
1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online


The second day of 2024, January 2, at noon.

The planner has finally released the official server announcement of the new season of S34, which will be launched on January 4, that is, the day after tomorrow.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

As always, the official server will prohibit PVP and man-machine battles at 23:30 on January 3rd.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

By the way, the free collection of Zhou Yu's new skin will also end on January 3rd, and if you haven't collected all 888 treasure coins, it is recommended to do the task early tomorrow to avoid almost not being able to redeem it in the end.

As for the update announcement, I took a look and found that 90% of the adjustments are similar to the early server, including the widening of the terrain in the wild area, the darkening of the map after 10 minutes, the change of the value of the creeps and the rework of the teleportation array, all online.

I have already focused on analyzing these contents a few days ago, so I won't mention them one by one here, interested students, you can flip through them.

It is worth mentioning that the adjustment of equipment, that is, the collective revision of shoes, among them, is not the same as the preemptive service.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

The above is the value of the current preemptive boots (attack boots), without any cost, to the basic attack hit, a new passive to restore 40 points of life, so that most of the basic attack heroes have profits.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

The above is the update and adjustment of the official server, and the amount of recovery has been reduced from the original fixed 40 points to 25~50 health.

Yes, you read that right, the planning was secretly weakened before the launch, and it was still the familiar classic halving cut, which greatly reduced the early cost performance of the attack speed shoes, and instantly became less fragrant.

In other words, the original attack speed shoes have a chance to become T0-level equipment, and whoever can eat this "cake" will be able to take off overnight.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

However, it's hard to say now, which also gives heroes who have the opportunity to become "super-standard monsters", such as Mutated Yun Zhongjun, Baili Xuance and Miyue, have a significant decline in strength.

Actually, I'm not surprised to cut the attack speed shoes, but it's a bit exaggerated to cut in half, so how much the priority of the specific attack speed shoes will become depends on the data of the official server to decide.

Next, I'm going to talk about the hero adjustments of the official server based on the actual combat experience in the early server in the past few days, after all, compared to the early server, the content of the hero changes is also very different.

(1) Doria

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] Doria has increased the amount of recovery in the water, and at the same time, whether it is releasing the second skill in the water or entering the river, she can return 30% CD, which makes Doria's own mobility and fault tolerance increase by half a notch.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

The price is that after a teammate uses a skill refreshed by Doria to cause a kill, the income will be divided equally with Doria, which reduces the strength of Doria's system, so that the large core of the conjoined body will not snowball too fast.

Focus, self-strengthening, and weakening the system.

(2) Big Joe

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] As the current version of the T0-level "super standard monster", Da Qiao is finally going to be weakened.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

(After the launch of the specialization hardcover, Da Qiao's peak game BP rate has been maintained at more than 97%, which is outrageous)

In the new season of S34, Da Qiao's specialization will cut the second-stage damage released by the overlapping of one, three, and four skills, with a range of about 20%, and at the same time, the continuous damage of the first and third skills has also been cut a lot.

In addition, the AP bonus, CD and range of the four skills have been weakened a lot, especially the CD, which is 10 seconds longer, which is still very hurtful, so that the specialization of Big Joe can no longer trigger "absolute immunity" so often.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

The non-specialized hardcover piece is similar to the announcement of the early server, mainly cutting the damage of the third skill and the built-in CD of the second skill, so that Da Qiao must wait for his teammates to trigger the teleportation before he can start to convert the CD, which is equivalent to an extra 4 seconds of vacuum period.

It's a big weakening, after all, the overall value of the specialized hardcover has been lowered a lot, so the middle lane Big Joe will be weaker in the early stage, and it is easy to fall into a collapse situation, in addition, it is difficult for the non-specialized hardcover Da Qiao to continue to use the "elevator flow" to torture the enemy.

(3) Li Bai

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] Li Bai can use basic attacks and a skill to refresh the duration of the passive "Chivalrous Journey", so that he can maintain a high Ad and unlock the ultimate for a long time.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

(Under the fourth layer of sword qi, Li Bai will enter the state of chivalry, increasing by up to 58 Ad)

In this way, Li Bai's sustained combat effectiveness, farming efficiency and operation difficulty will be improved, and novices will not be easy to break off.

In addition, compared with the preemptive service, Li Bai also increased the proportion of early armor breaking of the second skill, which is 50 points higher, and 175 points less at the full level, I have to say that the price is really a bit big.

Although, Li Bai in the new season of S34 can develop faster in the early stage, but there is less penetration of 175 points in the later stage, and it will be more scraping to fight tanks.

In other words, in the future, Li Bai must bind the Star Shattering Hammer, otherwise, it is estimated that even Xiahoudun's shield will not be able to break it.

(4) Zhao Yun

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] Zhao Yun's changes are almost the same as those of the preemptive service, and the key points are in three places.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

The first one, the lower the HP, the more injury-free, the distance of the first skill and the damage of the second skill will increase, and at the same time, you can also refresh the CD of the first skill every time you change gears, so that Zhao Yun's output, tandem and mobility have changed qualitatively.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

The second point is that Zhao Yun's HP is divided into three gears, and when the recovery volume overflows the current gear, it will be converted into a permanent shield first, and only when he jumps two gears in a row, he will instantly take a big mouthful.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

In addition, the shields provided by teammates and equipment can be converted into permanent shields, and when facing Lu Bu, Diao Chan, and Marco Polo, the permanent shields will also be converted to life first, so as to negate the true damage.

The third point is that Zhao Yun's skills and enhanced basic attacks have increased a lot of early values, and at the same time, they have also been changed to additional Ad blessings, so that he can perfectly adapt to the high Ad income of the Red Knife.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

In the preemptive server, the mutation Zhao Yun in the early and middle stages is very strong, even if it is 1v2, it is not false, but the output in the later stage is still not very optimistic, after all, there is no armor breaking, and it will still be a little difficult to cut half of the meat C, only when it is matched with Zhang Fei, it can be regarded as a "super-standard monster" in the real sense.

Therefore, it is recommended that after the new season of S34, it is best to pull Zhang Fei in a double row, and use the latter's second skill + redemption + the first light of the rising sun to make your permanent shield continue and completely incarnate as the "immortal god of war." ”

The following is the latest outfit of Mutant Zhao Yun: 10x Mutation, 10x Hawkeye, 10x Concealment

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

When your teammates are not short of output, you can also exchange the power of the Grandmaster for the Grip of Ice Marks, and the Pure Sky for the Wrath of the Blood Fiend, and torture the enemy Double C through a steady stream of slows and permanent shields.

(5) Sang Qi

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] Sang Qi's adjustment content is also similar to the preemptive service, mainly increasing the early milk volume and damage of the passive "Firefly", so that Sang Qi will not drag the team back when fighting in the lane and the wild area.

In addition, the full-level CD of a skill and ultimate move is also reduced by 1 second and 4 seconds respectively, so that Sang Qi has a stronger vision and team opening value in the later stage, and in a wave of team battles, he even has the opportunity to play two 331 combos to help his teammates keep people.

(6) High fade away

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] The high fade mutation rework has also been implemented.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

The strengthened point is to add a new displacement to the second skill, if you use 21 consecutive moves, you will have two displacements, but you can't pass through the wall, and at the same time, in the process of displacement, you can also get up to 20% damage immunity and immune slowdown.

In addition, the base life of the high fade away also has 193 more health, and the second skill can also restore half of the value when hitting monsters and creeps.

As for the weakened point, it is that the CD of the first skill is 1 second more, the full level remains the same, and the full level CD of the second skill is also increased by 1 second, and at the same time, the deceleration ratio of the second skill has been cut by 20%~30%, and the acceleration effect of the ultimate is also 20% lower, and the full level remains the same, and the 15% damage exemption has also been removed.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

However, the ultimate has not been cut down due to the mechanism of increasing the number of enemies by up to 25% without taking damage, so you don't have to worry about the high gradual exit entry will be too brittle.

On the whole, the high fade away is mainly to improve mobility, whether it is a two-stage displacement, or immune deceleration, it will be more conducive to his entry and output, and the most important thing is that he will no longer have to worry about whether to bring flash or rage in the future, you can directly bring rage all the way to the end.

By the way.

I'm in the preemptive server.,I also saw someone using a high gradient to fight the jungle.,After all, the second skill can be regenerated through the wild monster.,Plus the enhancement of the Secret Law Boots (Law Wearing Shoes),So that the rhythm ability of the mutation high gradient is also guaranteed.。

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

(S34 new season of the law shoes, its penetration will be from 50 ~ 120 points, fixed to 100 points, the early value doubled, it is still relatively fragrant, so, the jungler high fade away is also worth looking forward to)

Here are the latest builds for Mutant High Fade Out: 10x Nightmare, 10x Heart Eye, 10x Hunt

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

Although, the mutation is not afraid of slowing down, but it is still afraid of hard control, so if the opposite control is too much, it is recommended to change to the boots of resistance, or switch through the "0 yuan exchange" in the medium term.

(7) Li Yuanfang

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] Li Yuanfang's main value has been adjusted, so that the damage of all skills in the early and middle stages has been reduced by half a level, and as compensation, the Ad income has also been increased, so that Li Yuanfang's damage in the late stage will not be too stretched.

Obviously, the purpose of the plan is to target the jungler Li Yuanfang.

wants to weaken his efficiency in controlling the dragon and farming by weakening the early values, so that Li Yuanfang can no longer easily use the advantages of vision and damage to gain the initiative in rhythm.

However, for Li Yuanfang, who is on the road of development, it is really a lying gun, and it is still a relatively large weakening.

After all, Li Yuanfang's line is very average, and if the early value is still cut, it is quite easy to collapse.


1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] Nezha's mutation rework has also been implemented, and the overall content is similar to that of the preemptive server, and there are four core change points.

The first one has canceled the effect of stacking true damage from basic attacks, and changed it to deal damage to gain real shields and increase movement speed by up to 25%.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

As shown in the picture above, on the right side of the mutated Nezha's HP, 1/3 will be empty, which is used to store real shields and is permanently effective, however, the damage of the equipment cannot be stacked.

Second, if a skill scrapes the enemy, it can be attached to the continuous burn true damage and 15% critical damage effect, and the overall change is not big, but the critical damage value has been reduced from the original 35% to 15%.

The third point is that when the CD of the second skill reaches the full level, it is only 1 second, but it needs to wait for 4~2 seconds before it can be continuously released on the same unit, and in addition, the effect of stomping on people and stunning has also been removed.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

Fourth, the ultimate can choose towers, enemy units, and monsters as targets, but the cast range will change from the original fullscreen to half screen.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

At the same time, it can only fly enemies within its field of vision.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

In addition, the max-level CD of the ultimate has also been reduced from the original 60 seconds to 40 seconds, and you can also press the ultimate directly after A reaches the enemy to push the enemy back.

Overall, the mutant Nezha mainly strengthens the strength of the lane and the ability to go heads-up, but at the cost of weakening the strategic value.

In the preemptive server, I have also encountered a few mutated Nezha, how to say, the damage and frankness are indeed quite high, but the deterrent power is not very sufficient, especially in the later stage, if you encounter the situation where the opposite shooter hides, then Nezha will become very passive.

Don't fly, go straight into the field without injury + toughness, it's easy to be melted.

Flying, and can't cut to the back row, it's really a bit contradictory, the most uncomfortable thing is that the second skill can't cause dizziness, and Nezha is also easier to be kited.

Therefore, the strength of the mutant Nezha is not easy to judge, and it is necessary to wait for the subsequent data update of the official server to determine whether he took off successfully.

(9) Yunzhongjun

Yunzhongjun's adjustment value, the official server has still not been released, I can only analyze it with you according to the situation of the preemptive server.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

In fact, the direction of Yun Zhongjun's mutation is not complicated, and to sum up, there are only three cores.

The first point is that before level four, Yun Zhongjun has always been in the form of a "free-rooster", which can use one or two skills, and after level four, he can fly permanently, and his energy will only increase his movement speed, and will not land when emptying.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

The second point is that after opening the second skill, Yun Zhongjun can get a long-range basic attack, hitting three stages of fan damage forward, and at the same time, it can also increase the attack speed by up to 50% for 4 seconds.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

The third point is that the ultimate can roll up an enemy hero, during which the two mechanics of unselectable + ignoring the terrain are obtained, and then, landing on the ground and smashing the enemy down, can not only knock the target away, but also cause area damage.

In the preemptive server, I have tested the Mutant Cloud Zhongjun a lot of times, and I have to say that his late damage is still very considerable, even if a skill does not step on the enemy, there can be enough output seconds.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

In addition, the brush line efficiency of Mutant Cloud Zhongjun is really fast, using the advantages of permanent flight + fan-shaped long-range basic attack, you can quickly clear a wave of soldiers, and then quickly run the map to continue brushing, and gradually pull the economic gap apart.

The most important thing is that the strategic value of the ultimate is also enriched a lot, not only can you ignore the defense tower and throw the enemy out, but you can also use the opposite front row as a "falling rock" and throw it directly into the crispy face, causing terrifying group damage.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

(The landing damage of the ultimate will be increased according to the number of layers of the laceration wound, up to 50%, and the fan-shaped long-range basic attack of the second skill will also be more conducive to the full stack of layers of Yunzhongjun)

As for the pain point, the early damage is low, and it can't be level 1 anti-wild.

In addition, due to the temporary weakening of the attack speed shoes, it also caused the mutant cloud in the jun to be unable to eat the full version of the bonus, so the strength of the mutant cloud in the official server will not necessarily "exceed".

Here's a look at the latest builds for Mutant Cloud Jun: 5x Mutation, 5x Red Moon, 10x Eagle Eye, 6x Hunt, and 4x Capture

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

Even if the attack speed shoes are cut, the mutant Yun Zhongjun has at least T1 level strength, however, I am more worried about planning a temporary adjustment of the value, after all, he did not release the adjustment content of Yun Zhongjun in the announcement, even if it is weakened, everyone does not know.

Therefore, in the end, whether the mutant cloud Zhongjun can take off is a little confusing.

(10) Baili Xuance

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] The weakening of Baili Xuance was also temporarily added to the official server.

As the current version of the T0.5 level wild king, the weakening of Baili Xuance is also very direct, mainly reducing the base Ad by 10 points, and also reducing the proportion of CD returned after the second skill is killed from the original fixed 80% to 40%, and the full level remains unchanged.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

Actually, the change of the second skill does not have a big impact, after all, Baili Xuance still has a big move to hook people, the point is that the basic Ad is less than 10 points, which is a bit hurtful, which will weaken Baili Xuance's brushing efficiency and early damage, causing his ability to bring rhythm to become a little worse.

And the new season of S34, which is the online version, is very much in need of junglers to break the balance between the two sides, to put it bluntly, weakening the ability to bring rhythm, which is contrary to the general environment, so that Baili Xuance has eaten a lot less dividends.

(11) Irene

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

[Interpretation] Erin has been redone for a while, so let's take a look at her latest data.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

In the pinnacle game, Erin's appearance rate remained at 14.7%, 12% higher than before the weight, and its win rate also hovered around 53%.

In the new S34 season, Erin's change direction is divided into two points.

The first point is that the early value of the enhanced basic attack has ushered in a significant increase, with an increase of about 30%.

The second point is that the early CD of the first and second skills has increased by 0.5 seconds and 1 second respectively, and in addition, the Ad income of the ultimate has also decreased by 5%.

1.4 Official Server Season Update: 11 Heroes Adjusted! Double T0 is inevitable, and Zhao Yun is redone online

Overall, Erin has strengthened the early stage, so that she has enough lane strength to prevent the lane from collapsing often, and at the cost of weakening the damage and mobility in the middle and late stages, making Erin better targeted.