
The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

author:Weekly records

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The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

Time seems to be frozen in this moment. I looked at myself in the mirror with tears in my eyes and grievances in my heart. At the age of 50, I am an ordinary woman, busy with work every day, but I don't have a sense of security. The monthly salary is 5,000 yuan, including food and housing, but it has to meet a bunch of requirements of the male employer. This feeling of helplessness made me reflect.

Ever since I stepped into the company, I have been surrounded by a sense of interest and dignity. Male employers always restrain female employees with their prejudices and demands, and I can only survive in this unfair environment. Every day in front of that computer, I felt like I was getting more and more lost, no longer knowing who I really was.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

Today, I was once again crushed by his unreasonable accusation. I walked into this little rental house, left a few tears, and collapsed on the bed. I closed my eyes, and those unfair treatments lingered in my mind. Why did I work so hard and do so much and still not get the respect I deserved? I couldn't help but feel badly hurt.

In the midst of such depression and grievances, I repeatedly thought about my life and recalled my dreams and pursuits. I used to be so ambitious and driven, but now, it seems that everything has changed. I was once full of energy, but now I have only a tired and wounded heart left.

I turned on my phone, looked through the contacts, and suddenly stopped at the phone number that I had never contacted. I hesitated, but dialed the number anyway.

"Hey, hello, it's me. I spoke a little shyly.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

"It's you, how's it going, is there anything good?" a familiar, slightly mocking voice came from the other end of the line.

"No, I'm just...... I want to talk to someone. I said with some hesitation.

"What's the matter, what's wrong with you?" the voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became serious.

"I ...... I just felt like I was in a state of despair and I didn't know what to do. With that, I began to feel as if I was a little powerless.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

"Oh, so you can have times like this, you know, everyone has their lows, and when you feel wronged, you might as well try to stand up and resist. The voice on the other end of the line warmed.

"Resist, but I'm just an ordinary woman, so what can I do?" I said with some weakness.

"The stereotype you give yourself is wrong, and whoever you are should not let others treat you unfairly. The voice on the other end of the line was full of conviction.

"But I don't think I can break free anymore. "I felt a little helpless.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

"You know what? Everybody is a hero in their own right, you might as well try to believe in yourself and believe that you can make a difference. The voice on the other end of the line became powerful.

"Yes, I see, thank you, I'll try to change. "I heard my voice become firm.

When I hung up the phone, I felt the confusion in my heart seem to be encouraged, and I began to think about my future direction. I decided that I wanted to stand up bravely and no longer be bound by anyone's prejudices. I want to fight for the respect and rights I deserve.

After that, I began to actively communicate with my colleagues, and I used my hard work and dedication in exchange for more respect and recognition. My words and deeds have also become more confident and determined, and I have gradually become less afraid of any difficulties and challenges. I decided to use my own strength to make my life shine again.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

When I got home, I decided to call the company's supervisor and express my appeal to him. On the other end of the phone, the voice of Mr. Supervisor came.

"Hey, is this Mr. Superintendent? I'm an employee of your company, and I have something I want to talk to you about. ”

"Hello, yes, what do you have to say?"

"I would like to talk to you about my working conditions and treatment, and I hope to get your understanding and support. ”

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

"Oh, you're talking about wages and benefits, can you elaborate on that?"

"Yes, I have been working for the company for several years and am very committed to my work, but the salary and working environment have put me under a lot of pressure. ”

"I see what you mean, but what do you think needs to be improved?"

I heard the response from Mr. Supervisor on the other end of the phone, and I felt a sense of relief in my heart. Perhaps, I am not alone, there are still people who care about me and are willing to listen to my needs, and I am no longer a passive recipient, but an actor who can fight for my own rights.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

In the following time, I also began to actively communicate with my colleagues, gather their voices, and jointly express their expectations for the working environment and remuneration package. After some efforts, the company has also made a series of improvements to the welfare and working conditions of employees, so that the entire working environment has become more harmonious and the rights and interests of employees have been better protected.

This experience made me feel stronger and more confident. I have learned to face problems bravely, I have learned to express my demands through reasonable channels, and I have also learned that even in difficult situations, I must move forward bravely and fight for my own dignity and rights.

Every contribution is for their own better tomorrow. Now, when I look at myself in the mirror again, the tears in my eyes shine even brighter, because it carries my strength and unyieldingness. No longer a helpless woman, I would like to be a brave woman who dares to pursue fairness and freedom. I firmly believe that no matter what the situation is, you must say to yourself: "Be brave and pursue, you deserve a better life." ”

Later, I walked into the company every day with a more confident smile. Although the environment was still inadequate and the prejudices of male employers still existed, I learned to face all this with a more determined step. I am no longer afraid, and I am no longer bound. Every day, I am using my practical actions to prove my worth and ability.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

One day, in the office of the company, my colleagues and I got together and talked about all kinds of work. A new female colleague complains worriedly about the injustice of her male employer.

"He always made things difficult for me at work, consciously or unconsciously, didn't pay enough attention to my opinions, and often questioned my ability to work with inappropriate words. The new female colleague had helplessness at the corner of her mouth.

"Well, yes, I feel the same way. Why is this kind of place so difficult to mix?" another colleague sighed.

"Don't be discouraged, we can talk together and discuss some solutions. I said to them.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

"What's the use of talking? No one listens. A colleague shook his head as he spoke.

"No, I think we can give it a try, and maybe, the company will be willing to listen to us. I tried to nod my head to them.

In the following time, I began to actively communicate with these female colleagues, gather their opinions, and insist on expressing our demands for the improvement of the working environment. We put together our ideas and needs and together presented a joint letter to the company's management, detailing our grievances and expectations regarding the work environment, equal treatment, and employment biases.

Unexpectedly, this joint letter attracted the attention of the company's senior management. After several rounds of negotiations and exchanges, the company decided to set up a special working group to investigate and solve the problems of employees' working environment and remuneration package. Some systems have also been revised and improved to ensure that employees can work in a fair and equitable environment.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

"Thank you for all the hard work and finally a little bit of change. The new female colleague said to me, her eyes glinting with gratitude.

"Yes, everybody's great, and we're going to keep working hard to make our voices heard. I said firmly.

This experience has taught me that sometimes, we need to stand up bravely and fight for our rights. In the face of difficulties and injustices, we must dare to speak out and dare to act, otherwise, nothing will change. With hard work and perseverance, we can change the current situation and create a better future.

I looked at myself in the mirror again, with more confidence and determination. Yes, I am not cowardly, I have the strength and courage to break the bonds and pursue freedom and fairness. Even though there are still countless challenges and difficulties ahead, I am willing to continue to move forward bravely and without hesitation.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

It was during this time that an important adjustment and change was made within the company. All employees were invited to a closed-door meeting where company leaders gave speeches.

"Colleagues, thank you for coming. I would like to talk about some of the problems that our company is facing now, that is, the dissatisfaction of some employees with the working environment and treatment. Our company has always valued the opinions and suggestions of employees, and we have decided to set up a special committee to conduct in-depth investigation and research on employees' demands, hoping to listen to their voices and actively solve problems. ”

Hearing this speech, the whole conference room reverberated with warm applause. Everyone felt that their demands had finally been taken seriously, and the attitude of the company's leaders also gave employees great encouragement and confidence.

After the meeting, I met Mr. Supervisor. I couldn't help but step forward and express to him some of my thoughts on the company's adjustments.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

"Mr. Director, I want to say something to you. ”

"Well, please, I'm listening. ”

"I think this adjustment is a good start, but we still need more communication and detailed improvements, especially regarding the rights of employees and the working environment. ”

"You're right, we're going to set up a dedicated team to focus on investigating and optimizing all aspects of the situation. You can rest assured that the company has always valued the opinions and suggestions of its employees. Mr. Director's words were full of determination and determination.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

"Thank you, I believe that the company will provide us with a better working environment, really thank you very much for your support. "I bowed deeply to Mr. Director.

In the following time, the company set up a special team to conduct in-depth investigation and investigation of various demands and problems of employees. A number of new measures have also been introduced to ensure that employees are treated fairly and equitably at work. At the same time, the company has also increased the training of employees and improved their professional skills and professionalism. These initiatives have resulted in a more harmonious working environment throughout the company and increased employee motivation for work.

I looked at everything around me, and the joy in my heart was palpable. The company's changes have not only improved the working environment and remuneration of employees, but also given us hope. I am willing to use my own efforts and work with the company to build this small world into a better place. I firmly believe that every effort is worth it, and every voice is meaningful. This self-confidence that grows from within makes me willing to face any unknown future. I will always believe that if we stick to our own demands and face challenges bravely, we will be able to usher in a better tomorrow.

Time has passed, my working environment and quality of life have improved significantly, and I have gradually won more respect and equal treatment. In a team meeting, my colleagues and I got together to discuss the division of work and the plan.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

"I think the company has been supporting us a lot more recently, and I feel more motivated to go to work. A colleague said casually.

"Yes, I used to feel a little depressed, but now I feel more energetic at work. Another colleague nodded repeatedly.

"Well, I feel the same way. Moreover, our current working environment and treatment have also changed a lot. I added with a laugh.

The joy of this change makes me feel very warm. The company's attention to and improvement of employees' rights and interests makes each of us full of expectations for work and life. The company's change and progress is more like giving every employee a better future.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer

Recently, I have been with the company for many years and my salary has increased, but I have found that my mental state and gains are far beyond these superficial changes. I have learned to be more resilient and courageous, and I have also learned to prove my worth and ability with my own practical actions. At a company dinner, I was nominated as the best employee, and the letter of commendation from the leader wrote: "Adhering to principles at work, actively improving the working environment, being a member of the company, and a brave woman who dares to pursue fairness and freedom." Reading these sincere compliments, my heart is full of happiness.

I firmly believe that every voice is meaningful and every effort is worthwhile. On the road to pursuing our original dreams, we can all light the way forward, move forward bravely, and open up a broader world. And all this comes from a kind of inner self-confidence and courage.

I looked at the scenery outside the window, and I couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of pride in my heart. Yes, I have been rolled by the waves, but I chose to face it bravely, and I have gained more possibilities and opportunities because of it. I will face the future with a fuller body and mind, because I firmly believe that every next step will bring more surprises and gains. Because fate will not treat every effort badly, and will eventually give the best reward to the brave.

Throughout the process, my fate changed dramatically. I started from scratch and grew step by step, learning to be brave enough to pursue the life I wanted. After going through twists and turns, I finally saw that the life I wanted and the dream I wanted were close at hand.

One afternoon in the sun, I walked out the door of the company with a smile of satisfaction and fulfillment on my face. Just then, the phone rang.

"Hey, hello, I'm a media company, I heard that you have rich work experience and outstanding performance in our industry, we are very much looking forward to your joining. ”

Thank you very much for your recognition of me, and I will strive to make a greater contribution to your company. ”

In this process, I learned to use my sense of responsibility and persistence to change the trajectory of my destiny. Every silent dedication, every firm step has made me grow into a stronger and more confident person. I firmly believe that no matter what the circumstances are, you must dare to pursue your own values and dreams.

Now, I'm at a new starting point. I will still maintain that original intention, never forget the original intention, and I will always have to. No matter where I go, whether it is calm or not, I will use my practical actions to interpret the most true meaning of life. In the sunshine and wind and rain, I would like to believe that in my shining future, I will be like that bright star, shining with the light of hope. Because, standing at the crossroads of life, I have learned that I only need to move forward bravely, and the future is about to bloom the most beautiful flowers.

The 50-year-old woman cried with tears: the monthly salary is 5,000 yuan for food and accommodation, but she has to meet a bunch of requirements from her male employer