
He is a descendant of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge

author:Morning flowers

Dear history lovers, today I would like to bring you a real and confusing historical story. The protagonist's name is Weng Wange, a descendant of Emperor Guangxu, but he has become a mystery in the long river of history with a series of bizarre behaviors. Let's dig deeper into this dramatic history and see why this descendant's life story led him to such an eccentric attitude towards his country's gratitude and treatment of cultural relics.

He is a descendant of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge

First, let's talk about gratitude, the cornerstone of Chinese culture. The Chinese civilization has a long history, which has lasted for thousands of years and has given birth to a rich cultural heritage. National treasure is the treasure of this land and one of the souls of the sons and daughters of China. However, due to the vicissitudes of history, some precious cultural relics have been lost overseas. At this time, many overseas Chinese actively participated and donated money to contribute to the return of cultural relics. Gratitude to the motherland and a sense of responsibility to the country are the essence of Chinese culture.

Over the past 100 years, through wars and revolutions, the sons and daughters of China have fought bravely to defend their homeland and civilization. After the rise of the People's Republic of China, the return of cultural relics has become a top priority for national cultural protection. These national treasures are not only symbols of Chinese civilization, but also the feelings of family and country in the hearts of every Chinese son. However, Onwango's behavior is jaw-dropping. The descendants of Emperor Guangxu donated 183 national treasures to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the United States, but sold ancient books at a high price in China.

He is a descendant of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge

To understand all this, we have to delve into the history of the Onwango family. Weng Tongyi was the teacher of Emperor Guangxu, held a high position, and played an important role in the political arena of the Qing Dynasty. Not only was he powerful in the government, but he also had a large collection of curiosities. However, with the outbreak of war, his descendants were forced to leave their homeland and go into exile with all their cultural relics. The family's once glorious history has now become a sad song of separation.

Weng Wange, a descendant who emigrated to the United States in the 40s, generously donated 21 Chinese artifacts to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, while protecting his family heirlooms. It seems to be generous, but gratitude to the motherland seems to be limited. It is only in recent years that some precious ancient books have been transferred to China through auctions. This behavior raises questions about his true motives: why did he demand a high reward for his homeland while donating to the United States for free?

He is a descendant of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge

History is always full of twists and turns, and everyone has their own legend. The story of Onwango may be puzzling, but it also makes us think more deeply about history. We still have a long way to go on the road to heritage preservation. Weng Wange's incredible behavior and the loss of Chinese cultural relics are matters of common concern to us. Let each of us be grateful, cherish the treasures of Chinese civilization, and work together to return these cultural relics to the motherland and become our common pride.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is just a small episode in the long history. Let's walk into the corridor of history and explore the stories hidden in the depths of the years, because only by understanding the past can we better welcome the future. History teaches us to be grateful, to cherish, and also to be curious about the unknown. Let's preserve history, inherit civilization, and become witnesses to this world. It is here that the story comes to an abrupt end and will be continued next time.

He is a descendant of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge
He is a descendant of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge

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