
Following the Yu Li incident, the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated, and two vice presidents were corrupt

author:Strategizing 168

Hello readers! A while ago, Dr. Yu Li caused a stir after the incident after being punished for being late to save people.

Recently, a series of incidents occurred at Southern Medical University, Yu Li resigned, and Deng Changyuan, the former director of the school's infrastructure construction department, was also investigated for suspected corruption, and Southern Medical University once again attracted everyone's attention.

In fact, in recent years, senior leaders of Southern Medical University have been dismissed one after another. In November 2015, Chen Zhizhong, then vice president, was investigated for accepting bribes of more than 5 million yuan. In 2018, another vice president, Hu Wei, was also under investigation on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. These leaders used their power to engage in staggering amounts of corruption in infrastructure and equipment procurement.

Following the Yu Li incident, the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated, and two vice presidents were corrupt

Southern Medical University, as a well-known university, how can there be so many negative incidents one after another? This reflects that there are loopholes in the internal management of Southern Medical University, and there is an urgent need to strengthen supervision and reform.

As the saying goes, "learning from high is a teacher, and being a model is a model". The leading cadres of a university should set an example for the vast number of teachers and students. However, several executives of Southern Medical University used the power in their hands to enrich themselves, and the amount was staggering! Think about it, when they are in power, can they act impartially in major decisions of the school? Can it play an exemplary role in the construction of teacher ethics and style? The existence of corrupt leadership, like a cancer in the school, affects the reputation of the school and corrupts the education ecology.

Following the Yu Li incident, the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated, and two vice presidents were corrupt

The incident of Southern Medical University has sounded the alarm for people: it is urgent to fight corruption in colleges and universities! Colleges and universities are places to establish morality and cultivate people, and they are the cradles for cultivating the future pillars of the motherland. There should be no place for corruption. Fighting corruption is an urgent task for the education system and a common responsibility of the whole society. Only by resolutely punishing corrupt personnel and eradicating the soil that breeds corruption can we restore a pure sky to education and ensure the healthy development of colleges and universities.

While fighting corruption, it is also very important to strengthen the building of teachers' ethics and style. Dr. Yu Li's case shows us that some of the current leaders of colleges and universities have problems. As a doctor, Dr. Yu saves patients' lives; But as a teacher, being late took her a price. In fact, medical school teachers like Dr. Yu had a hard time balancing clinical and teaching at that time, so they had to choose one or the other, and we should give them more understanding and support, rather than simply punishing them. At the same time, colleges and universities should also establish and improve the teacher ethics assessment mechanism, strengthen professional ethics education, guide teachers to establish correct values, and improve the level of teacher ethics.

Following the Yu Li incident, the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated, and two vice presidents were corrupt

Change starts with the leaders of colleges and universities. Leaders of colleges and universities shoulder the heavy responsibility of education development, and must set an example by being honest and self-disciplined, and set an example for teachers and students with practical actions. Nanjing Medical University may wish to take the excellent universities at home and abroad as a mirror to learn from their experience in management system and power supervision, improve internal governance, strengthen the sense of responsibility, continuously improve the management level, and promote the new development of the university.

The incident at Southern Medical University is not only a lesson, but also an opportunity. It warns us that colleges and universities need to work together to purify the environment and reshape teachers' morality. Let us work hand in hand to take care of the pure land of education, create a clean and upright educational environment, cultivate new talents with both ability and political integrity, and contribute to the development of the country!

Following the Yu Li incident, the former leaders of Southern Medical University were investigated, and two vice presidents were corrupt

The various problems caused by the incident of Southern Medical University are not only the problems of Southern Medical University, but also the problems that the entire education system and even the whole society need to think about and face. #头条创作挑战赛#

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