
Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

author:Lao Li Health said

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In this digital age, smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives.

At night, when it's quiet, many people are Xi picking up their phones after lights out, browsing social media, watching videos or reading e-books. However, recent warnings from doctors have forced people to rethink this Xi: Is it really safe to use mobile phones in the dark?

Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

In an ordinary family, Xiaohua is a high school student. He has a common Xi of lying in bed and using his phone late into the night every night. At first, Xiaohua didn't feel any discomfort.

But as time went on, he began to notice that his vision was blurring and he even had difficulty seeing the handwriting on the blackboard clearly during class. Xiaohua's mother noticed the change and took him to see an ophthalmologist.

Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

After the examination, the doctor told them that Xiaohua's vision loss had a lot to do with his long use of his mobile phone in the dark. The doctor explained that the eyes need to adjust to the brightness of the screen in dark environments, which can lead to eye fatigue and even accelerate the progression of myopia for a long time.

Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

Protecting your eyesight should start with changing your daily Xi. To protect our eyes, we should reduce the amount of time we spend using our phones in low-light environments, and make sure that our surroundings are well-lit before using them.

Grandma Li is a retired teacher. She has a Xi of watching the news on her phone every night before going to bed. As she grew older, she noticed that her sleep quality gradually deteriorated, and she often tossed and turned and had difficulty falling asleep.

Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

By chance, she saw a health program on TV that mentioned that the use of electronic devices before bedtime may interfere with a person's biological clock, which can affect the quality of sleep.

Protecting your health is more than just protecting your eyesight. To improve sleep quality, we should avoid using electronic devices before bedtime, especially in dark environments. Not only does this help protect your eyes, but it also helps you adjust your body clock and get enough sleep.

Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

In this era of electronic screens, it is especially important to learn to use electronic devices correctly to protect our eyes and health. Our health is a precious asset given by our parents, and we should cherish and protect it properly.

To take better care of our eyes and sleep, there are some simple and effective measures we can take. For example, when using your phone or computer, rest your eyes every once in a while, look out the window, and relax your eye muscles.

Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

At the same time, the brightness of the device's screen can be adjusted to adapt to the light of the surrounding environment, reducing irritation to the eyes. At night, before going to bed, try to stop using electronic devices one hour earlier to allow your body and brain to gradually enter a state of relaxation and prepare for a high-quality sleep.

Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

Of course, in addition to changing our daily Xi, there are other ways we can protect our eye health. For example, eat more foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots and spinach, which can help maintain eye health. At the same time, maintaining a good routine and ensuring adequate sleep are also important factors in maintaining eye health.

Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

"The green mountains can't cover it, after all, it flows eastward. This verse implies that no matter how hard we try to cover up, the passage of time is inevitable. Similarly, our health can change over time, so we should cherish it and protect it.

By changing our daily Xi and adopting a scientific and rational lifestyle, we can not only protect our eyes, but also improve our overall quality of life and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore

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Is it harmful to the eyes to turn off the lights and look at your phone? Doctor: After turning off the lights, don't do these things anymore