
Note: The three major positions will be removed from the career editor and withdrawn from the ranks of the "iron rice bowl"!

author:Mr. Hou's meow

With the continuous acceleration of the pace of reform and opening up, profound changes are also quietly taking place in the mainland's social system. Recently, the lens of system news has focused on a storm of reform that has attracted widespread attention - the three major positions will be removed from the career editor, and the prelude to bidding farewell to the "iron rice bowl" era has officially begun. In this wave of change, the positions of some university teachers, medical workers and court clerks will be changed from career to contract, giving these positions a new professional look. In this article, we will take a closer look at this change, reconstruct the real picture through numbers and facts, and analyze the impact of the reform.

Note: The three major positions will be removed from the career editor and withdrawn from the ranks of the "iron rice bowl"!

1. Some college teachers have been changed from career to contract

Entering 2023, mainland university education has ushered in a profound change, and some university teaching positions have shifted from career to contract. According to the latest data, newly recruited university teachers will no longer have the "iron rice bowl" of career editors, but will enter a more flexible and performance-oriented appointment system. The data show that this reform will have a direct impact on the salary structure and career development of university teachers.

In the past, the position of university teacher was considered a stable and noble career choice, but now, with the implementation of the appointment system, university teachers will pay more attention to individual work results and performance. Statistics show that under the new system, teachers' salaries will be more linked to individual performance, and performance appraisal will become a key factor in evaluating teachers' careers. While the new system brings higher salaries and potential career advancement opportunities for teachers, it also comes with greater career risks. In this new working environment, teachers need to actively adapt, not only to adapt to the new system, but also to actively explore how to maximize their self-worth under the new system.

2. Some medical workers have been changed from a staff establishment to a contract system

The storm of reform in the medical field is also sweeping, and some medical workers are transitioning from career to contract establishment. According to the latest statistics for 2023, this shift will bring new career opportunities and challenges to healthcare workers. The advancement of contract preparation will make medical care positions more dependent on individual professional performance and market demand, rather than the institutional guarantee of the past.

In the process of implementing the reform, we found that the policy does not blindly pursue change, but fully considers the rights and interests of existing health care workers. For those who are already in the medical field, their career establishment has been properly preserved, and the salary structure has been rationally optimized. According to the latest pay adjustment data, healthcare workers who have already transitioned from a contract system will enjoy more competitive pay-for-performance to compensate for any losses that may arise from the staffing change. This reform aims to stimulate the enthusiasm of medical staff, improve the overall level of medical services, and achieve a virtuous circle of doctor-patient relationship.

3. The clerk will be abolished as a career officer and replaced by a hired system

The position of court clerk is also quietly undergoing a transformation, gradually changing from a career establishment to a contract system. The data shows that this transformation will bring in more competitive and high-quality talent for the courts, thereby improving the efficiency and quality of judicial work. Under the new system, the work of clerks will be more focused on individual performance and professional competence, rather than relying solely on staffing guarantees.

A significant advantage of this transformation is the provision of a more competitive salary structure. According to the latest salary data, clerks under the new system will enjoy more flexible and incentivized performance-based pay, which will attract and retain more talented and responsible legal practitioners. Of course, reform is not just about pursuing change, but about ensuring a smooth transition while taking into account the interests of existing employees.

Note: The three major positions will be removed from the career editor and withdrawn from the ranks of the "iron rice bowl"!

In 2023, the reform of the three major positions will sweep like a storm, giving us a new career perspective. University teachers, health care workers, and court clerks will no longer be constrained by their careers, but will look for new opportunities in the tide of contracting. Although the reform has been accompanied by a series of challenges, it has also brought them greater room for development. Under the new system, individual efforts and dedication will have a more direct impact on the direction of careers. This reform is not only a change in the nature of professional positions, but also an optimization of the salary structure and the promotion of talent introduction. In this brand-new era, let us look forward to the positive changes and development that this reform will bring to the mainland's social system.

Note: The three major positions will be removed from the career editor and withdrawn from the ranks of the "iron rice bowl"!

In this series of institutional changes, what we see is not a simple rejection of the "iron rice bowl", but an exploration of a more flexible and performance-oriented appointment system. This can not only improve the competitiveness of the position, but also stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of practitioners. Although the reform has brought uncomfortable troubles, it has also shown a broader career development space for the majority of employees and awakened their potential in the workplace. So, let's embrace this era of change together and welcome more possibilities!