
How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

Hey, historical explorers, are you ready? Today we are going to take a journey through the time of mahogany furniture and discover the craftsmanship behind the ancient wood. Hurry up, put on our time glasses, and follow me through the long river of time to feel how those carpenters passed on their skills.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

The first thing we have to mention is the legendary figure of Wu County, Jiangsu, Kuaixiang. This benevolent brother came from a family of carpenters, but his craftsmanship allowed his work to shine in the light of the Forbidden City in Beijing. It's really a bit like a counterattack from Jiangnan, so that the royal buildings and furniture are stained with the style of Jiangnan.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

Do you still remember the "Xiangshan Gang"? These Suzhou carpenters were formed when they went north, and they were like the ambassadors of Suzuo furniture. They were the first people to bring Jiangnan joinery into the capital, and Suzuo furniture began to emerge nationwide and became a popular trend.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

In ancient times, information was not disseminated as easily as it is now. The carpenters' road to learning has to rely on land and water, hard work, and try their luck. It's a bit like the carpenter's version of "Adventures in Life". This regional inheritance makes the style of furniture like a flowing river, absorbing the culture of various places.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

When it comes to culture, we can't forget the literati of the Ming Dynasty. During the Ming Dynasty, Suzhou became the richest place in the country because of its convenient water and land transportation. Literati flocked here, and it became their daily routine to build hedges, plant flowers, drink and compose poems. These literati had a profound impact on Suzuo furniture, making Suzuo furniture not only a practical thing, but also a part of the life of literati.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

I have to sigh that during the Longqing period, when the imperial court's finances were tight, the ban on the sea was lifted, so that the people could conduct overseas trade. This decision caused a large number of good wood from overseas to pour into the Suzhou area, and it was like a grand wood banquet for the carpenters. It's a great time for them to shine and create something even more beautiful.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

Guangzhou, an ancient maritime trading city, was an important hub on the Silk Road. During the Tang Dynasty, Guangzhou set up a "City Shipping Division" to manage trade between China and foreign countries, and maintained contacts with the rest of the world. In the era when Zheng He went to the West, all kinds of precious wood were also introduced.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

Guangzuo Furniture is like a well-informed traveler, absorbing the essence of Chinese and Western cultures to form a unique style. During the Qing Dynasty, Guangdong, Fujian and China and Europe traded, which prompted a number of Chinese furniture to go abroad, but also laid the foundation for Guangzuo furniture in the international reputation.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

When it comes to international exchanges, don't forget the overseas Chinese who bought property overseas. They returned to China with Chinese furniture, which not only added novel elements to the domestic furniture market, but also added some twists and turns to the history of our furniture.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

Does the Jingzuo furniture evoke the picture of the royal court in your mind? This style is very different from the Guangzuo, full of royal majesty and luxury. However, for a long time, these pieces of furniture could only show their nobility in the Forbidden City, and ordinary people could only look at it from a distance and could not reach it.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

During the Republic of China, the carpenters in the capital, although they lost the protection of the emperor, found new development opportunities in the Luban Pavilion on Dongxiao Street in Beijing. It has become a place for carpenters to exchange and learn their skills, and it has also witnessed the persistence and evolution of Jingzuo furniture in the changing times.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

The fate of the country is unpredictable, and traditional furniture has fallen silent for a time. However, nowadays, with the rise of China's national power, traditional furniture has been revitalized. People began to re-examine the value of traditional culture, and no longer blindly worshiped the West, but found their roots.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

The new Chinese style came into being, which is a revival of traditional furniture and a inheritance and innovation of classic elements. This style not only has a traditional charm, but also has a modern sense of fashion, and has become a new favorite of contemporary home furnishings.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

So, history is like a long scroll full of twists and turns. The carpenters have written their own legends with the craftsmanship in their hands, and we can also find our own life codes through these historical relics. Let's swim in this sea of wood together, looking for those stories that have been polished by time and more precious.

How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?
How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?
How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?
How did the four major schools of mahogany furniture come about?

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