
Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall
Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents
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Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

"How can this face, such a temperament, come from a rural farmer's family?" Chen Meili muttered to herself, her eyes revealing strong doubts about her identity. She began to weave an astonishing story: she was the daughter of a wealthy man who had been abducted and sold to the countryside by human traffickers, and now her parents, Tang Aiju and his wife, were just buyers.

This bold claim exploded like a bombshell in the calm countryside. Chen Meimei's brothers and sisters were dumbfounded, and the neighbors and villagers were talking. Tang Aiju and his wife fell into extreme shock and pain, and did not understand why their carefully raised little daughter had such a ridiculous idea.

However, Chen Meili became more and more determined about her "discovery". Her eyes flashed with determination and expectation, as if she had seen her bright future. What is the truth behind this astonishing accusation? Is it Chen Meimei's wishful thinking, or is it a family secret that has been covered up for years? As events unfold, a complex story of identity, family, and self-perception unfolds that tugs at everyone's heartstrings.

Chen's journey to find her relatives is full of drama and perseverance. She firmly believes that her real parents are wealthy people living in Changsha villas, and this thought burns like a fire in her heart.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

So, she resolutely embarked on a journey to Changsha, hoping to find her "biological parents" in the luxury villa area.

After arriving in Changsha, Chen Meili wandered outside the villa area day after day. Her eyes searched every passerby as she passed, hoping to find someone who resembled her own appearance.

However, the high-walled compound and tight security system became an insurmountable obstacle for her. Whenever she sees a luxury car driving out of the gate, Chen Meili will look around excitedly, fantasizing about whether it will be her biological parents who are sitting in the car.

Repeated setbacks did not dampen Chen's enthusiasm. When she realized that it would be difficult for her to break through the defenses of the villa area on her own, she had an idea and decided to turn to the local media for help.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

Holding on to the last hope, Chen Meili dialed the reporter's phone.

In a conversation with reporters, Chen Meili tearfully told her "mystery of her life experience". She vividly described a tragic childhood of being trafficked, accusing Tang Aiju and his wife of preventing her from recognizing her biological parents.

Her words were filled with grievance and anger, as if years of pain had finally found an outlet.

The reporter was deeply moved by Chen's story and decided to investigate the matter in depth. However, when the reporter followed Chen Meili to what she called a "rural family", the scene before her was very different from her description.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

Tang Aiju and his wife live in a high-end residential building in the county seat, and their home is fully equipped, which does not conform to the image of poverty described by Chen Meili.

This unexpected discovery made reporters begin to doubt the authenticity of Chen's story. However, in the face of reporters' questions, Chen Meili became more excited. She insisted that the house had been given to Tang Aiju by her wealthy parents, whom she had never met, to compensate them for their years of parenting.

As the investigation deepened, Chen Meimei's search for relatives became more and more confusing. Her persistence and fantasy are intertwined, making it difficult to distinguish truth from lies.

This dramatic journey not only tugged at the heartstrings of the media, but also plunged Chen's family into unprecedented chaos.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

As Chen Meimei's accusations became public, the originally peaceful family instantly fell into a violent storm. Tang Aiju and his wife were shocked and heartbroken in the face of their daughter's accusations.

Tang Aiju retorted with tears in her eyes: "How can it not be our child? We have worked hard to raise you, how can you say such a thing? Her voice was filled with disbelief and deep pain.

Tang Aiju explained to reporters that the reason why Chen Meili has a tense relationship with her family stems from her dissatisfaction with her family's economic situation. She recalled a turmoil when Chen Meili was 15 years old, as if she had opened Pandora's box.

At that time, Chen Meili fell into early love, and was under double pressure from parents and teachers, and this relationship finally died. Since then, Chen Meili has developed a strong resentment towards her parents, her academic performance has plummeted, and she eventually dropped out of school and left home, wandering all day.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

Tang Aiju's eyes flashed with helplessness and distress, and she muttered to herself: "We thought that Meimei was the most well-behaved and promising child, but we didn't expect it to become like this."

She recounted in detail how the family struggled to move from the impoverished countryside to the county seat to support their children in college. The eldest son and eldest daughter have both started a family, but Chen Meili is the only one who worries them.

However, in the face of her parents' explanations and her family's persuasion, Chen Meili did not waver, but became more stubborn. Her eyes were filled with anger and determination, as if she was declaring war on the whole world.

"You are not my biological parents at all!" She growled, "I knew you were lying to me.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

Chen Meimei's accusation was like a sharp sword, which deeply pierced the hearts of Tang Aiju and his wife. They couldn't understand why their daughter, whom they had carefully raised, had become like this.

The family atmosphere is becoming increasingly tense, and the siblings are unable to reconcile the conflict. Chen Meimei's brother couldn't bear it anymore and angrily denounced her as a "white-eyed wolf", which intensified the confrontation between family members.

As events unfolded, Chen Meili even threatened to take legal measures. She insisted that she was an abducted and trafficked child, and that Tang Aiju and his wife were suspected of violating the law. This attitude made the already exhausted Tang Aiju couple even more desperate.

The intensification of family conflicts not only affected the relationship between Chen Meili and her parents, but also plunged the whole family into an unprecedented crisis. The brothers and sisters are in a dilemma, feeling sorry for their parents, but they can't bear to watch their sister go astray.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

The neighbors and villagers talked a lot, some sympathized with Tang Aiju and his wife, and some people were skeptical of Chen Meili's statement.

In the contest between truth and lie, this once harmonious family is facing a huge test. Everyone is looking for answers, but they are afraid of the harm that the truth can bring.

In the context of increasingly intensifying family conflicts, the reporter put forward a seemingly simple but risky proposal: conduct a paternity test. The proposal was like a bombshell that caused even more waves in an already tumultuous family.

When Chen Meili heard this suggestion, her eyes immediately flashed with a light of victory. She couldn't wait to agree, as if she had seen a bright prospect of her "return" to a wealthy family.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

However, Tang Aiju seemed hesitant. There was a mixture of emotions in her eyes, a longing for the truth and a fear of a possible outcome. "After so many years of parenting, isn't it as good as an appraisal report?" She muttered to herself, her voice full of sadness.

On the day of the appraisal, a tense atmosphere enveloped the entire family. Chen Meili walked into the hospital with her head held high, as if she had won the battle. Tang Aiju lowered her head and was silent, her eyes full of complex emotions.

During the blood drawing, Chen Meili even didn't forget to complain to the doctor: "You must be fair, don't be bribed by them."

As she waited for the results, Chen Meili became more and more impatient. She questioned the impartiality of the appraisal many times, worried that Tang Aiju would use her relationship to falsify the results. "If the report shows that we are in a parent-child relationship, it must be fake!" She stubbornly repeated the phrase, as if to cheer herself up.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

It was the repeated reassurance from the hospital and the reporter that made her feel a little more at ease.

During this waiting period, family relations were even more strained. The conversation between Chen Meili and her family was full of gunpowder, and even a physical altercation occurred. Her sister couldn't bear it anymore and gave her a slap in the face, accusing her of being an ungrateful white-eyed wolf.

This scene was watched by the onlookers, which intensified the discussion of the family.

Tang Aiju and his wife were unusually silent during this time. Their eyes were full of exhaustion and helplessness, as if they had exhausted all their energy by this farce.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

They constantly recalled the bits and pieces of Chen Meili from childhood to adulthood, trying to find clues in their memories and solve the mystery of their daughter's sudden change in temperament.

As the identification date approached, the entire family was enveloped in an atmosphere of tension that bordered on suffocation. Everyone was waiting for the outcome that could change everything, both expecting and fearing.

This appraisal report is not only about the mystery of Chen Meimei's life experience, but also the key to whether this tormented family can regain peace.

Three days of waiting seemed like three centuries had passed, and finally, that fateful moment had arrived. When the appraisal results were placed in front of Chen Meili, her world collapsed in an instant.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

The report clearly shows that she and Tang Aiju do have a parent-child relationship.

Chen Meili stared at the piece of paper in disbelief, her hands trembling and her face pale. Her dream of being a "rich daughter" was completely shattered at this moment, replaced by great fear and uneasiness.

"No way... That's impossible... She muttered to herself, despair in her voice.

However, in the face of this result, Tang Aiju did not show any joy of victory. There was only deep sadness and disappointment in her eyes, and the trust and expectation that had accumulated over the years completely collapsed in this moment.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

She was silent, leaving only a desperate back, and slowly walked out of the hospital.

The reporters and their relatives and friends fell silent in shock. No one expected that things would end in such a way. Chen's accusations proved to be baseless, but instead of bringing joy to the revelation of the truth, everyone felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

At this moment, Chen Meili suddenly shouted hysterically: "You must have colluded!" This report is fake! Her eyes became wild, and her words were full of confusion and contradictions.

This unusual performance caught the attention of the doctors, who recommended a further psychological evaluation of Chen Meimei.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

In the face of this unexpected ending, everyone realizes that the revelation of the truth is not the end of the story, but a new beginning. Behind Chen Meimei's behavior, there seems to be a deeper problem, and professional help is needed to solve this complex psychological mystery.

Under the persuasion of relatives, friends and reporters, Tang Aiju and his wife finally chose to forgive Chen Meili. They realized that their daughter's behavior might stem from some kind of mental illness and decided to seek professional help.

After a detailed diagnosis, Chen Meili was diagnosed with severe schizophrenia.

In the face of this cruel reality, Tang Aiju showed amazing courage and maternal love. She said firmly: "Beauty is my daughter no matter what." We'll be with her through this.

Because of her beauty, the girl firmly believes that she was not born to her rural parents, and wants to do a paternity test to find rich parents

Tang Aiju promised to fully support her daughter's treatment, hoping that Chen Meili could regain her health and return to normal life.

This deep parental love has brought new hope to a family that was once full of contradictions and pain. Although the road ahead is difficult, with the power of love, they believe that they will eventually usher in the dawn of rebirth.

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