
How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

author:Phineas Quest Hall
How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!
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How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

In December 2022, a medical miracle is quietly unfolding in China. With the adjustment of COVID prevention and control policies, the medical system is facing unprecedented pressure.

ICU beds are running out, the number of critically ill patients is surging, and the entire medical system seems to be crumbling in the wind and rain.

At this critical moment, China has shown its true colors as an "infrastructure madman" that has attracted the attention of the world. In just 18 days, from December 9 to 27, the number of ICU beds nationwide went from 13 at a dizzying rate. 810,000 soared to 18. 10,000 sheets, a net increase of 4. 290,000 sheets.

This growth rate far exceeds that of other countries, which can be called a miracle in the history of medical construction.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

But what kind of effort has gone into the back of these staggering figures? What are the challenges? Let's unveil the mystery of this great leap forward in medical construction.

At the end of 2019, the new crown epidemic was like a ruthless mirror, exposing the shortcomings of China's medical system to the world. The serious shortage of ICU beds, the lack of medical equipment, and the urgent need to improve the mechanism for responding to public health emergencies are like a hammer that has hit the hearts of national policymakers.

At an emergency executive meeting of the State Council, the leaders attending the meeting looked extremely solemn. "We must learn from the pain and go all out to make up for the shortcomings of medical care!" One of the leaders said firmly, his tone revealing determination and urgency.

From that moment on, China embarked on an unprecedented battle for medical construction.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) moved quickly. In 2020, they threw 456 in one fell swoop. 600 million yuan for the construction of key projects such as major epidemic treatment bases and national regional medical centers.

The numbers are staggering, but they're just the beginning. In 2021, another 30 billion yuan will be invested in the construction of provincial, municipal and county-level disease control institutions and national regional medical centers.

By 2022, the government has pledged to invest no less than 30 billion yuan to improve medical and health infrastructure.

This series of large-scale investments is like a shot in the arm, injecting new vitality into China's healthcare system. Hospitals have sprung up on a large scale, the number of medical equipment purchase orders is rising, and the training program for medical staff is intensive.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

A senior official of the National Health Commission said in an interview: "We know very well that this is a battle with no way out. We must improve the medical level of the mainland with the fastest speed and highest efficiency, especially the construction of ICUs.

This is not only about epidemic prevention and control, but also about the long-term development of the country and the well-being of the people.

With the introduction of policies and the investment of funds, China's medical construction is advancing at an unprecedented speed. But what challenges will there be in the process? How will China respond? Let's stay tuned for this thrilling battle for medical construction.

In 1984, a big event was happening in an inconspicuous corner of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. China's first ICU was quietly established, opening a new era of critical care medicine in China.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

At that time, the medical staff were excited, and they may not have imagined how this small start would bring earth-shaking changes to China's medical industry.

"The conditions were really difficult," recalls an old doctor who was involved in the construction of the first ICU, with a glint of remembrance in his eyes, "We didn't even have enough basic monitors.

But we firmly believe that as long as we persevere, China's ICU will make great progress.

With the passage of time, the construction of ICUs in China has gradually advanced. However, the real turning point came in 2003. The sudden attack of the SARS epidemic has made the Chinese people realize the importance of critical care medicine.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

Since then, ICU construction in China has entered the fast lane.

However, the real Great Leap Forward has occurred in recent years. In 2019, China had only 4 ICU beds per 100,000 people, and the gap with developed countries is obvious.

But just three years later, that number soared to 12. 8 sheets, almost on par with developed countries such as South Korea and Japan. Behind this astonishing progress is the hard work of countless medical workers.

"I remember one time, in order to meet the deadline, our whole team worked for 72 hours in a row." A hospital administrator said, with a tired but proud smile on his face, "When I saw the new ICU put into use, all the hard work was worth it."

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

From equipment procurement to personnel training, from site renovation to management optimization, every link embodies the hard work of medical workers. They work day and night to save one more life in a critical moment.

However, the road to ICU construction has not been easy. Strict site selection requirements, expensive equipment investment, and a shortage of skilled personnel are a huge challenge at every turn.

But it is precisely in the face of these challenges that China has shown remarkable resilience and innovation.

"We have to race against time," said an official from the National Health Commission, "and for every additional ICU bed, one more life could be saved." That's why we're pushing forward with ICU construction at all costs.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

From the first ICU in 1984, the number of ICU beds in the country reached 18 by the end of 2022. 10,000 sheets, China's ICU construction has gone through an extraordinary road.

This is not just a digital increase, but also a microcosm of a country's leap in medical standards.

However, this is not the end. With the growing medical demand, the construction of ICUs in China continues. In the face of the challenges ahead, Chinese medical workers are ready to continue to write a new chapter in China's medical industry.

ICU construction is like an expedition to climb Mount Everest, and in front of China are three formidable mountains: venues, equipment and talents. Each mountain is steep and unusually steep, and it takes wisdom and courage to climb.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

The first is the difficulty of the venue. The ICU is not simply a demarcation area, and its location is comparable to a complex game of chess. "The ICU must be close to key departments such as operating rooms, imaging departments, blood banks, laboratories, etc.," explains a hospital planning expert, "while maintaining a closed environment to reduce the risk of infection."

Every decision can affect the life of the patient. In addition, the ICU needs to be equipped with a series of basic communication facilities, such as monitor alarm signals, network detection systems and broadcast systems.

These requirements make it extremely difficult to find a suitable ICU site in an existing hospital.

The second is the equipment dilemma. Step into a modern ICU and you'll be blown away by the array of high-tech equipment. Monitors, ECG monitors, defibrillators, blood gas analyzers, infusion pumps...... These are just the basic configurations.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

Not to mention large devices such as ECMO, which can easily run into the millions.

"A complete set of ICU equipment can cost millions or even tens of millions," lamented a medical device supplier, "and a single ventilator can cost 500,000 yuan."

But in order to save lives, these inputs are necessary. "It is worth noting that there are currently only 260 hospitals in China that have the capacity to be equipped with ECMO.

This important instrument, which can replace the patient's cardiopulmonary function, is usually sold for between 1 million and 3 million yuan, which is staggering.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

Finally, and most problematicly, is the talent dilemma. ICU requires a doctor-to-bed ratio of 0. 8:1, the ratio of nurses to beds reaches 3:1.

However, it takes many years to train a qualified ICU doctor.

"ICU doctors not only need solid theoretical knowledge, but also rich clinical experience," said a chief ICU physician, with expectations for young doctors in his eyes, "We are stepping up the training of new talents, but this is a long-term process."

According to the relevant data released in 2022, the total number of doctors in the field of critical care medicine in China is 8. 050,000 people, and the number of doctors in reserve is 10. 60,000, the number of nurses is 220,000, and the number of nurses in the reserve ICU is as high as 17. 770,000 people.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

While these numbers may seem impressive, staffing shortages remain acute in the face of a sharp increase in ICU beds.

In the face of these three mountains, China has adopted a multi-pronged strategy. Large-scale renovation of existing hospitals, the introduction of advanced medical equipment, the strengthening of intensive medical education in medical schools, and the organization of experienced doctors to go to the grassroots level for training...... Each of these initiatives is working to overcome these challenges.

"Building the ICU is like fighting an uphill battle," said an engineer involved in the ICU expansion, "but we are confident that through the joint efforts of the whole country, we will be able to overcome these difficulties and build a solid line of defense for the lives and health of the Chinese."

In January 2023, China's ICU construction ushered in a milestone victory. After arduous efforts, the total number of ICU beds in the country has reached an impressive 21. 60,000, almost double the number a year ago.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

Behind this number is the unremitting struggle of countless medical workers.

In line with the increase in the number of beds, the medical workforce has also expanded significantly. The number of intensive care physicians increased to 13. 70,000, and 33 internal medicine nurses. 30,000 people.

The growth of this team provides a solid talent guarantee for the efficient operation of the ICU.

The advancements in equipment are equally encouraging. The total number of monitors soared to 119. 80,000 units, and the number of hemodialysis units reached 17. 50,000. Most gratifyingly, the number of ECMO devices, which has been called the "last straw", has also increased to 2,857 units.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

This means that more critically ill patients have access to state-of-the-art care.

"I am filled with pride when I see these figures," said an official of the National Health Commission, "and this is not just cold statistics, but the hope that countless lives will be saved."

Behind these achievements, however, are the enormous sacrifices made by healthcare workers. "I remember when we were busiest, it was common for us to work 18 hours straight," recalls an ICU nurse with tears in her eyes, "but every time I see a patient recover and be discharged, all the hard work is worth it."

These achievements not only reflect the tremendous progress of China's healthcare system, but also demonstrate China's ability to mobilize in the face of major challenges. However, this does not mean that the challenge is over.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

On the contrary, with the rapid expansion of medical resources, how to ensure the effective use of these resources and how to further improve the quality of medical services are all new topics in front of China's medical interface.

People are pleased to see that China's ICU construction is catching up with and surpassing the world's advanced level at an astonishing speed. But at the same time, everyone understands that this is just a new starting point and that the road ahead is still challenging.

Despite the remarkable achievements in ICU construction in China, the road ahead is still full of challenges. The problem of idle ICU beds in primary hospitals is becoming increasingly prominent, and the utilization rate of some hastily built ICU facilities is low, resulting in a waste of resources.

At the same time, talent shortages remain a thorny problem, especially in remote areas.

How much does China attach importance to medical construction? The annual cost reaches tens of billions, and the construction of ICU is strongly promoted!

"We are promoting new healthcare infrastructure and improving the primary healthcare system," said a health policy researcher, "and our goal is to make quality health care accessible to everyone, regardless of geography or wealth."

Medical reform is a systematic project that requires the joint efforts of the whole society. From policy formulation to resource allocation, from talent training to technological innovation, every link is crucial.

Although challenges remain, there is reason to believe that China's healthcare system will become stronger and more complete after the baptism of the epidemic. The road ahead is difficult, but there are both hope and opportunities.

China is moving firmly towards the goal of building a world-class healthcare system.

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