
A reminder to all people who have been taking medicine for a long time: these types of drugs should not be taken for a long time and have health risks

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

Sometimes "getting sick" is something we can't predict, such as staying up late recently, resulting in a decrease in immunity, resulting in fever and cold, which is very common, and there are also chronic diseases due to long-term bad living habits.

A reminder to all people who have been taking medicine for a long time: these types of drugs should not be taken for a long time and have health risks

Here, it is not recommended that you take medicine indiscriminately when you are sick, or become a "doctor" yourself, and the wrong medication, or multiple medications, are easy to bring health risks. At the same time, it is also necessary to remind all people who have been taking medicine for a long time: these types of drugs should not be taken for a long time and have potential health risks.

Hormone drugs: Many people are no strangers to hormone drugs, especially patients with allergic rhinitis and skin diseases, etc., should pay attention to the use time of the drug, and know that long-term application of hormone drugs is very likely to have side effects.

A reminder to all people who have been taking medicine for a long time: these types of drugs should not be taken for a long time and have health risks

For example, if you are a patient with skin diseases, occasionally using hormone drugs under the doctor's instructions can play an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic role, but if you use hormone drugs for a long time, it is easy to damage the protective barrier of the skin, resulting in thinning of the stratum corneum, increasing sensitive skin, such as allergies, skin laxity, blood redness, swelling and other manifestations, and even causing skin irritation, such as inflammation such as folliculitis.

At the same time, it should not be ignored that after long-term use of hormone ointments, once the drug is suddenly stopped or the dose is reduced too quickly, it may aggravate the condition, as well as symptoms that did not appear in the original disease, such as malaise, dizziness, brain fever, muscle aches, fatigue and weakness.

A reminder to all people who have been taking medicine for a long time: these types of drugs should not be taken for a long time and have health risks

If patients with allergic rhinitis use hormone drugs for a long time, it is more likely to cause nasal dryness and increase the probability of drug-induced rhinitis.

Antibiotic drugs: It is important to know that antibiotic drugs should not be eaten indiscriminately or taken for a long time. Antibiotics are used to diagnose and treat bacterial infections, which can quickly kill bacteria, but if you take antibiotics indiscriminately, you are very likely to have a series of allergic reactions, such as itching, redness, swelling, etc., if you take antibiotics indiscriminately and do not follow the doctor's instructions.

A reminder to all people who have been taking medicine for a long time: these types of drugs should not be taken for a long time and have health risks

In addition, there are also patients who have gastrointestinal mucosal irritation due to indiscriminate use of antibiotics, such as indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting and other physical discomfort. It should not be underestimated that antibiotics may also harm the metabolism of the liver and kidneys and increase the burden on metabolic organs.

Not only that, wild vegetables such as dandelion and purslane, which are known as "natural antibiotics", are considered to be slightly cold foods in traditional Chinese medicine, and they are also not recommended to be consumed in excess and for a long time, depending on the physical condition.


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