
You don't have to set your own alarm clock to grab tickets!12306 new features, rushing to the hot search

author:Shakespeare's Playhouse

Going home for the Spring Festival is everyone's expectation. However, at this time, the ticket grabbing becomes an uphill battle. Have you ever experienced such a scene: in order to buy a ticket home, you start to pay attention to the 12306 website a few days in advance, get up at 5 o'clock in the morning every day, and desperately refresh the page, hoping to grab the train and seat you want. However, as soon as you enter the verification code, you find that the tickets are sold out, and there are only a few tickets left without seats.

You can only give up helplessly, or continue to wait for someone to get a refund. If you think this kind of ticket-grabbing experience is too bad, then, you will definitely be interested in the new features of 12306. Recently, 12306 has introduced two new features that make it easier and more efficient to grab tickets. What are these two new features, and how do they benefit you?

You don't have to set your own alarm clock to grab tickets!12306 new features, rushing to the hot search

New function 1: Pre-fill ticket purchase requirements

As the name suggests, you need to pre-fill in the information of the passenger, train number, seat and other information on the day the ticket goes on sale, and then submit the order and complete the payment with one click when the ticket goes on sale. In this way, you no longer have to miss the golden time to grab tickets in order to enter information, nor do you need to stay up late or get up early to grab tickets, as long as you prepare in advance before the tickets go on sale, you can easily place an order.

You don't have to set your own alarm clock to grab tickets!12306 new features, rushing to the hot search

The benefits of this feature are obvious. It saves you time and energy, so that you don't have to worry and tire yourself to grab tickets. It also improves your success rate of grabbing tickets, giving you a greater chance of buying the tickets you want. It also reduces the pressure on the server of 12306, making the ticket grabbing process smoother and more stable.

You don't have to set your own alarm clock to grab tickets!12306 new features, rushing to the hot search

New feature 2: Subscription reminders

The start sale reminder subscription allows you to set multiple reminders through the system in advance according to the ticket start time, so that you can submit the ticket purchase order in time. In this way, you no longer have to worry about forgetting the time to grab tickets, and you don't have to worry about missing the opportunity to grab tickets, as long as you log in to 12306 in time after receiving a reminder, you can grab a ticket.

You don't have to set your own alarm clock to grab tickets!12306 new features, rushing to the hot search

The benefits of this feature are also obvious. It reminds you of the time to grab your ticket, so you don't have to worry about remembering all kinds of complicated times. It also improves your ticket grabbing efficiency, so that you don't have to waste time waiting for tickets to grab. It also increases your confidence in grabbing tickets, so that you don't have to be disappointed when you can't grab tickets.

You don't have to set your own alarm clock to grab tickets!12306 new features, rushing to the hot search


The two new functions of 12306, pre-filling of ticket purchase requirements and subscription of sales reminders, provide a more convenient and efficient ticket-grabbing experience for the majority of passengers. No longer worry about staying up late and getting up early, fill in the ticket purchase requirements in advance, and place an order with one click. By subscribing to the start sale reminder, you don't have to worry about missing the ticket grabbing time, receive timely reminders, and easily snap up your favorite tickets. The launch of these two new features undoubtedly solves the problem of ticket grabbing for passengers and makes the pace of returning home for the Spring Festival more relaxed. Ticket grabbing is no longer an uphill battle, but a simple and effective operation.

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