
Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

author:Lu Jingjin 7
Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

In rural China, ceremonies have always been an indispensable and important part of people's lives.

In recent years, problems such as the increasing scale of red and white ceremonies in rural areas and the frequent appearance of vulgar programs have gradually attracted social attention.

Behind these phenomena are the increasing number of people looking for help, the increasing pressure on expenses, and the sadness of loss.

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

We need to reflect on and explore how to maintain the spiritual core of traditional celebrations and avoid over-commercialization.

Weddings, funerals and other celebrations in rural areas have always been a big and important event.

With economic development and social progress, these traditional ceremonies also began to become luxurious and costly.

Hometown food and wine are put on the table, the stage lighting effects are beautiful and charming, and even a professional performance team participates.

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

The "bigger and bigger" mentality has led many families to go out of their way to prepare for the "perfect" celebration in order to show what they are capable of.

Behind this prosperity lies a series of problems.

The first is the phenomenon of frequent vulgar programs.

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

In order to attract people's attention and praise, some red and white ceremonies have become more and more vulgar, low-level, and lack artistic and cultural connotation.

The team of "helpers" has also gradually expanded, from relatives and friends at the beginning to a specially organized team today, and even professional hosts and other personnel have joined them.

As a result, many rural households are not only under huge financial pressures, but also under the weight of social expectations and evaluations.

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

Expressing emotions in red and white ceremonies has lost its true meaning.

"The more white things are done, the more they are like happy events", so that funerals and other sad occasions lack the contemplative and mourning atmosphere they deserve.

Excessively catering to the objective environment and the expectations of others, many families began to cover up their true emotions with luxurious decorations, bouquet feasts, etc., and did not give the deceased due respect and mourning.

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

"Origami Style" is being widely disseminated in the countryside and is beginning to influence the elegance of celebrations.

Origami is an ancient and simple art form, meaning auspiciousness, beauty and good harvest, and has an important position in red and white ceremonies.

Now it is being used commercially, and it is becoming more and more like chewing curd.

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

In the pursuit of uniqueness and peculiar effects, people overemphasize the appearance and visual impact, so that the original noble and elegant folding skills gradually degenerate into a kind of vain and tasteless materialized performance.

For these problems, we should not only stop at criticism and accusation, but also think deeply about how to solve them.

We need to return to the core of traditional culture, re-endow red and white ceremonies with their due spiritual significance, and strengthen relevant education and guidance.

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

At the same time, it is also necessary to increase supervision and restraint on vulgar programs and commercial behaviors.

All sectors of society should work together to promote the concept of "stopping in moderation" and safeguard the actual economic capacity of families by improving laws and regulations and establishing incentive mechanisms.

The phenomenon of "red and white ceremonies in rural areas: the bigger they are, the more they are handled," must arouse our vigilance.

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

Only by starting from the core of traditional culture, strengthening education and guidance, and supervising the mechanism of comprehensive means can we maintain the purity and beauty of the celebrations, and at the same time, at the same time, the rural people will no longer be burdened with great pressure when enjoying the festive moments, and return to sincere emotions and thoughtfulness.

Let the red and white ceremonies rejuvenate in rural China, and bring more laughter and heart-warming scenes to the countryside.

Rural red and white ceremonies, several major phenomena of stronger flavor, think about it carefully, make people feel sad!

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