
The importance of the first glass of water in the morning, the right time to drink water, the best way to start the day healthily

author:Dr. Chan Hua-hsien

When you wake up from sleep, your body has experienced a night of rest and repair, but at the same time, it has unknowingly lost valuable water. Did you know that the first glass of water in the morning is like filling a machine that has not been started for a long time, not only to quench your thirst, but also to start the "engine" of the day for your body.

Imagine that your body is like a dry land that is in desperate need of moisture to moisturize and wake up after a night of waiting. This first glass of water is more than just any drink, it has the magic to kick-start your metabolism, remove toxins and prepare you for the challenges of the day. But do you know when and how to drink water correctly? Drinking water may seem like the easiest thing to do, but when done right, it can do more than you think.

The importance of the first glass of water in the morning, the right time to drink water, the best way to start the day healthily

A glass of water in the morning: the first step to wake up the body

During our sleep, the body is still working continuously for various metabolic activities. In this process, we not only lose water, but also produce metabolic waste. Therefore, the first glass of water in the morning is not only to replenish lost water, but also to help the body remove these waste products and prepare for the day.

Nocturnal metabolism and water loss

At night, even though we don't feel thirsty, our bodies are constantly losing water through breathing, sweating, etc. Our kidneys and livers are still active at night, processing waste products from our bodies. This means that when you wake up, your body is already slightly dehydrated and has accumulated some metabolic waste.

Wake up your metabolism

The first glass of water in the morning, especially lukewarm, stimulates intestinal peristalsis, helps remove waste from the body, and awakens the body's metabolic functions. Some studies have even shown that drinking water in moderation in the morning can boost blood circulation and increase metabolic rate, which is a good Xi that should not be ignored for those who are concerned about weight management.

Get ready for the day

By hydrating, we are actually restarting our body's functions. Water is the source of life, and it is involved in almost every biochemical reaction in the body. Drinking water in the morning is not only to quench thirst, but also to activate various physiological functions of the body, including digestion, circulation and temperature regulation, so that we can better prepare for the new day.

The importance of the first glass of water in the morning, the right time to drink water, the best way to start the day healthily

"Water time": the ideal time of day to drink water

When discussing the ideal time of day to drink water, we not only focus on hydration, but also consider its impact on body function. The following content is based on scientific research and daily life practices to provide you with concrete and practical guidance on drinking water.

1. Wake up in the morning: Wake up the body with the first glass of water

Drinking water in the morning, especially in the first 30 minutes after waking up, is extremely important for the body. Hydration at this time helps to activate the body's metabolism and remove toxins that accumulate during the night, while providing lubrication to the gastrointestinal tract and preventing constipation. It is recommended to drink warm water, which does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and is quickly absorbed by the body.

2. Before eating: Prepare a digestive fluid hand

Drinking water about half an hour before a meal can prepare your digestive system for upcoming activities, and at the same time, drinking water in moderation can also help you avoid overeating. Be careful not to drink excessively cold or hot water to avoid irritating the gastric mucosa.

3. Before and after a workout: A source of water for active muscles

Drinking plenty of water before exercise can ensure that your body maintains a water balance during exercise and reduces the risk of dehydration. Hydration after exercise is key to restoring strength and muscle function. Especially after high-intensity or prolonged exercise, timely hydration is essential for recovery.

4. Before bed: The key to nighttime hydration

Drinking plenty of water an hour before bedtime can prevent nighttime dehydration, but it's also important to avoid drinking too much water that can cause frequent wake-ups at night. The right amount of water can help the body maintain physiological balance during the night and promote the body's natural repair process.

The importance of the first glass of water in the morning, the right time to drink water, the best way to start the day healthily

Drinking water in the morning: the key to kicking off the health engine

In our daily lives, we often ignore the simplest and most basic health Xi, and drinking water in the morning is one of them. This seemingly ordinary behavior actually has a profound impact on our physical health.

1. Drinking water in the morning and the body's activation mechanism

When we sleep, our bodies are still functioning, repairing and detoxifying. When we wake up in the morning, our bodies are in a state of dehydration. At this time, a glass of water not only replenishes the lost water, but also helps to cleanse and activate the internal organs. In fact, drinking water in the morning can promote intestinal peristalsis, help the body to remove toxins, and also provide the necessary liquid environment for the body's metabolic activities.

2. How to choose the right way to drink water

There are a few things to note about the way to drink water in the morning:

Water temperature choice: Room temperature water or lukewarm water is the best choice as they are less irritating to the stomach and intestines.

Water intake: It is generally recommended to drink about 200-300 ml, excessive water consumption may cause unnecessary burden on the kidneys.

The importance of the first glass of water in the morning, the right time to drink water, the best way to start the day healthily

3. Combine drinking water in the morning with a healthy lifestyle throughout the day

Drinking water in the morning is only part of a healthy lifestyle. In order to improve your health in an all-round way, you also need to pay attention to the following points:

Balanced diet: Mix meals reasonably to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

Moderate exercise: Regular and appropriate physical activities can promote blood circulation and enhance physical functions.

Get enough sleep: Get enough sleep and good sleep quality to support your body's self-healing process.

4. Implement it on a daily basis: Simple and practical advice

Place a glass of water at the head of the bed as the first action after waking up in the morning.

Adjust your water intake and temperature to find what works best for you.

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