line for hours in minus 20 degrees Celsius, and they haven't been able to experience the most popular big slides and Ferris wheels.

As a result, dissatisfaction spread, and tourists began to ask for refunds and complained on the Internet.

Harbin has not yet enjoyed the wealth of the sky, and the Internet has begun to spread the "white prostitution" strategy of the ice and snow world.

Now the discussion in Harbin on the Internet is lively.

Netizens' disgust with "white prostitutes" suddenly spread to the entire southerner group, and a "north-south showdown" is about to be staged.

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

Frankly, Harbin's response in the face of this chaos is very commendable. Instead of focusing on tourists who made unreasonable requests for refunds, they sincerely apologized and didn't complain a bit.

The day after the "refund incident", Ice World immediately responded by issuing a letter aimed at tourists. We apologize deeply for not being able to meet the needs of some tourists, and promise to seriously reflect on the poor service and make immediate improvements.

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

In order to give everyone the opportunity to play on the big slide, Ice and Snow World has changed the rules and allows on-site queuing without having to make a reservation in advance, avoiding the situation that the online reservation fails but cannot be experienced in the park. At the same time, they have extended their service hours so that everyone can have fun.

Some visitors noticed that shortly after the apology letter was issued by Ice and Snow World, the number of volunteers in the park increased significantly. These volunteers brought warm ginger syrup to the tourists in line, so that the tourists not only warmed their bodies, but also warmed their hearts.

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

As for the most sensitive issue of refund, Ice and Snow World has only one response: "refund"! Whether there is a special reason or you want to take advantage of it, Harbin said that it should be regarded as a gift for everyone.

What are some special things to know when coming to Harbin?

1. When you come to Harbin to play, be sure to dress warmly, don't stay outside for an hour, and end up lying in the hotel for two days.

2. Friends in the south suggest to come by plane, if the ticket price is expensive, you can consider buying a transfer ticket, the price is half cheaper. Other major means of transport are not reliable and may be suspended due to weather conditions.

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

3. After arriving in Harbin, don't take a taxi, there will be a bus waiting for you when you get off the plane, don't waste money.

4. Do not choose the accommodation near the central street or the train station, the price is expensive and not very convenient. If you want to go out easily and close to the attractions, you can consider Line 2 or Shangzhi Street. If you want to eat something delicious, you can live outside the road.

5. The subway and bus are the best transportation options, reaching almost all popular attractions such as Sophia's Church, Snow World, and museums.

6. There are not many attractions in Harbin, three or two days of strategy is enough, starting from the central street, just check in one by one.

7. Central Street is actually a super commercial street, and there is not much to play, but it is still good to buy a popsicle or try authentic Russian food, and forget about the rest.

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

8. Sophia Church, the scenery is general during the day, if you go at night, it will be interesting, there will be people playing in it, but the fee is not low.

9. Ice and Snow World, first of all, you must know that it is the coldest place in the whole city, you have to dress warmly and bring some dry food. If you want to eat inside, get ready to be slaughtered, and the park will open on December 17th.

10. Friends who want to ski but are not good at technology, don't choose Yabuli Ski Resort, which is a big pit for you, and it will be half a day to play. Novices can consider the Nato Ski Resort, which is especially beginner-friendly.

11. Baroque style street, is to look at the old buildings, eat the food outside the road, nothing special

The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee: Do everything possible to meet all the needs of tourists

12. In addition to the fun when the Snow Expo is open, Sun Island can also watch the penguin tour. The rest of the time, it's a slightly larger pedestrian street.

13. Red brick morning market, don't rush over early in the morning, queue for a long time, it's cold, just for breakfast, it's really not worth tossing.

14. If you want to buy special products, Daoli vegetable market and struggle non-staple food are good places to go, you have everything, and you won't buy wrong.

15. Go to the snow town to play, don't take a taxi or charter a car, you may be fooled by low-cost groups, taking a bus is the best choice.

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