
"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

Uncle Liu is 68 years old this year, and he has heard the saying "people are old and have two difficulties, and if they survive it, they will live a long life".

As he grew older, he began to wonder when these two hurdles were, and he was worried that he would not be able to get through them.

Seeing that he was worried every day, he couldn't eat or sleep well, and persuaded him: "Don't believe that, it's important to have a good attitude and a good body, what do you want to do with those useless things?"

Uncle Liu is still not at ease, when are the two hurdles that the elderly have endured?

"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

1. People live a long life after two hurdles, what year are these "two hurdles"?

A 2019 study published in the journal Nature Medicine by Harvard University in the United States showed that the body's protein levels fluctuate throughout life, with particularly significant changes at the ages of 34, 60 and 78.

"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

The researchers analyzed 4,263 subjects aged 18 to 95 and found that the number of proteins associated with aging peaked at the age of 34, 60 and 78, while the protein level remained relatively constant at other times.

That is to say, there will be these three turning points of aging in this life, and after getting old, 60 and 78 years old are the "two hurdles" in life.

When aging accelerates, the elderly will face the following three high-incidence diseases!

1. High incidence of cardiovascular diseases

Huang Puzhong, chief physician of the Department of Ultrasound Medicine of Jinqiu Hospital in Liaoning Province, pointed out that 62% of people over the age of 40 in mainland China have varying degrees of cardiovascular disease or risk factors. After the age of 40, the heart begins to age, which becomes a hurdle for the health of the human heart.

"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

2. High incidence of cancer

According to a study in the Chinese Cancer Research, the risk of cancer is low under the age of 30, but the risk of cancer increases after the age of 40, and the risk of cancer reaches its peak between the ages of 80 and 84.

3. Bones become brittle

Zou Shien, chief physician of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University, pointed out that women's bone mass peaked at the age of 35, and then began to slowly lose. After the age of 40, bone mass loss is 10% every ten years, and bone loss is more obvious after menopause, and it is easy to be targeted by osteoporosis.

"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

2. If there are 4 manifestations in the body, it may indicate that aging has come

Guo Peng, chief physician of the Department of Hepatology, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, reminded that if the body shows the following manifestations, it may be a sign of aging!

Vascular signal: When the human body ages, the elasticity of blood vessels will continue to decline, thereby inducing diseases such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes.

Oral signals: After a person reaches the age of 40, the tongue and teeth will slowly age, and symptoms such as tooth sensitivity, gum recession, loose teeth, and taste loss will appear.

"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

Heart signals: With age, heart function will continue to decline, and symptoms such as breathlessness, angina, and arrhythmia will appear after a little exercise.

Gastrointestinal signals: When people get older, their gastrointestinal peristalsis ability weakens after eating, and symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, and constipation may occur.

"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

Third, these daily bad Xi will accelerate aging, it is recommended to correct them as soon as possible

Unhealthy lifestyle Xi will accelerate the occurrence of aging, it is recommended to quit these Xi habits that will accelerate aging after the age of 34!

Sedentary lifestyle: Sedentary life can lead to fat accumulation in the waist, abdomen, and buttocks, increasing the risk of obesity, and sedentary life can also affect men's prostate health.

Smoking: A study published in the New England Journal found that smoking reduces life expectancy by at least ten years, and quitting smoking early is good for your health.

"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

Love to drink cold drinks: Drinking cold drinks all the time can damage the spleen and stomach, and may even affect appetite, so quit cold drinks.

Love to eat braised vegetables: Braised vegetables need to be fried before cooking, and high-temperature frying may produce carcinogens heterocyclic amines, increasing the risk of cancer, so it is necessary to eat less braised dishes.

Staying up late: Staying up late often can lead to lack of sleep and can also affect your health, so you should usually avoid staying up late often.

"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

High-salt diet: A high-salt diet can lead to stomach cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, stroke and other diseases, so it is important to avoid a high-salt diet.

Guo Yifang, vice president of Hebei Provincial People's Hospital, pointed out that if you want to avoid premature aging, you should insist on exercising, control your weight, maintain optimism and curiosity, ensure a reasonable diet, ensure adequate sleep, and do a good job of reasonable skin care.

"If a person gets through two hurdles, he will live a long life if he survives them"? What are these "two hurdles"? Understand and benefit early

In order to prevent aging, we must develop a healthy lifestyle Xi habits and quit some unhealthy Xi habits that accelerate aging.


[1] "The body will send these 4 signals when aging!Hurry up and self-examine the symptoms!".Health Times.2022-01-26

[2] "There are 3 turning points in aging in your life! I advise you to quit these Xi after the age of 34, because it is related to health and longevity!". CCTV Life Circle.2021-07-13

[3] "Signs of Aging from Head to Toe!Only by Timely Detection Can Timely Anti-Aging!", Health Times.2023-04-06

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