
The elderly can't eat potatoes, and the more they eat, the more likely they are to be deficient in calcium? Why are some elderly people okay after eating?

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

When people are old, they are afraid that there will be problems with their bones. This is indeed the case, especially after people reach the age of 50, they often have backache, easy fractures, hunchback, height loss, etc., which are likely to be symptoms of osteoporosis.

The elderly can't eat potatoes, and the more they eat, the more likely they are to be deficient in calcium? Why are some elderly people okay after eating?

Especially for the elderly over 65 years old, although osteoporosis is a common and frequent disease, if it is not diagnosed and treated in time, with the development of the disease, it is very likely that there will be fractures, short height, chest tightness and shortness of breath and other discomforts, and even may affect the quality of daily life, as well as endanger life safety.

In this case, the elderly should pay more attention to their daily diet, eat more calcium-supplementing foods, and stay away from foods that will cause calcium loss. Speaking of which, I heard that the elderly can't eat potatoes anymore, and the more they eat, the more they are likely to lack calcium, what is going on?

The elderly can't eat potatoes, and the more they eat, the more likely they are to be deficient in calcium? Why are some elderly people okay after eating?

Potatoes, also known as potatoes, are a common vegetable on the mainland table, or a high-quality staple food, such as the popular hot and sour shredded potatoes, fried potato chips, fried potato chips, and baked potatoes, all of which are very delicious.

But many people don't understand, why are potatoes a staple food? In fact, it is precisely because potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, you must know that there are 17.2g of carbohydrates per 100 grams of potatoes, as well as 76 kilocalories.

The elderly can't eat potatoes, and the more they eat, the more likely they are to be deficient in calcium? Why are some elderly people okay after eating?

Compared with the same amount of steamed rice, steamed rice contains 25.9g of carbohydrates and 116 kcal of energy, which is not much different. But potatoes also have its advantage that potatoes also contain dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other nutrients.

In this way, compared with the staple food of refined white rice and noodles that people prefer now, if potatoes are used as part of the staple food, it will have a strong sense of satiety, and it will also help people with chronic diseases to control their weight and blood sugar levels after meals. So, when it is a staple food, it is perfect for it.

The elderly can't eat potatoes, and the more they eat, the more likely they are to be deficient in calcium? Why are some elderly people okay after eating?

But does such a high-quality staple food really accelerate calcium loss? Why is it okay for some old people to eat potatoes? According to the investigation, the reason for the rumors is that potatoes contain oxalate, which combines with calcium in the body to form calcium oxalate, and potatoes have more starch, which will not only cause blood sugar fluctuations, but also be bad for bone health.

In fact, if the body only consumes an appropriate amount of oxalic acid, it will not accelerate the loss of calcium in the body, and for the starch in potatoes, you can use the characteristics of starch dissolved in water before cooking, soak potatoes in water, so as to help potatoes reduce calories.

The elderly can't eat potatoes, and the more they eat, the more likely they are to be deficient in calcium? Why are some elderly people okay after eating?

Therefore, the elderly do not have to worry about calcium deficiency when eating potatoes, but should pay attention to the way of eating potatoes, and it is not recommended to fry potatoes, which will only make potatoes become high-calorie food. At the same time, people who like to fry potatoes should pay attention to the amount of oil in order to avoid inhaling too much oil into the potatoes.


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