
This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping

author:Slightly high ping
This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping
This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping
This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping

Heroes are role models of the times

Heroes are the backbone of the nation

In the Great War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Revolutionary heroes wrote magnificent epics with their lives and blood

It is worth remembering forever

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Volunteer Army's going abroad to fight in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, State Council, Central Military Commission

Those who went abroad to fight in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

The surviving veteran comrades of the volunteer army were awarded

Commemorative medal for the "70th Anniversary of the Chinese Volunteer Army's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea"

This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping

407 veteran comrades of the Volunteer Army in Gaoping were awarded this honor

We pay them the highest consideration

This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping
This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping

I am very grateful that the party and the state have not forgotten those of us who have shed blood for the country, when I participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1952, I was only 16 years old, working as a correspondent in the Sixth Regiment, and at that time I was injured and did not feel any pain at all, so I ran...

-- Li Tiangen, a veteran soldier of the Gaoping War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping

(Li Tiangen)

It has been 70 years since the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and I still remember the days when I went abroad to fight, and I also deeply feel that the good life now is not easy to come by. I must protect my body and witness that our motherland is more prosperous and strong...

-- Zhu Changtai, a veteran soldier of the Gaoping War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping

(Zhu Changtai)

This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping

70 years

We have never forgotten

The older generation of revolutionaries defended international justice

Defend world peace and defend the new republic

Immortal feats established

Never forget to compose

The heroes of the mighty mountains and rivers praised the Chinese volunteers

And all those who contributed to the victory of this war

We have never forgotten our time in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Martyrs who died heroically

The exploits of the martyrs are impressive

The heroic names of the martyrs have been passed down through the ages

To them!


Welcome to reprint please indicate the original source [Wei Gao Ping]

Graphic | Du Xiaoou Responsible Editor | Pu Jiao

Review | Bai Changchun, Producer, | Berlin Bin

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This national honor belongs to the heroes of Gaoping

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