
Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

author:Professor Kwan Quan

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Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

As the saying goes, how bold a person is, how prolific he is. 2024 is known as the year of change, with half of the world's population making world-changing choices next year. And at the beginning of this game, there was good news from the United States. That is, as the former president of the United States, Trump has already begun to warm up for this year's election. Even shouted that if Trump is not elected, the US stock market will crash, and even the US will repeat the Great Depression of 1929. Is the shadow of the Great Depression in the United States really coming? Is Trump's statement hype or economic truth?

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

Trump: Will US stocks crash?

The election has not yet come, but the struggle in the United States has begun, and Trump has even tied his fate to the fate of the United States, will Trump's defeat be the beginning of the Great Depression in the United States?

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

Recently, former U.S. President Joe Biden once again released a message, which is different from the previous attacks on Biden's governance ability, etc., but ties the fate of the United States to himself. He even threatened that if he lost the election, the United States would usher in the Great Depression of 1929, accompanied by a collapse in American stocks.

These words can be described as a stone that stirs up a thousand waves. Because what you are seeing now is that the US stock market has repeatedly hit new highs, why is there a sharp decline like in 1929?

And we should also remember that the source of chaos in the world was the Great Depression in the United States, which led to the outbreak of the Great War in Europe, and today, will all this happen again in the United States?

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

It may seem impossible today, but it is not without its concerns. Because we know that the essence of today's U.S. economy is driven by America's constant debt expansion. And according to the latest data, the US national debt has exceeded $34 trillion and is growing rapidly.

In addition to rapidly growing debt, the United States is now facing significant inflationary pressures. According to the data released by relevant U.S. agencies, Biden has raised prices in the U.S. by nearly 17% in four years.

And the most puzzling thing is that every time the data released by the United States is very bright, but every revision of the data will negate the data released every time, that is, the data moisture of the United States is relatively large.

Moreover, the United States is now facing a rather embarrassing situation, that is, whether to continue to raise interest rates or to cut interest rates? Because the rapidly rising debt of the United States has caused the cost of debt repayment to soar rapidly, and at the same time, the United States' own fiscal revenue has shrunk to a certain extent.

And what makes the United States even more anxious is that the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict all cost money, and now there is a looming Red Sea crisis. And all this requires the United States to come up with a huge amount of capital to stabilize the scene. What is more embarrassing is that the landlord's family has no surplus food.

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

So we see that the current Biden's support for Ukraine is more and more lip service, and even in the face of provocations from the Red Sea and Middle East countries, the United States, as the world hegemon, has become an ostrich and always dare not end.

And this indicates that the United States is now running out of financial resources. And now the only thing that the United States is still stable is the U.S. stock market. In 2020, Warren Buffett, as the god of investment, witnessed something he had not experienced in the first half of his life for half a year, with the United States plummeting and circuit breakers. And we all know that the U.S. stock market is the lifeblood of the United States, because it is the cornucopia of wealth of the American people.

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

And we have seen that in the past two years, in order to stabilize the US stocks, various manufacturing concepts in the United States have first AR and now AI, and under such high interest rates in the United States, can the United States still be stable? Moreover, since the beginning of this year, Wall Street's investment banks have been shrinking their business, so to speak, although the US stock market has not collapsed, there has been a chill on Wall Street.

At this time, Trump's statement is even more profound, after all, in 2020, Trump may have saved the building, and does Trump still have a chance today?

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

Is it hype or truth?

There must be truth behind the hype, and this also indicates that this year's United States may be playing out the big drama of 2020 again.

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

We all know that the election in the United States is nothing more than the people on the stage performing and the people in the audience shouting to their heart's content, until the advent of Trump changed all that. This game was unexpected. Biden defeated Trump and won the election in 20 years, and can Biden still do it today?

I guess it's more difficult. The current United States seems to be able to hold on, but the current United States has long been suffering from internal and external troubles. I want to raise interest rates to complete the harvest of the dollar tide, but at the moment, no big country has fallen.

At the same time, all kinds of data are falling, the only thing that does not fall is inflation in the United States and immigration data in the United States, and these two points are tearing apart American society.

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

We know that although the United States has always flaunted freedom, in fact, it is essentially a dream of making a fortune. Therefore, in the past, the consensus of the people was condensed through wealth, but today there are fewer and fewer consensuses, and there are more and more contradictions and confrontations.

And we can see it from the contradictions between various ethnic groups in the United States and the events that have taken place. And now the immigration data in the United States is still soaring, and these groups of people will tear the United States apart even more.

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

On the one hand, the rapidly expanding debts of the United States are waiting to be repaid, and on the other hand, the United States has encountered frequent temptations and provocations from various countries externally, but the United States has been indifferent. Even within the country, there is a risk of ethnic divisions.

It can be said that the United States has gathered almost all the forms of imperial decay, and now it is a fuse away. Could this be the trigger for the seemingly prosperous but crisis-ridden stock market in the United States?

I think Trump should see this more clearly. And at present, according to the poll data in the United States, Biden is lagging behind Trump, which means that Biden is in danger this year.

Will the Great Depression of 1929 be repeated? Trump: If I lose the election, the US stock market will face the biggest crash in history

But it may not necessarily be a bad thing for us, but we also need to be prepared for shocks. After all, the United States is still the world's largest power, and whatever problems arise will have a drastic impact.

In addition to building high walls, we also need to seize the opportunity, because the United States once benefited by providing a stable environment in times of chaos, and today we seem to have an advantage.

Therefore, it will be what we need to do to carry forward our advantages and make up for our shortcomings.

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